Status: Please Send In Your Submissions! Keep The Faith.....

James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

My Letter.

Dear Jimmy,

Death is never fair. I found that out at a very young age.

I was listened to Betrayed, and it reminded me that you went through the same thing when Dimebag died. You sat there, wherever you were, denying the very thought of a hero dying.

He, like you, was a husband, a friend, a brother, a beloved musician, a son, and a man. I don’t want to know how the rest of the band is taking your passing, but I’m sure it’s much worse than mine.

I wish I had the chance to meet you. March 26, 2009 rolled around and I got the chance to at least see Avenged play live. I can remember that night, but it just feels like a dream now. The concentration you had as you played, the way everyone on stage had such a presence, and how you laughed when we begged for one more song. You guys walked off the stage, promising to come back to Tennessee soon. I didn’t care if you guys came back because I was willing to travel any distance to see A7X play again.

Someone told me that you were dead, and I immediately denied. I had to find out for myself. I wish I stayed oblivious.

I told myself not to cry, but it’s just so easy to think that you are no longer with the band in person. You’re somewhere else, hopefully happy. I hope you realize how many people love you. You won’t be forgotten.

My deepest condolences,

Amanda Crawford
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keep them coming!

wow, she seen them on my birthday :} just a little hope!