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James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

Letter To Jimmy.

Dear Jimmy,

I know this has probably already been said, but the reason it has is because it’s the 100% truth.
You were, still are, and always will be one of my biggest inspirations in music.
I may not be a drummer (I’m a bassist), but you’re one of the people that’s inspired me to start singing again, and I respect you for that.
We all know that this wasn’t your time to go and you had many years of fame and happiness ahead of you! But alas, like the lyrics in A Little Piece Of Heaven say, “'Cus everybody’s gotta’ die sometime.” It’s just a shame that your time was so early.
Truth be told, when my friend told me on the 29th (also my birthday) about your sudden death, it took me half an hour to actually believe what he was saying.
I thought it was just some sick joke because he knew that I idolized you so much.
But then he showed me websites and things and all these “RIP The Rev” videos on Youtube, it was then that I realized that he wasn’t joking. The moment I realized, I didn’t care that it was my birthday, in fact; I didn’t care about anything, I just broke down completely and my mum found me on the floor, crying.
Call me sad, but I’m sure that’s how many other fans would have reacted.
I know I shouldn’t grieve on your passing so badly; it’s just that it shocked me knowing that you’re no longer walking on this earth anymore.

Anyways, all I want to say now is thank you.
I hope you’ve found your little piece of heaven in the afterlife, and are rocking it up out there with Dimebag, Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and all the other gods!
Oh dear, we can’t forget those stallion ducks, now can we? Haha.

My heart goes out to Leana Silver, Matt Sanders, Brian Haner Jr, Zacky Baker, Johnny Seward, other fans, and your family and friends.

RIP James Owen Sullivan.
One of my biggest idols, one of the best drummers of our time, and most importantly, an amazing person in general.
You may be gone, but you will never, EVER be forgotten!

[10.02.81 – 28.12.09]

Michelle ♥

P.S. On Facebook, there’s a group called “Afterlife for UK No. 1”.
That was created in the memory of you, and people who’ve joined that group think it would make one of the best birthday presents! Just thought I'd let you know.
♠ ♠ ♠
ahh, facebook.