Status: Please Send In Your Submissions! Keep The Faith.....

James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed

My Letter To The Reverend

Dear Jimmy,

I never met you, but you meant so much to me. You still mean so much to me. You were the greatest drummer I have ever heard, and I will never forgive myself for never going to one of Avenged Sevenfold’s concerts; I had been planning to go to one during the next tour, but it won’t be the same. Avenged Sevenfold will never be the same without you, Jimmy. I missed out on the opportunity of a life time to see a true rock legend live, and it’s something I won’t get back. Something none of your fans will get back.

You’re in a better place, but I’m selfish enough to wish you were still here. I wanted to meet you one day, and I suppose I will, it just won’t be backstage on the Warped Tour.

Miss you Jimmy,
Jordan Joiner
♠ ♠ ♠
almost to a hundred in less than 24 hours?!>!>!>>! damn!