Status: Please Send In Your Submissions! Keep The Faith.....

James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed


Dear James Sullivan

When you died I felt like someone tore my heart out, stabbed it a shit load of times, shoved it back into my chest, and tried to sew it back in with a dull sewing needle. My eyes burned, my body ached, and I could feel the start of depression sinking. You made such a huge impact on peoples lives. I looked up to you in so many ways. You were that guy in the band that everyone could relate to. You were a crazy bastard but it made everyone love you that much more. I wish Matt didn't get sick February 16,2009 or I would have seen you guys live. I wish I could have met you but I know your watching out for all of us and that good enough for me. I know your probably looking down at us all thinking "Why are they all cry over me" but James you were a once in a life time person and we love you dearly.
So Jimbo go chase those stallion ducks and tell Kurt and John I said "Hey" and go raise some hell where ever you are.

In Memory of James Owen Sullivan
February 10,1981 to December 28,2009

P.s The 2010 already sucks without you and I'll see you whenever I get where you are
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It sure does. weve been reported for a third time. fuckers.