Status: Will post as soon as possible I promise!

Life of a Teenage Clear Blood

Mr. Bipolar

Alex and I talked for a long time until Bill found me.
“Layla I’m really sorry about your mother.” He said leaning down to the ground
“It’s ok. This is Alex, he’s new.” I whispered
Bill looked at Alex suspiciously.
“Nice to meet you” he said
“Nice to meet you too” Alex said
They had a stare down contest until I coughed. I was getting tired.
“I’m gonna head back to class. Alex do you want me to show you to class?” I asked
“That would be great!” he grinned
“Bye Bill! And here.” I said; giving him the 15 bucks
“Thanks. be good.” He smiled
Alex and I started heading down a hallway.
“Hey give me your schedule.” I demanded
He gave it to me and I looked it over.
“You have all of the same classes as me wow. You like psychology?” I asked
“Yeah I want to become a psychologist. It’s fun to help people.” He said shyly
“Same here! This is great now I’m not the only sophomore in that class!” I squealed; punching the air
I felt really really sleepy.
“Hey Alex?” I called
“Can you carry me?”
“I’m getting seriously tired.”
“Sure come here.”
He picked me up bridal style and headed to the door number I told him to go to as I blacked out.

Alex’s POV
I looked down at Layla and immediately felt bad for what I did, but happy that I was here to comfort her about her mother. God she looks so beautiful even with her injuries. Ian doesn’t deserve her, he’s never cared for her the way I do…well maybe. 305….306….307…308 here’s our stop. But I don’t want to wake up Layla…oh well I’ll tell her what she missed.
I walked into the classroom to have everyone looking at me and a sleeping Layla.
“Who are you?” the teacher asked
“I’m Alex I’m new here.” I answered not looking at the people staring
“Oh well I’m Mr. Hislop, is Layla ok?” he worried
“Yeah she was really tired from blood loss.” I reassured him
“Ok you can sit her next to you in case she needs to go to the office.” He told me
I nodded my head and sat down near a wall for her to lean against. Mr. Hislop continued with his lesson. I finally looked around but I looked forward after I glanced at all of the girls gawking at me and Layla’s boyfriend(A/N: You’ll find out how he knows this later) threating me with his eyes. I glanced at Layla she was sleeping so peacefully that I don’t think anyone would dare to wake her up. I got a piece of paper saying “read me” thrown at my head. I picked it up and read it. It said:
Hey this is Emily (I’m the girl with the marks on my face from that beast Layla),
I just wanted to say welcome to Summit High and not to hang out with Layla and her gang, they are trouble. And plus you should hang with people who can relate to you, like me and my friends. Think about it you and I could rule this school together.
I read it over and over in my head. Is she serious?!?! She’s the one that made my sweet darling bleed. I wrote back saying:
Hell no not EVER in this world would I dream of hurting Layla like that let alone hook up with the likes of you. I heard about the whole fight and what really happened so you can stop wasting you breath cause I’ll never ever do or be anything with you.
I sent it back with a smile on my face to confuse her. When she read it I thought her head was going to explode. She sent me a death glare but all I did was wink at her. That set her off. The bell rang and I looked at Layla. I better wake her up.

Layla’s POV
“Layla wakey wakey eggs and bakey” I heard someone chant
“Five more minutes.” I wined noisily
“Come on we have to go to our next class and I’m getting glares from people I don’t know” Alex half shouted half whispered and half laughed
“Fine!” I shouted a bit louder than necessary
I opened my eyes to see the whole class looking at me.
“What the fluke are yall lookin at get to f-in class!” I yelled
Everyone went to there class and I turned to Alex.
“Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?” I asked
“With that look on your face when you were sleep I couldn’t bring myself to do it.” He confessed
I blushed just as Ian and Scarlet came up to us.
“Sup I’m Scarlet.” She stated boringly
“I’m Ian, Layla’s boyfriend.” He hissed
“I’m Alex, Layla come one we have to go to science class.” Alex said; turning to me
“Actually we all have the same classes together except Psychology.” I giggled
“Oh….well come on then before we’re late.” He said helping me up
Ian growled at him and took me from Alex’s arms. I glared at his childness but got down and hurried to class nonetheless.
Science class was a grag. I think we were talking about our science projects but I couldn’t get all of the stuff that happened today out of my mind. Where is my mom? Who was that boy that kissed me then slit my throat? And mostly…what did I miss in Algebra today?
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This is the last chapter I'm gonna write until I get at least 5 reviews per chapter. Sorry
P.S. IF anyone was confused on what OMFU means it means Oh My Flying Unicorn!!!