Immortal Forever

The Dance

“Just go Damen. I’ll be fine.” I say.

“Rose I can’t leave you alone here.”

“Vesper and Raven will be here soon. Plus you can’t keep Amber waiting. Imagine how pissed she’ll be.”

“Rose..,” he says sounding sad.

I fix his tie as I blink away my tears. “Please Damen. I’ll be okay for five minutes.”

“No.” he says as the doorbell rings.

“See you won. Now answer the door.”

As Damen opens the door I hear Raven squeal.

“Oh Rose! You look hot!” she says as she eyes me from head to toe.
I had to admit I looked good. My dress was cute. Not something I would have normally bought within the last two years. Not since my downfall. But I had a new spark in me. I had on black tights under my dress and black platforms. With how short I was I looked tall, but the heels didn’t kill my feet. I also had my hair in a messy bun with curls falling from it.

“Except the hair.”

“What?” I say kind of shocked.

She walks behind me and lets bun out of my hair. My hair falls in a wave down my back. She runs her hands in it a bit and turns me toward the mirror on the stairway.

“There. Much better.”

“Oh. Thanks Raven.”

And she’s right. It looks good. Just like her wild but sleek mane of black hair that she curled at the ends.

“Bye Roza. I’ll see you soon.” Damen says as he leaves.

I pout at my reflection in the mirror.

“Ya know if you didn’t want him going with her you should have discussed it before she had a chance to ask him.”

“I tried. He thought I wanted to talk about Vesper. It’s when we did’t know who Vesper was and Damen couldn’t tell me. I wanted to know. So I pushed and I ended up pushing him away from any other discussions that day. Then when she asked I blocked him out. It’s my own fault.”

“It also would’ve looked bad. Both of you leaving at the same time.”

“It’s already going to look bad. The four of us are going to be leaving all at the same time.”

They stay quiet but I ignore it as I grab my studded clutch and say “Come on. Let’s go.”

When we arrive at the school we get in line with our tickets right behind Amber and Damen as Eddie comes up behind us.

“Rose, hey babe.”

“Hey Eddie,” I say uncomfortably as Amber and Damen turn around.

“Save a dance for me okay? I know you’ll have guys lined up like always.”

“Um I haven’t had guys lined up since I dated you. All the guys think I slept with them remember?”


“Well we have Amber to thank for that don’t we?” I say as I smile at her.

“Watch it you whore. I have more power around here than you think.”

“Oh trust have no idea what I think. But I know everything. that you think. I was your best friend remember?”

“Yeah. Unfortunately I do remember. Can you believe I was best friends with her Damen baby?”

“I’m friends with her Amber and no I can’t believe it because Rose told me everything. I don’t know how you could do that to another person.”

As Damen says this Amber’s face pales as she turns back around to hand the teacher at the door her tickets.

Once we’re all inside we’re greated by Jake, Josh, Kevin, and Chris.

“Hey Rose lookin’ good,” they all say as they each hug me.

“Damen I don’t know why you didn’t snag Rose up instead of Amber,” Chris says.

“Wasn’t really a chance,” he says as he walks away toward Amber and her friends.

“Plus I’ll dance with her all night.” says Eddie as he comes up behind me. He wraps his arms around me and whispes, “Just one dance Rose. Please.”

I knew if I didn’t say yes he’d be bugging me all night. “Fine. First slow dance only.”

After that he disappears while Jake, Josh, Kevin, Chris, Vesper, Raven, and I dance in a big group.

As the first slow dance begins everyone breaks off. Eddie comes up to me and puts his hands on my waist. I feel stiff.

“Rose relax.” he says patting my head down onto his shoulder.

I close my eyes for just a second and as I open them I see Damen dancing with Amber. He looks at me sadly.

Roza I’m so sorry.
Are you really? I mean think about it, you’re dancing with the prettiest girl in the school right now. You’re the guy that all the guys envy.
My names Eddie?
Shut up.
It’s true Roza. You’re the prettiest. You’re the one I want to dance with all night.

“I’ve missed us Rose. I wish we could get back together.”

“You honestly think I would get back together with you?”

I’d kill him.

“No. That’s why I won’t ask. I don’t want to be rejected.”

“Just tell me one thing Eddie. Did you come onto Raven or did she come after you?”

Rose? Do you really want to know that?
Yes. I do.

“Honestly? I guess it was both. We both tried to pull away but I begged her to stay in the end. Then Amber...well it’s Amber. She’s a manipulative bitch. She got your precious
Damen didn’t she?”

Something about the wording of that should have caught my attention. Or at least bothered me a little but I shrugged it off.

“Yeah. She did. Thank you for telling me the truth.”

“Your welcome. After all this...I at least owed you part of the truth.”

As the dance ends another begins and Amber and I trade partners. Damen takes my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

“Oh Rose...are you okay bella?”

“I’m fine. Just hold me okay?”

Later that night I feel exhausted from dancing. I turn to Raven as Vesper and Damen talk and joke around.

“I’m going out for a breathe of fresh air okay? I’ll be right back.”

“Okay I’ll cover for you, you need a minute alone,” she says.

I slip outside and lean against the cold rough brick. I take a few deep breathes and close my eyes as I try to relax. As soon as I calm down though I hear the door slam shut. I jump.
“Oh god Amber you scared me.”

“I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk for a second.”

I look at her surprised. “Okay...about what?”

“I’m sorry. About everything. I was jealous of you. I know I stole Damen too. After all I did. He’s right. I’m awful. I’m bitch. I’m shocked that you and Raven didn’t take me down after that....”

“Raven wanted too...but I’m not that type of person Amber. You should know that by now.”

“I know. I do. After seeing you show up tonight...I mean look at look great. All the guys were whispering about you. They still all want you and I...I miss you.”

“You miss me?”

“We were great friends when we were friends. I miss us. Our days of shopping. Our sleepovers...I miss hanging out with Raven too. You found it in your heart to forgive
Raven...can you forgive me?” she says quietly.

I stand there in complete shock.

Rose? Where the hell are you? Are you okay?
I’m okay...just in shock...I’m outside with Amber. She wants us to be friends again...?
Oh...well...what are you going to say?
I don’t know.

“I don’t know if I can. We can try I guess. But...I’m leaving soon. To a different school on a scholarship...It’s going to take a lot of work for me to forgive you Amber.”

“I understand that. I really do,” she says as she hugs me.

“Okay. Then we’ll try.”

“I’ll even back off of Damen. When you were dancing with Eddie...he was staring at you. I think he’s in love with you and I know you’re crazy about him. I can tell.” she says smiling.

“Yeah...I am...”

Amber puts her arm around my shoulder as she says, “Come on. Inside. It’s cold out here. Plus a few more dances and it’s my after party.”

I follow her inside and when Raven sees us I say, “You have to apologize to Raven too.”

“Well duh. That’s why we’re walking over to her!”

As we walk up to Raven she says, “Ummm Rose have you been drinking?”

I laugh as Amber says, “No. But we talked. It’s going to take work but she’s going to try to forgive me. I’m going to make up for what I’ve done to you guys. I’ve missed you both. We were unstoppable. We had fun together. I know this may be impossible but I want us back again.”

Raven stands there for a moment baffled then she says, “I don’t know if I can...”

Raven looks at me. I try to give her a look that says, ‘Hey I know this is a one in a million chance but hell we only have two weeks left. Might as well give it a shot.’

“Fine. I’ll give it a shot. But only because of Rose. If she had said no I would’ve been right next to her.”

“Okay.” Amber says. Then she hugs us both.

“Ladies.” Damen says surprised.

“Hey Damen.” Amber says smiling, “We’re gonna switch dates. I’m gonna take Eddie off Rose’s hands and teach that boy a lesson. You can hang out with Rose.”

“That sounds like a fantastic deal.” he says.

On the floor he holds me as we dance.

“Rose.” he whispers in my ear.

“I know what you’re thinking. But we only have two weeks left. Might as well let her feel good about herself before I’m gone. Right?”

“You’re so good. How did you get so sweet?”

“Oh I don’t know,” I say blushing.

“You’re beautiful. Although I’m not letting Amber get in a car with Eddie to go to her house. Not after what he tried to do to you at that party.”

“Oh no of course not. Actually she probably needs help setting up. I’m sure she was gonna have you do that anyway.” I say looking up at him.

As the last song ends we tell Amber we’ll help her set up.

I feel eyes on my back as I hold onto Damen’s arm while we’re walking out the doors. As I turn around I find Eddie staring.

“Ddddamen.” I stutter.

He turns to look at Eddie. Then he sees what I see. The color of Eddie’s eyes. The bright bold color.

Damen doesn’t say a word. Instead he helps me and Amber into the car. Getting in only after Jake, Josh, Kevin, Chris, Vesper, and Raven are all in their cars.

As he pulls away I hear him mutter, “I don’t trust that boy. I think Rose was right about one thing.”
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kinda surprised right? comment && subscribe (:

ooh hears rose's dress (: