Status: Please Send In Your Submissions! Keep The Faith.....

James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

Honorable Mentions

Dear Avenged fans,

I am sorry for all your losses; I know how much you all must have cared for him. I’m not his biggest fan but when my boyfriend dragged me to an Avenged concert two years ago I had met them all back stage and they were so genuine, they were compassionate people that I could have gotten along with if we had talked all night, but you know, busy schedule and all.

When I was backstage I was instantly deserted by my boyfriend who went talking straight to Brian - at the time he was starting out on his first guitar lessons and wanted to be like Brian. The moment he left me Jimmy came up to me and noticed how close we seemed to be and asked if we were together, I said we were and we began talking about Leana and how much he missed her when he was on tour.

Everyone down here on earth is truly grateful to have you as a memory because you were a great soul and always seem to put a smile on your fans faces, and it's the least we could ask for of any great guy.

I knew Jimmy as a drummer, an inspiration to my boyfriend, and a sweetheart who loved his wife, but I don’t know Jimmy as you guys do and I want to pour my heart out to all of you that you make it through this because it is the least I can do for you guys.

I wish all the guys love and peace for the future, I wish you guys happiness, and Jimmy I hope you Rest In Peace up there.

Love from,
Midnight Dreams.
♠ ♠ ♠
thank you guys so much!