Status: Please Send In Your Submissions! Keep The Faith.....

James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

My Letter To Jimmy

Dear Jimmy,
Ive gotten to the point where I can hardly take it anymore.But I always hide the pain.I cut myself,scratch myself until i bleed,burn myself,and just torture myself basically.I fucking miss you.You have no idea what i would give for you to come back for 1 day.I would fucking kill myself just to be with you.People think its a joke.I stuff the pain down.And when it comes out i hurt myself until all the pain is gone.I cant tell people about this.They just make fun of me.People say your watching over me.But the way i see it your gone forever.
Please come back</3
I Love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
even now, people still miss Jimmy as much as they did last December.