Sequel: Playing Dirty
Status: For autopsy's insane asylum challenge; one shot, with an epilouge being written up.

Friends Are To Be Made

The One And Only Chapter

“Come on, Tally, don’t tell me you really expect me to do this. I swear, I don’t want to disturb any of the patients here and it costs a lot to get into one of these. Are you sure? Are you really?” I asked.

“Yes, I am! You gave me dare permission, I accepted. Too late to chicken out now, unless you want to pay the consequences.” she retorted. I would really like to not to accept this idiotic challenge, but the consequences were too harsh for me. My consequence was to – well, this was too embarrassing.

Oh, my challenge? I was supposed to act as an insane person to get into the asylum. Let’s go back to when and why this happened. I was bored, so I went on Mystery Google. I kept searching up random stuff and then, I got a mission. “Your mission is to pass off as an insane person and be able to slip into an insane asylum. If you successfully do it, you will get great luck.” I giggled. This was way to extreme for anyone to do from Mystery Google. Tally, seeing that I giggled, she looked at the mission, as she remembered her one last dare from last summer. Her face lit up with joy. “No. No. I am NOT doing this and you can’t make me.” I yelled, reading that look on her face.

“Yes, my dear, yes you will…” she smirked. This was not going to get any better.


The closer we got to the asylum, the more nervous I got. How was I supposed to be able to pass as someone with insanity? We walked into the asylum and Tally said to the receptionist, “My sister claims that she is always attacked by ghosts at night. Sometimes, she cries and yells because they hurt too much. This is the third asylum I’ve been to and they still haven’t cured her yet, do you think you can?” Tally motioned towards me. I hid behind her cowardly as I pretended to whisper something in her ear. She nodded to my fake whispers and said softly “Nice.”

“There have been several patients wither problem here. I think we could fix her up for you, just fine.” the receptionist replied. We filled out the papers and bam! I was in. As they led me to my room, I was glad I was pulling this off. They set me in my room that I shared with two other people. “Ms. Adriani, these are your two new roommates.” the nurse told me as she motioned toward the guy and the girl. The guy put his hand up and waved to me while the other girl just sat there with a sad look on her face.

“Oh, that’s Layla. You see, she was raped by this guy and her best friend came to help her, and as they were running away, he got run over and is still in a coma. Just before they blacked out, he confessed his love for her and she realized that she was so oblivious for not noticing their mutual feelings. That happened two years ago, now, she doesn’t talk. And I’m David, by the way.” He informed me. I nodded.

I pointed to myself, and said “Andriani, I see ghosts and dead people. They speak to me in my sleep. No one will believe me.” I told him as I sat on my new bed. This was true, sorta. I always had this thing for seeing ghosts and people’s auras, but my parents told me to keep quiet about it, or strange people would come take me away. “How do you know so much about her?” I asked motioning towards Layla.

“You see, she can’t talk, but sometimes she writes in this journal and she gives it to me to read. She says I’m like the older brother she always wanted to have.” he replied.

“So, umm… why are you in here?” I asked.

“Oh, there’s nothing wrong with me. I’ve just been in this hospital since I was little because my careless and drunk mom dropped me on my head when I was a baby and every time I get too close to someone similar to my mother, I try to kill them. But other than that, I’m totally normal.” he explained. We chatted for a while about ourselves. “I’ve been trying to escape this prison for years. I probably could if I really tried, but if I really did escape, somewhere, out there, there’s a girl who is my destiny, but what if she’s similar to my mom? I’d probably kill her!” he ranted. “I almost killed my sister when she visited me the first time; she’s not allowed to visit me anymore. Oh, how I loved her company. All she would do was listen.” tears welded up in his eyes.

“Oh, its okay, my dear. It’s okay.” I hugged him. The next events were so crazy; I couldn’t tell what was happening. One minute I’m hugging him, the next his lips were on mine. I couldn’t believe it. I have kissed a guy before, but that was on a dare and it was plain. This one was fire-y, it burned with passion, put butterflies in my stomach, and fireworks went off in my head. Before anything else happened, his hands were on my neck and he was trying to choke me!

“Help! Help! David’s having one of his attacks again! This time it’s on the new girl, Adriani! HELP!” Layla yelled. Just before I blacked out, I heard the doctors rush by and pull him off of me. Then, nothingness.


“Miss, miss!” a voice in my head yelled.

“Umm…who are you?” I asked.

“I’m your new friend, ma’am. My name is Nate.” the voice told me.

“I’m Adriani.” I introduced myself. We spent a while talking. Finally, I plucked up the courage to ask, “Are you a ghost?”

“Yes, I am. Well, actually, I’m a soul. I’ve been separated form my body which is currently who knows where.” he answered. “How did you get into this mess?” he asked me. I tried to remember, I really did. All I could remember was that it had to do with David. I shrugged my shoulders. “You?”

“Well, I was in love with my best friend and she didn’t realize and went out with the football jock, he almost raped her, but I saved her and as we were running away, a car was coming towards us and I pushed her out of the way. I got run over.”

“Whoa! Is your best friend named Layla?” I asked.

“As a matter of fact, she is? How did you know?”

“I share a room with her at the asylum!”

“Wow! Really? Can you tell her one thing for me, for a friend?”

“You’re not my friend! Not officially! Just an acquaintance, for now, okay?” I joked

“Friends are to be made, Adriani!” I nodded in agreement. “Tell Layla to get ready, I’ll be back soon!”

“I’ll do it if you become my friend and remember me when we meet in real life.”

“Good-bye, my friend, I hope I can meet you in person some day!” he said as his voice faded away.


“Ms. Adriani? Ms. Adriani…” I heard yet another voice say. I mean, seriously, what is with these souls and coming to me for help? I opened my eyes. It was a doctor!

“Doctor, is it possible for souls to communicate with one another when they are both in comas?” I asked.

“Well, Miss, there have been several reports of incidents like these happening.”

“Oh, thanks!” I said as I ran out of the room. I ran all the way back to my old room, where I jumped on Layla’s bed to wake her up, but she was already up. “Layla! Layla!” I shouted. She had no sign of emotion or reply to me on her face. It was just blank. “Layla?” I asked. She pointed to a page on her journal. “I only talk to friends.” it read. “Well, friends are to be made, silly.” as I said that her face lit up.

“How did you know that?” she said. David gasped. Oh, right, David, I would have to deal with him soon. This was more important, though.

“You’re best friend; his name is Nate, right?” I asked. She nodded her head vigorously and motioned for me to move on. “He came talked to me while I was in my coma.”

“Wait, wait, wait, how did he ‘talk’ to you?” David asked, looking perplexed.

“Well, I hear this little voice in the back of my head. It just talked to me and I just talked back. I didn’t really understand it.”

"Didn’t it feel weird?” he questioned.

“Of course it did, you dummy! Why wouldn’t it?” I replied.

“Can you just get on with what Nate told you?!” Layla yelled, excitedly.

“Well, he told me to tell you to be ready, he’s comin’ back any moment.” just then, our nurse came into the room.

“Layla, there’s a young man out there asking to see you. He says he saved you…?” she told Layla.

“What are you waiting for? Send him in!” she exclaimed. In came a guy about Layla’s age, who I instantly knew was Nate. Layla ran up to hug Nate and they had a conversation to catch up.

“Adriani, I’m sorry. I am really.” David said. I replied by kissing him, a sweet, hot, passionate kiss.

“It’s okay, David. It’s okay.” I said, barely breaking apart our kiss.

“Has our nurse told you this? I’m getting better. I met my sister a week ago and I had a perfectly normal conversation with her.” he told me. This was going to turn out well.
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I really like this, so I'm gonna write up an epilouge. Thanks for readin'. I hope you comment and like it.