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James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

Hope You Found Peace in Your Afterlife

I have been a fan of A7X since I was 14 years old. I am now 17. Three years may not seem that long compared to other fans, but to me it does. To me, those three years seemed like a lifetime. The passing of Jimmy has shocked everyone. To A7X fans, this couldn't have been happening. You seen him on their DVDs joking around, writing music for the band, and playing live for all the fans. Never once would you think someone from a band so close knit, and so talented could be gone. Just like that.

It's hard to believe. It's hard for the band, Leana, his family and his friends. It's hard on all of us. Jimmy's death has brought us together closer than ever before.

To some people it may seem silly to mourn the loss of a musician. However, to me and to many other fans, he was not just some musician. He was an idol, an inspiration. I felt like I knew him even though I never had the chance to meet him. From all the videos, pictures, and DVDs, you get a feel of who he really was. And even though I didn't know him like his bandmates, friends, and family, it still hurts to see a musician you love and adore pass. Especially if you have grown attached to their music for so long. Things like this shouldn't happen. Why did he have to go?

I listen to their song, Afterlife, and I can't comprehend how eerie it is to hear it now; to listen to the lyrics. Jimmy had written that song over a year ago, it was almost like he predicted his own death.

It's a tragedy. He was still young and still had a lot to live for. He had to leave behind so many people that loved him. I hope the best for the ones close to him. I know it must be painful, especiallly for the band. I don't know what they're going to do without him. In my hopes, I wish they continue with their music and find a new drummer. Even though no one can compare to the sound and talent like Jimmy's; I think that's what he would have wanted. For them to continue what they started.

Jimmy, we love you and miss you. It's hard to grasp that you're gone, but you'll always live forever in our hearts.
Rest in peace, Jimmy. <3