Status: Will post as soon as possible I promise!

Life of a Teenage Clear Blood

Only My Life would be like This

Emily was hitting on Ian like her life depended on it!!! Scarlet saw me glaring at them so she took hold of my shoulders while Binna put my arms behind my back.
“Now Layla you know he wouldn’t dump you for her. He cares about you way too much.” Scarlet tried to reason but I wasn’t listening
I pushed both girls off of my and stormed towards Ian and Emily.
“You know it would be nice for us to go out sometime.” Emily purred
“Oh I’m sorry but MY boyfriend would never date a slut like you so back off MY man!!” I roared
“But he’s dating you.” She hissed
I and everyone else in the room looked at her like she was crazy. Everyone in this school knows my reputation so it was a shocker to hear her call me that.
“What did you just say?” I challenged
She got in my face, “I said but he’s dating you.”
Oh yeah this girl was begging for a death wish. I pushed my arm against her neck and brought her to the wall.
“Now listen here. Don’t ever talk to me like that you got it? And don’t talk to my boyfriend EVER!!!” I growled
“What is going on here!!!” Mrs. Larson shouted at me
I turned to her, “Oh just spreading my love around to the class.”
She knew what I was implying but she let it go.
“Everyone sit down and take out your laptops.” She said
I let go of Emily and watched as she fell to the floor, gasping for air. I went to my seat and glared daggers at Ian.
“How come you didn’t push her off or something!!” I hissed at him
“I don’t know! But I swear I would never go out with her coco. I only need you.” He said while pulling me in for a hug
I pushed him off. It’s not that I wont forgive him but I’m hardheaded and I can hold a hard grudge AND I just love torturing him.
I didn’t speak to him as I was working on my assignment. I glanced up to see Emily passing me a note. I hesitated to read it but I slowly grabbed it from the table.
It read:
I don’t know why he’s dating a bitch like you. You’re not even pretty! But it’s ok I’ll have him by the end of the week. Enjoy him as long as you can you fat-ugly-slut!
Love always,
‘Oh yeah this girl is dead’ I thought in my head just as the bell rang. I smiled evilly ‘perfect!’ my mind rang. Just as I walked out the blond bimbo smacked me right in the back of the head. I turned my head around so fast I think I had whiplash. I glared at her like my life depended on it. She just smirked as her clone Barbie dolls giggled. She turned to walk away until her head was in between my hand and a locker. I smiled as I punched her in the face.
“Oh you wanna play that game? Ok lets play!” I yelled at her
I was about to punch her again but her clones jumped me and started tearing at my face. I could feel the blood ooze from my face as I pried them off and started punching at them. Emily jumped me but Scarlet threw her off as she tore thro my shirt and started after one of the clones.
“Thanks……twin!” I shouted in between punching Emily
I threw her against the wall and held her there. Her right eye was swollen and her lip plus parts of her face was bleeding. I pushed her harder into the locker and looked deep in her eyes.
“You wanted this remember? Now let me finish it.” I whispered, drawing back my fist.
Just as I was about to swing when three people grabbed me. I socked two of them in the eye and kneed one in the stomach. I turned back to Emily only to she her running for her life. A crowd was around us while Scarlet was still breaking one of the barbie brats, I think that’s Heather, in her new nose. I dashed after Emily until I tackled her outside into the grass. I kept punching her in the stomach repeatlly until she was coffing up her blood. I could hear everyone coming outside but I ignored it just as fast. I jumped back and looked at my work blossom across her face and arms. I smiled as I ran at her full speed but I stopped, hearing a tearing sound coming from my stomach. I looked down and saw blood poring out like a waterfall.
‘BULL!!!’ I thought
Someone grabbed me and put a knife to my throat. I looked at who grabbed me but his face was hidden in a hoodie. I thrashed around but stopped as he pressed the knife against me. Ian came out of the crowd looking pissed.
“LET HER GO!!!!” he shouted
The boy just smiled. He lowered his face to my face then kissed me. I stood there more shocked then everyone else.
“Till we meet again, my love.” He cooed in my ear
I felt myself bush 5 shades of red. He smirked then sliced into my neck; letting me hit the floor as he disappeared. Blood started gushing out of my neck but I could still breath. It hurt like hell but I’m still alive. I stood up; blood still gushing as everyone else stared in awe.
“Wow twin how original.” Scarlet laughed
I pushed her as I looked at Emily, she looked petrified. Ian ran up to me and asked me a bunch of questions but I ignored him and thought of my neck closing up. When I felt my neck the cut was gone. I was pushing thru the crowd until someone grabbed my arm. I hissed and looked up to find Bill smiling at me. I groaned as I took 15 bucks out of my pocket and handed it to him.
“Thanks but I’m not taking you to the police station this time.” He said smiling after every word
“Then give me back my money!!” I said childishly
“We need to talk.” He said as he looked at everyone behind me then started walking away
I turned to stare at Scarlet. I smirked then followed. We went down the long hallway into a room I haven’t seen before. When I walked in the principle was there. I stood in the door like an idiot until Bill told me to sit down. Mrs. Avery, the principle, opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off,
“Ok what now detention, suspension, or expulsion?” I sarcastically asked
“We’ll talk about that later but right now I have some bad news. Um….your mother….she…she died in a car crash today but….when the cops checked the car….no one was there.” She finally said
Everything stopped after that, I could only hear my heart beat. I ran out of the room and down the hall.
‘This cannot be happening!!! No she isn’t gone!! NO!!!’ screamed in my head
I brought my knees put to my chest and cried my heart out. I heard footsteps but I ignored them as I cried harder into my arm.
“Oh shit!!” I heard a boy shout
He came by my side within seconds and put me in his arms. I stared at him; he had deep brown eyes under his long black hair and lean body with slight muscles bulging out of his shirt. He was glaring at the dried up blood on my hands, face, and arms along with the scratches on my face from that ho.
“I have to take you to the nurse!!” he stated but I stopped him
“No no I’m not crying because of that. I mean I did get into a fight earlier but that’s not why I’m crying.” I muttered
He looked at me as if debating to put me down or not. He slid to the floor with me still in his arms.
“Well then what’s wrong?” he asked
“My mom….she…got into a car accident a little while ago…” I started but he cut me off
“Oh I’m so sorry it must be really hard to lose someone that dear to you.” He stated
“She didn’t die so let me finish. When the police checked the car she was nowhere to be seen and now…I just want to know if she’s alright!” I shrieked, burying my face into his chest. He rubbed my back and tried to calm me down.
“Oh and my names Alex. I’m new here.” The boy, now named Alex smiled down at me
“My name’s Layla. Welcome to Summit High.” I giggled
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Ok I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!