In Memory of Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan

Things to Say

The news about Jimmy was the first thing I read this morning, Tuesday, December 29, 2009. It's taken a bit for it to set in. I'm starting to feel really sick. I'm sure a lot of you are effected in similar ways. I want to find ways to honor him. All I have are my words.

His drumming skills were out of this world. His personality shone brighter than the sun. I wish I could say more about this man and give him the words he deserves. I think that's the problem though. I'm trying to express a man who was beyond words in terms that limit his very being to things of a mundane nature. He was human, he had his faults, but that didn't stop him from touching the lives of millions of people.

It's like.... this was my favorite drummer. I looked up to him because, well he's taller than me, but more than that, he wasn't afraid to be himself. I always admired him for the freedom he lived his life with. I wanted to talk to him so I could see the fire in his eyes when he spoke of something he loved. I looked forward to getting to see that smile he had when he told a joke. I really wanted to see him become a father. I feel like all that got stolen from everyone, the joy of seeing him succeed. He came through so much in his life and he passed before he got to experience the best joys of all.

The sickness I’m experiencing will pale in comparison to the emotional distress felt by his family and friends. Having someone so close to you pass away is more than anyone can handle, yet it’s something that must be borne.

I don't know any of them personally, but I saw the bond they had through their concerts and DVDs. They show the world how interconnected their lives have become and how much they mean to each other with every word they say and every action they take. My heart and prayers go out to them now. This loss is something I had hoped they wouldn’t experience until their later years. Truthfully, I had always hoped they would all pass at the same time so they wouldn’t have to be without each other. No one is going to fill Jimmy’s drum kit or the void left by his death. I can’t even comprehend the thought of someone trying.

To all of you: I know it doesn’t seem right, but tell Jimmy how mad you are that he left like this. Get it out now so the resentment doesn’t set in later. I love each and every one of you dearly and want to see you survive this loss.

To the crew: Jason, Matt, Danny, Rob and Fred. You all have your memories of Jimmy. Jason, you probably worked closest with him as you were his drum tech. I don’t know what to say to you. I keep trying to form the words, but all I can think is to offer you my love and support. Matt, I’m not too sure of the relationship between you and Jimmy. At the very least you lost a friend and that is enough to win you my heart. Danny, as security you had to know the guys in indescribable ways. Jimmy was crazy and I don’t know how you learned to navigate that maze of a mind, but you kept him safe. Thank you. Rob, I don’t know much about you. That doesn’t matter though because you worked with the guys and had a Jimmy experience. My condolences that you didn’t get to know him better. Fred? What can be said to you. You’ve seen the guys through their albums and watched them grow not only as musicians, but as people. I wish you the best in dealing with this.

Leana. No words can express how much I’m feeling for you right now. If it were at all possible, I’d hug the dying deathbats out of you. I hope those around you are helping and giving you the support you need. I believe it’s safe for me to say that you have the love of the Avenged community to lift you up during this. Nothing I can say or do will have much of an impact, but I want you to know you are loved and cherished. You brought to Jimmy’s life a joy that no one can ever thank you enough for. The one time I saw you, you were smiling so wide I thought your face had to be hurting. Hopefully that smile comes back to you when you think back on the love and time you shared with Jimmy. I don’t know how long it will take for you to come to terms with this, but I know you’ll honor him in the best way possible.

Brian. From what I’ve seen you and Jimmy shared a bond that stretched a little deeper than the others. Nothing that I can say will ease the pain of this, but I know there are people around you who will slowly heal the wound. I would say more, but I think actions would speak volumes more than words right now, and what I really want to do is give you and Michelle so many hugs you’re seeing stars. Delight in those still with you and bring them ever closer to your heart.

Johnny. Through all the video footage I’ve seen of you and Jimmy, he treated you like his favorite plushie and dragged you around relentlessly. But I also saw how much you two bonded through that. There’s a connection between every drummer and bassist. Those two are the backbone of every amazing band and Avenged is at the top of the list. I hope you draw on the good memories you have of your friend. You two were a duo that can never be matched. I know he loved you and I see him watching over you, doing bad things to people who pick on you like he did.

Matt. The two giants of the group. The self-titled album showed you a side of Jimmy he had kept hidden. You got a glimpse deeper into his mind that allowed you two to grow closer in ways no one else can understand. The bond you two forged over the years was strengthened greatly during the last days. To have this come so soon after the best day of your life has to be a shock greater than anyone can fathom. I sincerely wish you the best during this.

Zack. You said it yourself that you and Jimmy didn’t become the best of friends until you started playing together. But it was clear to anyone who saw you two that the word “friendship” was a paltry definition of the bond between you two. I want to say that I can relate just slightly to the pain you’re feeling. To lose someone so close to your birthday is a travesty that taints the month for years. It’s been years since I went through this, but that pain hasn’t disappeared. I’ll tell you it gets easier if you keep your loved ones close and find a release for all the pent up emotion. You lost your brother, but have heart that you’ll see him again.

Jimmy there were many things I wanted to say to you if I ever met you. I guess I have to wait until I see you beyond the pearly gates, huh? May you find peace and love in the arms of the Father. May your life be light unto others in times of distress and a beacon of happiness in time of joy.

RIP James "The Rev" Owen Sullivan February 9, 1981- December 28,2009