Status: Will post as soon as possible I promise!

Life of a Teenage Clear Blood

The Breakout

I arrived at my school front with 20 seconds to spear. I bet you’re wondering that if I’m a clear blood why am I driving instead of teleporting there or something. Well I don’t get my full powers till I’m 17, which is on June 2nd, but it’s now April. I park my car while barely missing a kid who was in my way and rushed into the school.
“10 seconds Layla!!” my science teacher Mr. Charlefour shouted
“I’m gonna make it!!” I yelled back, almost falling in the process
‘5 seconds!!! SON OF A DIRTY BUNNY!!!!’
I hit the door of my Reading class then jumped into my seat next to my BFF and my BF.
“Dang babe nice entrance!!” Ian said just as the bell rang
“Thank you!!! Thank you!!!” I squealed (A/N: Yes squealed)
Ok Ian is my awesomely smexii boyfriend. He has long black hair, blue eyes, and he’s the hottest guy in school! That boy loves his hair in his face, and screamo. You would think he was emo but he isn’t trust me. He is wearing a pair of ripped up black and red gym shoes, baggy worn out blue jeans, and a Dinosaurs Go Rawr tee shirt.
“Hey wolf-boy!” I laughed
Yes my boyfriend is a werewolf and a pretty rare one too. His fur is pure red with black on the tip of his tail.
“Hey sleeping beauty.” He said while giving me a kiss
I love his kisses; they’re always so gentle and sweet.
“OMG twin you almost got detention AGAIN!!!!” Scarlet shouted
And this is Scarlet, my sexy twin sister. In this life she we aren’t related but in our first life we are. She’s a clear blood like me but I’m older than her by an hour. She has long blond hair, mixed color eyes, and pale skin. Yes she is Caucasian and yes I’m African American but we are related. She is really really REALLY sarcastic and she loves being right even when she isn’t. I love her to death!!!
“You guys know I love to sleep.” I explained
“True” Ian stated
“Yup yup” Scarlet laughed
I giggled as the teacher began to well…teach. After Reading class I rushed to Psychology, that’s right people I want to become a psychologist! I sat in my seat, early this time, and waited for class to start. After 5 minutes I grew impatient, I grabbed my notebook and started writing a random poem that popped in my head.

You sleep that peaceful slumber,
you dream that endless dream,
you walk across that soft calm beach,
as the sun warms you to a glow.
You awake in that endless dream,
swimming along the shore,
gazing across the sky,
wishing you could be here,
forever more.

Once I was done the teacher walked in; this is why I absolutely LOVE this class:
1. This is my favorite class
2. I’m the only sophomore in this class (everyone else is in a higher grade than me!!!!)
3. The work is challenging
4. My teacher is the funniest and most crazy teacher I have ever met in my entire life!!!!!
My Psychology teacher Mrs. Hammonds is so sarcastic with everyone. It’s quite amusing that she’ll make fun of everyone but you never ever take it literally with her. All we did was watch a movie about dreams, then did a report about the movie. When the bell rang I rushed to my locker to get ready for History class. Ian walked behind me and snaked his arms around my waist.
“Hey coco.” He teased
‘Gosh he knows I hate that nickname but I guess it was fair considering what my nickname for him is.’
“Hey vanilla bean!!!” I teased back, giving him a kiss on the lips
“Ugh!!! Why must you call me that I hate that nickname so much!” he argued
“You are my vanilla bean so quite wining and lets get to History.” I rushed
As soon as we stepped into the classroom Scarlet was glaring at our friend Binna.
Binna is not very petite but not heavy at all, she has long black hair, brown eyes, and the biggest boobs in our History class(They’re real). She acts like she knows what she’s talking about but she isn’t always right.
“OMFU WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!” I screeched
Both girls didn’t even glance my way. I got so angry from them ignoring me that I grabbed the back of their necks.
“Ok I’m only gonna say this one more time…WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!!!” I yelled, gripping their necks harder
“BINNA AND GABE HAVE BEEN TEXTING EACH OTHER INAPROPRIATE STUFF LIKE SLUTS!!!!” Scarlet growled low enough for only me to hear
I glared at Binna, she knows that I told her not to contact him for the way he treats women. I really don’t know what happened to Gabe, he was a very sweet guy until we got into high school and he started going to another school. After that he started treating girls like we were just toys. He turned into….how can I out this? A jerk? A meanie? A cotton-headed-ninny-mugger? Oh I know a manwhore!!!
I swear I always have to act the mother in this group. There is always a fight between someone and one of my friends or they fight each other. But we love each other a lot. When I have to step in there is always a reason behind my decisions for the arguments. Like this one for example….
I grabbed Binna just as the bell rang.
“We’ll talk about this in tech class.” I said to them both
The History teacher, Mrs. Caldwell, walked in and alerted us of the bellwork assignment on the board. After about an hour we got a lecture about the aftermath of World War II. I wasn’t paying attention due to the fact that Ian was steadily trying to get my attention even though we sit right next to each other.
“What Ian?” I whispered
“What are you gonna do about Binna?” he whispered back
I hadn’t quite thought of anything other than to yell at her really but I guess I could use the little of my powers on her.
“I’m gonna bend her mind a little this time.” I said
“You sure that’s a good idea?” he asked
“It’ll have to do for now.” I stated
He looked at me all weirdly, “Aw look at my little grown up acting like a mother to her friends.” He laughed
I love this boy but I hate it when he does that. Especially when he says that I’m growing up, I’ll never grow up, I’m still and always will be a little kid.
The bell rang finally for tech class.
I put everything in my locker except for my laptop and headed for Mrs. Larson’s room. Ian, Scarlet, Binna, and I have every class together except 2nd hour of course. As soon as I walked in my jaw dropped to the floor over…..
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Sorry I haven't been updating lately but I'm having a bit of writers block. But I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can.