Immortal Forever


It was Monday morning. Damen had left but I knew he'd be back. He didn't just leave while I was sleeping for nothing. I knew that, I had his note in my pocket.
I walked up to River View High and put up my guard. A hoodie and iPod. Its really my only way to drown out the noise. The colors and inner thoughts of others. Their deepest secrets. It was like having a wave come crashing over me every morning. A wave of darkness and redemption. Nothing like a tropical ocean bottom but like a dark stormy sea.
"Hey Rose hows the princess of darkness??" laughter. Always laughter. Princess...that's what Damen kept calling me. My father, could he really be Lord of all vampires? How else would Damen know though. It was the only logical explanation.

"Class this is our new student Damen. He will be attending RVH for the next few weeks," said Mr. Rossger. There he was. Damen. Tall dark and handsome. Shit watch your thoughts Rose. Listen to the others...
"Hoottt. He WILL be mine." thought Amber. Huh amber we'll have to see about that.

" Why only a few weeks?" Amber said. "My father is here for temporary placement at a firm. We have no family so I go with everywhere he travels." "Oh." "Please have a seat next to ummm ahh next to Rose please."

I didn't speak a word to him all day and vise versa. So as I'm leaving I'm surprised to hear him. "Rose. Wait please?" "Oh my god. Hot new Damen wants to talk to you! Maybe he wants to borrow your notes for EVERY class you have with him," says Raven my best friend since and the only one who gets me.

I wait for him to catch up with me while Raven departs heading towards the beautiful mansions in Hill Side Reserves in the opposite direction.
"Hello Rose." "Damen."
"How's your neck?" "Wow so nice of you to ask since when I woke up I thought I'd been like...Oh I don't know drugged and hallucinating."
"I didn't mean to leave you like that." "Uh huh sure. Will you just tell me what you want?" He simply looks at me. Hurt?
"I have been given the job of coming for you and changing you so your father can present you before the council." By this time we were in the woods.
So I stopped. "What do you mean the council?? Can't I just come as a plain immortal??"
I hadn't missed the word job.
"If you came in front of the council as the Vampire Lords Vampire Princess daughter without being a vampire, well simply states they would kill you. Simply being immortal isn't enough."

I can hear his thoughts as we walk. I act as if I'm thinking. "Damen." "Yes?" "You were Immortal. My father changed you?" I say it as a question rather than a fact even though I know it is the truth. He doesn't hesitate. "Yes." "So your returning the favor huh?" "Yes."
We walk on.
"How many more times do we need to exchange blood?" "Five. I know it seems like a lot but this way you can sort out your life here. End with your friends and school on the right foot." "Oh."

We come upon my front door. He leans into my face and says, "May I come in Rose?" "Truthfully I see no harm." "Good. I promise I won't bite. Unless you want me too," he says with a wicked grin.
I grin and tease back with only a little sarcasm, "Well it just felt sooo good."

As I'm setting my bag down I go into the kitchen and he follows. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. I can feel his breath on my neck. His sweet smell fills me.
"You know I can bite you and you don't have to take blood from me. It would be for pleasure, almost like a feeding but with the um thrill it won't harm you."
I think and say, "What about Amber??" I had seen him flirting with her at lunch.

"What about her?" he whispers. I can see his thoughts. How he wants to make me happy and feel the yearning I did three nights before. How he wants to fill that need. To hold me and make up for leaving like he did.
I turn around and let him keep a hold on my waist and gaze into his light blue gray eyes. "Nothing I guess."
I smile and lead him to my room thankful my mom was out and that my brother and sister were on a field trip for the week in Washington D.C.
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I would love to keep writing but my eyes are closing as I speak. I'll write more soon. Please subscribe and comment!! Thanks!! :)