Status: Will post as soon as possible I promise!

Life of a Teenage Clear Blood

Good Times Gone Bad

Ian’s POV
The party started at the beach and everyone is having a blast. I was getting a drink when Emily came up to me in the most revealing swimsuit ever.
(Emily’s swimsuit)
“Hey Ian so what about that movie?” she asked batting her eyes
“No I don’t want to go with you anywhere. You hurt my girlfriend and I saw the note you sent her. What a slutty thing to do.” I chuckled
She looked shocked at my response.
“But Ian..”
“Ian nothing you hurt her and you want me but I love Layla. You need to really think before you act.” I stated while walking away
I was about to call Layla and see when she was coming but I saw getting out of a black drop top.
(Picture it in black)
I think my jaw dropped six feet under, that outfit she was wearing was sexy. She was walking towards me but some random boy stood in front of her.
“Hey Layla” he said
“Hey James” she answered
“You look really nice you know.” He stuttered
“Aw thanks!” she giggled
“Do you want me to get you a drink?” he asked (begged)
“No thanks” I said unknowingly
“Oh ok” he cowered away from us
She smiled at me, “Hey Ian”
“Hey babe” I said while pulling her in for a kiss
“I thought you were going to go swimming?” I asked
She always goes swimming whenever she gets the chance.
“Oh I am! My swimsuit is under the dress.” She giggled
What’s so funny?
Scarlet came over and grabbed Layla.
She smiled, “Well great minds think alike!” she giggled
I looked at her outfit. She was wearing the exact one as Layla but hers was red.
“COME ON LET’S DANCE!!!” she screamed as she dragged her along
I laughed but it quickly faded once I saw Alex walk next to me. He was wearing a grey button down shirt (unbuttoned) and black skinny jeans. I could see a couple of girls gawking at him. Show off! He was smirking at something so I looked at what he was gawking at…..LAYLA’S ASS?!?!
“Stop looking at my girlfriend’s ass!!!” I hissed
“I nor the other guys on this beach can’t help BUT to look, I mean you can clearly see why.” He laughed
I growled but I stopped when I heard Scarlet and Layla squeal. Emily had spilt fruit juice on them.

Layla’s POV

I looked at Emily with a pissed off look. She looked like she was awarded a medal from the president himself! I smirked and turned to Scarlet.
“Oh my gosh baby you’re getting all sticky!!!” I said a little too loudly so Scar can know what I’m planning. She laughed
“So are you babe let me help you out of that dress.” She giggled
I could tell that ALL of the guys were surrounding us. I got really close to Scar and started leaning into her neck. I won’t even lie Scarlet and I’ve dated for over 10,000,000 and I’m almost 8,000,000,000. So It’s normal for us and the people that know us. I pressed my lips to her neck as she moaned faking-ly loud. (A/N: If you’re confused at what is happening, Scarlet and Layla are trying to get on Emily’s nerves and piss off some guys. It’s a win-win!) I pulled on her hair roughly as I grabbed her waist and pulled her to my sticky clothes.
“Take it off!!!!” some random guy shouted
We started ripping at each other’s clothes.
“Ugh! You guys are lesbians! I knew it!!” Emily and her clones shouted
I turned to her, “I’m Bi sweetie and you shouldn’t worry about me thinking you’re as close as good looking as my twin.” I laughed
She grunted and walked away. We glanced at our sticky clothes and took them off to reveal our awesomely smexii swimsuits.
(My swimsuit)

(Scarlet’s swimsuit)
Oh yeah we were working the swimsuits like we were in a fashion show! Ok not really we actually hit the sand laughing at all of the guys gawking at our smexiiness! We got up and ran to the water like we were 5. I’ll admit being in the water is sooo much fun. The music blasted after a few seconds and everyone went back to partying. I started floating above the water and looked at sun setting. Something brushed up against my back under the water and I started freaking out.
“Oh shut up Laylay!” Scar yelled
I looked at the water and saw a shadow circling me. I was about to let out a scream until water splashed around me and a person appeared. He was buff with short brown hair and green eyes. He glared down at me and smiled.
“Hey” he said
I glared at he boy with wide eyes.
“Are you Layla?”
He looked down at me with amusement in his eyes.
“We’ve found your mother.” He finally said
I gawked at him dumbfounding-ly
‘He knows where my mom is?’
“Yes but we must hurry.” He stated
‘Great he’s a mind reader…’
“Fine” I said as I followed him into the water
I jumped in just as I heard my name being yelled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry sorry sorry!!!!! I missed a chapter so here it is!!!!!! Again sorry if anyone got confused.