Immortal Forever


Gosh he is sooooo hot.
Ugh Amber get a life.
I'm gonna ask him to the dance. He's mine.
Can't you see that he's hanging around me or are you blind?
Right after the bell. Better yet at lunch with pathetic Rose next to him watching. Soooo much better.
Yep. Blind.
More like a wilting Rose. Haha.

That had me gripping the edge of my desk. I was shaking and gritting my teeth and Damon noticed. He looks over.

Rose? What's wrong?
I thought you didn't listen to other peoples thoughts during school.
I wasn't. I saw you gripping the edge of your desk. What's wrong? Were you listening to someone? Amber? I taught you how to stop that. Do we need to go over it?

It's true I know how to block peoples thoughts. I just chose to listen today. She had that look of 'I'm planning something and you can be sure it's evil.' i couldn't help it. Gosh I hate that. Bugs the shit outta me.

No. I'm fine. I chose to listen.
Amber had that look.
The evil planning one?

Switching to talk out loud I ask, " Are you going to the Sadie Hawkins dance?"
"I really don't know. Depends I guess."
"Depends on what?"
"Who's going."
"As in?"
He looks over with a raised brow, I love it when he does that.
"My friends. Josh, Kevin, know the guys. Are you going?"
"Depends on if Raven wants to go. Is Vesper going?"
He says it as a question. We both know who I'm talking about. Something is going on with Damon and Vesper. I just don't know what. Damon won't tell me. He refuses. Vesper is every ones friend. He was the only guy I would talk to before Damon showed up. Now were all kinda friends.
Meaning me, Raven, Vesper, Jake, Josh, Kevin, Chris, & Damon. But only because of me & Damon talking.
One day soon I must ask Vesper to take care of Raven when I go. I will be going. Soon. Unfortunately. I cannot tell Raven why I'm leaving, I can't tell anyone. I'm not aloud. It's against The High Councils rules. And Raven will hate me for it, & the worst part is she'll never understand why.
I narrow my eyes. "Yes. Vesper. What's going on with him?"
He sighs, "That is another discussion for another time."


"Hey butterfly."
"Don't call me that Raven."
"Oh come on sunshine."
"Fine moonshine. I'm not doing so hot."
"Really? Because your hairs down. You don't have your iPod in & for the first time ever you're wearing a blouse and boots instead of your usual sneakers & a hoodie. Is it Damon?"

She stops and looks over to where I'm staring. Over at where Amber is talking to Vesper who's shaking his head & looking at Damon who in turn is looking over at me.
"Oh. I see. Vesper & Amber. Hmm. Wait you're interested in Vesper?!"

Even being my best friend Raven still doesn't realize that I like Damon. She thinks I'm after Vesper. I let her think that too. When I 'disappear' no one can realize I was involved with Damon because coincidentally that will be the day Damon's 'dad' relocates. Just as he supposedly does every few weeks for his temporary replacement job. He can't be linked to my disappearance. He can't be put to blame. It's to big a risk.

"Kinda. I don't know I guess I am. He is cute." And he is. Just not my type of cute.
"Well lucky you because here he comes with Jake and Damon."

"Hey guys. Rose."
Rose? What's wrong?
Nothing Damon.

We ate lunch talking about our plans for the week and whether we were planning to go to the dance. We all were. Just not all together.

"Hey Damon."
"Amber. What's up?"
"Well I wanted to ask you something I just don't know..."
She stood there twirling her long blond hair around her finger and biting her lip.
"Go on. I'm sure my answer can't be that devastating."
She looks right at me & so does Damon, I block my thoughts.
She smiles as she asks, "Will you go to the dance with me?" As Vesper looks at me from across the table Damon breaks his gaze from mine. I have to.
I know he has to, especially after the party last Friday.
"I'd love to Amber."
"Great. I was sooo scared that you would say no."
He wrinkles his brow. He's having trouble reading her thoughts. "Why's that?"
"Well I thought you might be interested in Rose. I mean your always together."
Everyone pauses they look back at forth between Damon & I wondering how we'll react. I laugh.
"Oh please Amber. He's not interested in me and I'm not interested in him. That's hilarious really."
Damon looks at his food, untouched just moved around. He feels bad. So do I, but I won't let it get in the way of my life.


We'll talk later Roza.


Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. I love the sound of the leaves in the woods. Especially when the rain is starting to fall. It's a soggy crunch that way with the twigs mixed in. It's really beautiful. So peaceful & relaxing when you've had a long hard depressing day of school.

He pops up next to me. His eyes glowing.
"You have a few twigs and leaves stuck in you hair."
"And your soaked. Like when I first met you."
"What are you doing out here?"
"What do you mean?"
"I thought you'd be with Amber."
He sighs. "Rrrroooooossssssaaaa," he hisses, "Please. I had to feed. Plus I would rather spend time with you."
"Thhkk well I guess Amber doesn't know that because she would probably try to strangle you."
"You honestly think Amber could strangle me?"
"I said tryyaaa!!!" he tackles me to the ground. I look up and he's hovering over me growling playfully. I grab his collar and pull him towards me. "You see I'm much stronger."
"Yes I know."
He nips at my neck. We're covered in mud but we don't care. I push at his chest and roll us over so that I'm on top of him.
"My brother & sister are going to be home. You get to finally really meet them if you come with me."
He nips at me again and grabs my waist as he turns us over again resting his knees at my sides so he's hovering over me breathing hard and smiling. I can't move.
"I would love to princess," he says as he leans in to kiss me. I wrap my arms under & up over his shoulders, pure muscle & pull him in closer so our heads are touching. He sighs and nips at my neck again and again until he sinks his teeth in just a little, slightly sucking. He pulls back and gazes at me his eyes full of longing.
"You know if I hadn't just fed I would NOT be able to do this. You're to tempting."
"What'd you feed on?"
"Do you honestly want to know?" I just look at him a frown upon my face which usually gets me my way.
He sighs, "A couple of squirrels and a cat."
I sigh tilting my head away and fighting the tears, "A cat?," I squeak. "They were near death l'amour. I did them a favor so they wouldn't suffer." "Your sure?" "Yes love," he takes my face in his hands and pulls it towards him, "You know if your going to become a princess of the night you need to learn to put those feelings aside." "But I love animals." "It's either them or humans." "What about me?" "That's not fair. You know it's not the same. You can feel that when I feed can't you?"
I think for a moment. "Yes. You're strictly a vegetarian vampire except for me." "I don't kill you so you don't count," he smirks.
He goes down and bites again. Lightly sucking as he stops suddenly. Sitting up he puts his hand gently over my mouth while putting his index finger to his lips. I feel him blocking my thoughts. He's stopping them for me.
"Another vampire. Hunting. Stay quiet and hidden unless I tell you to run. And if I tell you to run go home. She's hunting human," he whispers in my ear.

He helps me up off the ground. We walk slowly and quietly. He leads the way as the rain masks the noise we make. He stops us behind a big tree and holds me to his chest, kissing my hair line.
I see my house and Raven at the door with the vampire looking at her from the trees. It's not just any tree it's the big oak in front of my house. Please no, I think.

I look at Damen I try to talk to him telling him to save Raven, to forget me & save my friend but my thoughts are blocked, it's like running into a cement wall. He looks down and shrugs in defeat. He can't unshield me he would be putting my life, my neck in danger.
I push harder, pain shoots through my head, down my legs & up my arms against the shield he has put up. I have to break it. I push & push until finally I feel shock go through Damen as the shield breaks, the same moment as the vampire walks towards Raven, as Tulip opens the door, & as I escape Damens arms and run towards them.
The vampire feels my thoughts racing and she probably smells my blood as I run. I feel Damen running after me.
Raven & Tulip both turn around & see me & Damen running towards the house. They see the vampire, although they don't know what she is, she concealed her fangs thank god.

"Sissy!" Tulip runs out the door into my arms. She may be thirteen but we're close as hell.
"Oh Tulip."
"Theatrical much?," snorts Raven.
Damen clears his throat, "Veronica." "Damen," the woman says. She has a voice that is almost musical.
"Why are you here?" "Well to meet Rose of course," she says as she stares at my throat.
Damen glances at me and Tulip then at Raven. "It's not a good time Veronica."
As I look at her she looks strangely familiar. Almost like she was sitting across from me at lunch.

Tell them to go inside. You take care of them. We'll come back later to talk.
Later love. Later.


I put the kids to bed two hours ago and Raven left a half hour after that. Of course she had a million questions.
Why were you with Damen?"
"He walked me home."
"Why wasn't Damen with Amber?"
"I don't know."
"Who is Veronica?"
"I don't know."
"Why don't you tell me anything anymore?!"
"No! Don't answer that! It's been like this for weeks! Ever since the last time it rained! When HE showed up! What's going on with you? I know your finally acting normal again. I know that's good because you've been in a funk since your dad left all those years ago but something must be going on! Is it Damen? Amber? Your mom? Please!? I need to know. You're my best friend Rose. You can trust me."

Then she walked out. I didn't get to tell her that I acted like that, all sheltered up, for so long because my dad left & he had protected me with shields for so long that I didn't know how to protect myself. Didn't know I could.
I didn't get to say that I was semi-normal again because Damen was protecting me.
I didn't get to tell her those things because I never told her of my gift like I should have after my dad left & before Damen showed up. It really is a gift...

All the sudden I felt hands on my neck. Pressing hard. I grab the hands and knock my chair from under me. "NOOO!!"
Then the grip tightened as I started to turn the grip loosened and then he let go.

"You know Rose you really need to start locking the door when you're here alone." "Oh god Damen. You scared the shit outta me. Why?"
"To teach you to be more careful. Anyone could come in to harm you."
"Lesson learned." "Good."
Then I see Veronica.
"Hello Rose."
"Veronica. You almost ate my friend."
"Better her than you." "Who did you try to eat?"

"Oh so you two do know each other. Great."
"Hey Rose. Who did you try to eat Veronica? And don't avoid the question." "Raven." "Raven!" "She's a nobody anyway."
"She's by best friend you bitch!"
"Rose," says Damon in a calming tone taking my arm and pulling me towards him.
"Don't talk about Raven that way sis."
"Sis?..," I gulp.
"Veronica's my sister Rose. I should have told you."
"No Vesper you were here to protect her. It was your job and Veronica new that which is why she should not have shown up here."
"I'm sorry that she showed up Damon." "It isn't your fault Vesper."
"Job to protect me?"
All three of them turn to look at me at the same time then look at each other.

"Vesper was here to...," Damon pauses & looks at Vesper, "You go ahead & tell her."

"I was sent here to protect you. By your father. It was years ago really. He knew of your powers & that people would be after you if he left." "By my father? I don't believe it."
"I can prove it. When did he leave & when did I show up? Don't answer just think about it."
Dammit he's right
"Okay. So then who's after me?," they all look at each other, "I have a right to know."
"First the Witches are on your side. On the other hand some of the other Vampires aren't as well as some of the Werewolves ."
"Love, you must realize you're different. Your mother is a human and your father is a vampire. That's very unusual & they have three children which only adds to the unusualness of the situation. Your an immortal human with some of the qualities of a vampire. You're full of power. Magic. Gifts. Amazing gifts that make you even more unique. You're different love."
"Tthhank you," I stutter, "But I meant to ask what other werewolves. I know some of the other vampires don't like me and think my father let the Vampire World down. But what about Werewolves?"
"Rose, I have an aura right?" "Yes Vesper you do. What's your point?"
"Damon doesn't." "I'm aware of that." "Veronica does." I look, she does. "Ohhkayy..."
"She was born yes by two vampires but we have different fathers." "Okay." "Our mothers a vampire, her father is vampire, & my father is a werewolf." "You're a werewolf. Oh that's why your aura is kinda fuzzy! Because you go back and forth from human to werewolf."
"Right. Look I was put here to protect you because your father was best friends with my father before he was killed. He died protecting your father from being outcast from the Dark World just as your father did mine when I was born. I'm different like you. Half'n'half. An outcast as they put it. He trusted me because even though my father died when I was young your father protected my family all my life. I owe this to him. I owe my life."

"Yeah you owe your life, sure why not? Plus you were promised a wife out of it," says Veronica. "A wife?"
"Yeah you princess, your father promised him you.[/i
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