The Complex

A wide variety of characters, locations, and time-frames are included in this non-contemporal story. The chapters are only roughly arranged, their specific order doesn't matter until the very end, and even then only slightly.

Due to the style of it, this is a perpetual work in progress, ad infinitum, only ever able to be rendered partly finished...that said, it should still make for a good read.

It's told from multiples first-person viewpoints, often telling different sides of the same story from different characters' points of view.

There are aliens, cyber-hackers, immortals, cyborgs, a shadowy figure behind the scenes, and a distant point towards which all are moving, slowly but inexorably...
  1. The Beginning - Matumbo
    One character's introduction, and a possible starting point for the story - but don't feel like you need to read this chapter first.
  2. Access - Tarok
    The introduction of another character, in another time, and another possible starting point for the reader.
  3. Contact - Jared
    The intro of another character, the aliens ans another starting point.
  4. Unearthed - Daniel
    Another character intro, another starting point, and the incidence of another character's story crossing paths with this one.
  5. Complications - Jared
    The alien gets shown around the house, and the government steps in. Further explanation of aliens, characters, and the introduction of a few secondary characters.
  6. Discoveries - Jared
    Mind games and new things, the story continues. Also, a killer Kraft Dinner Recipe.