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James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

From my Heart to Yours: We Leave Him in Your Care now

From my Heart to Yours: We Leave Him in Your Care now

For the past year and a half, I’ve kept a list of people that I believe to be endlessly fascinating; a list of every person I want to have a conversation, a real conversation, with at some point in my life.

Today, I had to cross off one of those people, not because I met him and talked to him, but because he was taken, prematurely, from this world. Twenty-five words is not enough to summarize this man’s life. But is twenty-five words enough to summarize anyone’s life?

Personally, I believe we’re all sent here to do something. We all have a purpose and we’re all meant to accomplish something in this lifetime, and when we’re taken from this world by the hands of God, and brought up to heaven for our final judgment, then, and only then, will we know if we have accomplished exactly what we were intended to accomplish.

I think Jimmy Sullivan was sent to the world, to all of us, to change lives, and save people. And he did that, I just hope he knew. From what I've observed of him in videos, live performances, and interviews, he was a genuinely good person, and really loved what he did. I think he's in a better place right now, looking down on all of us (and laughing at our stupid mistakes and making fun of all of us a little bit.)

He definitely made his mark on the world, on all of us. And we won't ever forget him, but they need him more than we do, I guess. I feel terrible, but I know he'll be okay. I bet he's up there right now, toasting the New Year in with someone awesome like George Carlin or Les Paul. Maybe he's even teaching Jesus how to drum like a maniac. Whichever it is, I know he'll always be watching over his beloved wife, his family, his friend, and his fans.

He was something else, that man, and maybe one day, when we all get to heaven, he'll be there to greet us, and welcome us to the party with a beer in hand and the smile that he always seemed to be wearing attached to his lips.

Though I will never get to meet him, the circumstances of the situation make that impossible, he is still on my list of endlessly fascinating people. And he will stay there forever.

To me, he seemed so interesting. Like he didn’t care about his success, only that his music was something he could so easily loose himself in, and that other people took a great love in it, also.
I hope that Avenged still goes on to make more music, finding a fill-in for Jimmy. And I use the term fill-in because you could never replace a sole as free, and as beautiful as his.

He will be missed greatly, but never forgotten. His impression is deep and will be ever-lasting.

James Sullivan
February 10, 1981 - December 28, 2009
You are in God’s hands now; he needs you more than we do.
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amazing, isnt it?