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James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

A Poem And A Letter To A Friend

A man whose life was held so dear…
Even now why he’s gone is so unclear.
Though I haven’t a clue how to,
Jimmy I will do this for you.
I pray for the man that taught me so much,
I say this, not because of a silly crush,
But for my hero,
No his name isn’t Jackson, or Lero,
He goes by the great Reverend,
And sadly his life came to an end.
His name is known by so many,
His life was anything but petty.

“Dear god, I am new to this,
But please make it so this man is never forgotten,
Because he is one man I will surely miss.
Do this one thing I ask,
And it will be the greatest gift I’ve ever gotten.”

Though I know you're probably having much fun,
Chasing ducks, and telling silly puns,
I want you to know,
That the love of us all, is anything but low.
Jimmy, The Reverend, Sullivan,
You were one hell of a man.

“I’m not sure how to do this,
But please, god, let him know he is missed.
Please, tell him we love him,
And we try not to let the tears spill over the brim,
Please, God, this is all I ask,
This one, important task,”

I cry for you Jimmy, though I try not to.
For crying is something you wouldn’t want us to do.
But when I watch you chasing that big ass duck,
The tears are anything but stuck.
You were so young….its practically unfair.
We’re suffering from our hearts biggest tear,
How does the world deal with such a loss?
It’s not as simple as a coin toss…

“Please god, Tell me there was no pain,
Tell him he certainly didn't die in vain!
Dear lord, I pray this once to you,
What is his next mission assigned to do?”

James Owen Sullivan,
You were a man of music, and jokes,
A man that suffers no bounds,
A man we thought to be immortal….
And you were right my dear drummer,
“Just a spoonful of Jimmy, makes the whole world go down,”
May be have one last farewell,
I’ve already sent my wish to the wishing well.

“Please god, Let him be okay!
Tell us our drummer, wasn’t in any pain,
Tell us he’s rocking out the heaven’s,
And please, lord, give the man,
One last chance to drum us out.

I am getting a comemerative tattoo for Jimmy. My parents will be angry at my sisters and I, but i havent a care, I may be underage, but Jimmy is more important then getting grounded for a few months.

Jimmy inspired me to be who i am, no matter what people may say. And i will continue this, i will show other people what he taught me, Change for No one.

Thank You Jimmy for being there, and i pray for you.
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