Status: Please Send In Your Submissions! Keep The Faith.....

James Owen Sullivan, You Will Be Missed



Uh, I have never done this but… you’re an exception. You are my inspiration when I write about comedy, when I think of funny things to say I always think ‘What would The Rev say?’. I know that you’re somewhere where you’re chasing big ducks and doing all kinds of crazy shit.

Whenever I felt down or angered or both I always listened to your music and just the sound of the instruments filled me with joy and relaxed me. I was so shocked when I found out you had passed away. My thoughts and heart go out to your friends, family and wife. I know what it feels like to lose someone so close to you. I know the pain and the emptiness and it’ll never go away. I just wanted to say that you were a talented man that deserved so many more years of life.

Just know that you’ve inspired so many people with your talent.

Your fan,

Yira Hernandez
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# 100! wow!