Immortal Forever


"What do you mean by awaken me?"
"To make you a full fledged vampire you need to trade blood with someone your own age."
"Oh so you are sixteen."
"Yes I am."
"If I've been chosen then why do I need to trade blood with you?"
"I didn't say it was me."
"Is it?"

"Thought so. I may not be in touch with my father but I know how he thinks, kay? Cuz, I for sure didn't get my smarts from my mom. Sorry about her by the way. I told you I needed to get home."
"Your not anything like your mother. But it's amazing how you take care of them. I wonder....does she know of your gift? And if so is that why she is how she is? And what will happen to your brother and sister?"

"You ask a lot of questions, but thank you. She acts that way because of what my father is. She doesn't know about me. I mentioned it once and I never brought it up again. My brother and sister will be fine. I'm not going anywhere."

"I never said you were."
"Umm excuse me but I can read minds too remember? Oh I can also read your inner thoughts. Like in the back of your mind. So watch what your thinkin'. I know you want to take me away to change me and officially meet the council but I answer with a hell no."

"You have to."

And with that I blacked out for the second time that night.

OOOHHHH the pain in my neck!! What the fuck!! What happened? Oh yeah blood sucking bat freak said I had to leave. I said no and WHAM!! here I am. Wait....pain in my neck....changing me...OH SHIT!!!"
"Rose....ROSE!! Are you awake....?"
"I hate you. You changed me didn't you! That's what the pain in my neck is from?!"
"I did bite you....but your not completely changed. You have to drink from me....."

Hell no. I send with forceful power, he winces.
"Do you want to die as a young bride, princess?"
"Not exactly....but why do you keep calling me princess?"
"The other news I have come to bare."
"That's not an answer."

"No need for your sarcasm. I'm calling you princess because your father has just been named Lord or your human word, King of all Vampires. You are his daughter therefore you are the Princess."

"I don't want to be a princess."
"I know."
"My neck hurts." It hurts

"Let me take the pain away."
"How?" Please?
"My blood Roza."
"Oh...." Oh....
I sit and think about whether i really want this. No not really, but I know enough of my fathers world to know that if I did not comply, I would be killed.
Damen sits next to me laying on the couch. I sit up as he takes of his shirt and makes a slit on his chest with his pocket knife. I could smell it.
Strong. Sweet. I craved it as my mouth filled with desire.

Then I don't know how to describe it. It was sparks, fireworks, lightning and thunder. It was what I'd wanted. A real connection. I could feel his mind. Not in the normal sense. Or what was normal for me, but like we had collided. Like we had been burned into each other destined to be together. I could feel his mind wrap around me. Feel his arms hold me closer, tighter. The warmth of his body and the warmth of his blood down my throat.
Wait...blood down my throat. Is this suppose to be happening?
Err no...this has never happened to me before. Trust me.

"Uggh it's me I don't trust," I say aloud.
"You couldn't possibly mean that Rose."
"But I do Damen, but I do."
"Shhhhh. Your getting tired. I think you've taken enough for tonight."

He released the hold he had of me to his chest and just held me to him. Then I fell peacefully to sleep.
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