Status: Will post as soon as possible I promise!

Life of a Teenage Clear Blood


I went into Science expecting Ian to sit next to me but Alex did. I turned around to seeing Ian sitting next to Emily. She saw me and smiled while Ian looked scared when he saw my glare.
“Oh yeah it’s so over between us.” I mumbled
“What don’t think like that. Maybe that was the only seat left in class.” Alex smiled
“Maybe” I whispered
Scarlet came out of nowhere and jumped on our table.
“Twin!!!” she shouted
“What twin?” I laughed
“You need to talk to your boyfriend.”
“I overheard Emily trying to ask Ian to the movies and this time he said yes.”
I broke down at her words. I looked back at them smiling at each other. I got up, walked over to them, and smacked Ian as hard as I could.
“What I…” he started but I left the room too soon to hear the last part. I ran and ran. Out the door….out of the school…and just kept running. I wouldn’t stop running till I got to France. I sat down at the top of a cliff and looked down.
‘I haven’t been here since mom took Scarlet and I here for vacation 2 years ago. But it was still beautiful.’ I thought
The grass was evenly cut and green with a big healthy tree on the edge of the cliff. It’s a breathtaking scene with a view of Paris. It looks prettier at night. I sat against the tree and gazed at everything around me. I missed the old days when we had less worries and more time to hang with our friends. A warm gentle breeze blew against the leaves and my face. It felt so welcoming that I leaned into it. I thought I was gonna fall but I didn’t. I recognized the wind like it was yesterday.
“Hey Cleo.” I mumbled
Cleo’s form appeared from a swirl of leaves that fell from the tree by her.
“Hey Tay.” She said
My middle name is Taylor so she calls me Tay. I guess Cleo is my personal guide because she only comes when I’m down.
“Hey where were you when I was crying about my mom?” I asked
“I was there but that Alex boy came to you so I thought instead of scaring him off why not have him comfort you?” she giggled
“Ok fine.” I laughed
“I forgot to tell you that you can fly now!” she squealed loudly
“REALLY?!?!” I screamed
“Yeah now come on.”
She got up and moved to the end of the cliff.
“Wait I don’t know how to fly?!?!” I yelled
“Oh hush you’re a natural.” She reassured
I gave her a questionable look but didn’t get a chance to say anything since she practically pushed me off the cliff. I closed my eyes but then I remembered what my mom told me.
‘Do a dip when you let out your wings right before you hit the ground.’
I did as she told me and the next thing I know I’m in the air. I looked at my wings and gasped. They were white but had black at the ends of them. I floated down to the cliff and smiled to Cleo.
“Hey C why do my wings have black at the ends?” I asked her
“It’s normal don’t worry about it!!!” She spit out really fast.
I was about to ask her more about it but I looked at my clock. It was time for lunch. I said bye to Cleo and decided to fly to school. I flew thru the lunchroom window but fell. I looked up to everyone gawking at me. I ignored them and walked to my table while putting my wings in between my shoulder blades. I sat down and looked at Scarlet smiling widely.
“What twin?” I practically hissed
“Your wings. Where’d you go?” she asked
“Paris” I said simply
Everyone looked at me then looked behind me. I turned to see Ian right behind me.
“What?” I hissed
“We need to talk.” He said
“Oh? Well too bad like I said before we’re thru.” I stated
I got up to go and by lunch.
“What will it be sweetie?” the lunch lady smiled at me
“I’ll have 10 slices of pizza, 3 apples, 2 pieces of cake, and a Rootbeer…no make that two.” I laughed
She gawked at me
“You sure?” she questioned
“Yeah” I replied
I got all of my food and paid then went to my table with eyes of disbelief on me. I sat down looked around.
Everyone continued eating and I started eating my food.
“Twin are you ok? You don’t inhale food like that in school.” She worried
“I’m just hungry that’s all.” I answered with a full mouth
Ian sat next to me while wrapping his arm around my waist.
“I told you Ian we’re thru, done, OVER!!! As in not going out anymore!!!” I yelled
“Please I really need to talk to you I can’t lose you.” He begged
‘I say do it twin he really didn’t know that it was a date.” Scarlet thought to me
‘So I JUST got in a fight with the bitch and he didn’t even help at all! Emphasis on the just.’ I thought back
‘I know but give him another chance. He’s our best friend. You know how he is.’
I knew she was right I mean I’ve known the boy since 7th grade and I know he didn’t mean it.
“Please” he asked desperately
“Fine” I sighed
He dragged me outside and sat on a bench. He had my hands in his as he looked like his was about to cry. It’s not that he’s crying just to get me back he’s just sensitive with the whole relationship deal.
“Why’d you say yes to going to the movies with Emily when you know I hate her guts and she’s trying to take you away from me?” I growled
“I asked if I could bring you along and she said that she would feel like a third wheel so I said yeah but right after class ended I thought that I should decline the invitation because I remembered what happened today and I saw the note that she sent you.” He whispered
“Ok I guess I could forgive you.” I said after a few minutes
“Ok…hey what’s with you and that Alex guy?” he asked looking pissed
“When I went to the office they told me that my mom got into a car accident but when they checked out the car she was nowhere to be found. I freaked out and ran down a random hallway and cried until he came and cheered me up.” I explained
“Oh so there’s nothing going on?” he questioned
“Not that I no of” I laughed
He laughed with me.
“Ok babe so are we back together?” he asked
I kissed him like I hadn’t in a long time.
“Of course vanilla bean!” I giggled

Unknown POV

I watched as she kissed her boyfriend.
“DAMMIT THAT’S SUPPOSE TO BE ME!!!” I hissed lowly
“You’ll get your change babe.” his girlfriend cooed
I looked at her.
“I want my chance NOW!!” he groaned
“You can have me now.” She hummed in his ear
He turned to her and sighed into a heated kiss.
‘She’s the one I really want…’ he thought to himself
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