My Love Story

New School Great


“First day of school, what a horror. Come on guys let’s get you some food.” After feeding them I got ready for the big day.

Jasper's POV

I was crushed no not crushed I was heartbroken. My lovely Alice broke up with me and went for William. She said that someday I will find my true soul mate and when that day came I will never regret it. I really don’t think that will ever happen.

“Jasper come on. We got an hour before school.”

“Oh ok Edward.”

~ Hour later ~

I came down the stairs and ran to the car. I picked the car Alice doesn’t go in. Thank god Alice isn’t in any of my classes. We zoomed to the school, we were not surprise that everyone was staring at the new girl. I held no interest in the subject and went to class.


When I got to school there were many kids already there just hanging out. When my car entered the parking lot everyone snapped their heads to see me. Just great that’s what I need attention from everyone. I quickly parked my car away from everyone else’s and walked to the building to the office. There was a small plumped woman. She looked like she would rather be somewhere else.

“Umm hello I’m new here, could I get my schedule?”

“Oh well of course my dear. Now what’s your name?”

“Teg Gates” She went to a file cabin and searched through it.

“Here it is, now this slip you must get signed by all your teachers and bring it back to me at the end of the day.”

“Ok, see you at the end of the day.” I walked to my first class, math. It was still weird for me to go in a class when everyone was taller and older than you. I went to the teacher. He signed my slip and to my horror he got everyone’s attention.

“Class class this is our new student. Now I hope you welcome her in.” he turned to me and said “Will you please introduce yourself.” I turned towards the class.

“Hi my name is Teg gates. I like to go surfing. I have three dogs. I moved from Connecticut. And I am only 16.”

“Thank you Miss Gates, now could you go and sit next to Mr. Cullen. Mr. Cullen could you please raise your hand.” When I looked around to find the hand. I saw a huge buff man raising his hand. Oh this is going to be a long year. I quickly walked over to him. Many of the girls were giving me glares. I sat down and got ready for the session.

“Hi I’m Emmet.”

“Teg as you already know.”

“Yeah, hey you said you were 16. How come?”

“Oh I skipped 10 grade.”

“Wow, you must be really smart to be able to skip a grade.” When there was 10 minutes left, Mr. Kabas let us talk among ourselves. We talked some more till the bell ranged.

“Hey Teg how about you sit by my family at lunch?”

“Ok, cool” then I quickly headed to AP language arts. Thankfully I didn’t have to introduce myself.

“Miss Gates you can sit in front of Miss Hale.” I slowly walked over there. I sat down and she gave me a glare for no reason. There was another girl with black hair and red highlights. She too gave me a glare and an evil smile. I heard them whisper.

“Rosa calm down just because she is the new girl doesn’t mean you have to be mean to her.”

“Well do you remember what Bella did to us?”

“Yeah, but just ignore her” then the bell rang and Miss Hale and her friend were out of there.