Immortal Forever

Pleasure Seeking

"Let go-a me you ass!"

Damen punches him. "Careful with your mouth runt. I might have to close it for good."
More punches, I put my shirt on.

"Damen! Stop it! Let go!"
"The faggot deserves it!"

People run of the house they start cheering for a fight. Amber comes up frazzled, eyes wide. Someone was getting it on.

"Eddie! Stop! Let go of Damen! It's not worth gettin' the police called on us is it?!"
"Eddie, Amber's right. A neighbors gonna call the cops if you guys don't quit," I say.
Eddie backs up. Damen keeps going. Eddie says, "Chill man."

I grab Damens arm. Amber grabs his other. We pull him back while Raven grabs Eddie.
Amber says, "Everyone better get out of here before the cops show. Now."

Raven heads for her car. Asks me if I want a ride, I look at Damen and shake my head no.
We're both quiet for a while as we head for his car. The fight had shaken away my drunken daze.
"Why did you come in like that?," I ask. He stays quiet and instead speaks in his head.
He was going to use you.
How did you know where I was?

He hesitates.
I was with Amber. She had asked Eddie to distract you while she tried to 'get in my pants' as you put it earlier. Taking advantage of you isn't what she had had in mind with Eddie.
Why were you with Amber?
I had been drinking.
That's not an excuse.
It's the one you were going to use.

I look down and away, to embarrassed to look him in the eyes. I am unable to lie to his face or to even lie while looking away. He affects me that much.
I thought I loved him Damen. That's different.
It's really not. He slept with Amber and Raven didn't he?
That's not the whole story.
Then what is?!

He slams his hands on the wheel as he swerves and brakes to a stop in the front parking lot of Sally's Diner.
I sit still completely stunned by his sudden anger. He says, "I'm sorry Rose," as he steps out if the car. He walks into the diner and I follow.
We sit in silence until after we order.

"I'll tell you the story if you'll listen. "
"Of course I'll listen. I always do."

Just as I'm about to start to tell him the story the waitress comes with our drinks and food as the door rings to signal people coming in. Kids coming in from Amber's party.
"Not now."
Speak with your mind Roza.
Go ahead.
Amber and I were best friends. Raven was kind of the third wheel. She was there because it was more powerful to have the three of us together. Plus she had an attitude and we needed that. We got it from her.
What does that have to do with Eddie?
Just wait. That's why Amber kept Raven around. When she was sick I would take over and Raven would be second in command or I would be sick and she'd take my place for the day. Then freshman year Eddie came along.
Eddie. Eddie was my boyfriend freshman year. The sophomore hot shot on the varsity football team. He was what every girl in my school wanted. And I had him. I felt so lucky because he wanted me too. But Amber had her eyes on him too.
Yes. Raven too. She and I were never really close. If it had been my choice I would've turned her away. But Amber kept her around. Probably for when she got tired of me. I had taken Stephine's place in seventh grade. I was still new to it all.
Yeah, loser Stephine.
Believe it or not he dumped her for me. Then after he used me he went for Raven.
Used you? You mean you had sex with him?
No. He dumped me because I wouldn't. I refused to. I knew deep down that he wasn't my one and only. I could see that he didn't love me.
How could he not?

I ignore him. I ignore his look of wonder.
So anyway. Raven. He dumped me for Raven. He used her for a while. Then Amber got really close to Raven. Raven hadn't known Amber liked Eddie. She had chosen to stay away from him for me. But when he got Raven she promised to get him away from Raven for me. To destroy him.
Destroy. That's a strong word.
If anyone could do that to him, it would be Amber.
I suppose that is true.
So when beautiful blue eyed strawberry blond Amber went for the kill she failed. She brought home the prize instead. She destroyed Raven. She made everyone think that Raven was sleeping around. All the girls believed it was true; that their boyfriends had cheated on them. Even the guys themeselves believed it.
How is that possible? Didn't the guys get together and say, "We didn't sleep with Raven"
How did they become convinced?
Amber convinced them of course. She slept with at least twenty guys in the school. She convinced Eddie that Raven slept around too.
How does this make everyone hate you?
I knew all of this. So I tried to do he right thing and stick up for Raven. The girls hated me for it. So Amber went for the kill. She slept with the same bunch and more and convinced everyone I was a whore too. Raven stuck up for me as a favor. Now we're all each other has.
You were freshmen?
Yeah freshmen. And now were juniors.

"That's intense you know that."
"I know."
"You looked happy dancing all together tonight."
"I was happy. I wish it was like the old times. Amber, Raven, and I were unstoppable. Stacy and Cloe were always there because of the guys. They're her best friends now because she was 'there for them and told them the truth' about their boyfriends. It's all shit."
"That's insane. How could Eddie dump you for Raven? She's pretty with her long black hair and green eyes, sure. But your beautiful."
"Thh beautiful yeah right."

He got up and paid the bill and we walked to the car with his arm around me, pulling me closer. He leans me against the side of the car kisses me, and mumbles into my hair, my neck. Breathes me in as I sigh and lean in against his chest.
"Your so beautiful. Your gray eyes, your long dark brown hair."

"I'm not beautiful." He takes his hand and puts it under my chin and lifts it so he can look into my eyes.
"Your right your not beautiful." All seriousness. "See."
I turn and look away. Tears welling up in my eyes. He grabs my arm and turns me around and kisses me hard on the lips. I punch and hit. "No! Stop!"
He let's go and takes my face in his hands breathing hard. "Your gorgeous bella."
"No I'm not. You liar."
"Look into my eyes, my mind and see the truth I'm telling."

I look. I listen. I see the truth. He believes I'm the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. How could that be? I also see that since it's been a week since our blood exchange if I don't take some of his blood tonight we have to start all over again.

I show him what I see.
He brushes my hair back and opens the car door for me and begins to drive once he gets in. He pulls into the drive in. We sit and he holds me close.
"Is that why you kissed me? To get me to trade blood with you?" "No. I kissed you because those lips of yours are irresistible." He says this as he leans in again to kiss me. He holds me around the waist and turns us so he's hovering over me.
The truth is I want his blood, it's delicious. Irresistible really. And I know he wants mine. He likes to feed off me. And I don't want him to feed off of anyone else. I want him to myself. So bad.
Roza. Ooooooh Roza. I want you. Bad. So bad. I don't want to hurt you.
How could you hurt me?
I'm strong. Stronger than you. If we had sex, I could bruise you or break your bones so easily. I won't risk that. I refuse.

"What if I was a vampire right now. Would you?"
"Yes. In a nano second."
I smile. We kiss. I want more.
There's also your father. I wasn't suppose to become involved like this with you. "But oh God," he moans, "I want you." he presses himself into me. Twists my hair around his fingers with one and and uses the others to cup my breast. I shiver and let out a moan.
He gazes into my eyes. Rrrrroooozzzzaaa.

When we come in the door we go up the stairs. We fall into my bed and continue on. More kissing. More shivers down my spine. I groan in pleasure, in satisfaction as he takes off my shirt, his shirt. My jeans, his jeans. He picks me up and takes me to my bathroom. I wrap my legs around him. He presses into me.
He turns on the shower.
Then I hear my mom and a knock on my bedroom door.
"Rose sweetie?" "Coming!"
I grab my towel and wrap it around myself as Damen puts me down. I close the bathroom door and open my bedroom one.
"I'm going out sweetie." "Okay." "Your fathers coming tomorrow. I won't be here." I stay silent. "Bye honey. See you tomorrow night." "Bye."

I walk into my bathroom slightly distracted at the thought of my father coming. But as he takes me in his arms and picks me up and it starts all over as he moans into my hair, "Roza." My worries disappear.

After the shower he follows me, naked, to the closet in my bathroom. He holds me lays down the towel on the floor and we begin again. There on the plush white carpet.
He bites me as I latch on moving with his body. I moan with satisfaction and begin to suck on his neck to stiffle my cries. Of agony of joy. Pleasure. He makes a cut on his neck so I can drink.
He grinds against me. He's hard. Thrusting. He kisses me everywhere.

It's amazing. Perfect. Fulfilling. Even without sex.

I want more.
I want more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please? Sara would like some comments!