Sequel: Devoted


After a Midtown Show

1.12 AM

____ Adam & I saw Midtown tonight; had an amazing time. Apparently Adam got “violated” multiple times while crowd surfing; just like I had told him he would. That’s probably my biggest concert-related fear… maybe the only one at that.

____ We waited around after the show to try& run into one of the band members (such as Gabriel) but no such luck. They went out or something… Oh well. Maybe one day?

____ I just can’t express how amazing the night was. I mean there was just something special this time… I understand that when on stage one looks around, but when Gabe looked at me, there was just… something special. I mean, you can really tell that he thoroughly enjoys getting up & performing every night for a living. It’s in his eyes. You get the need to look in & you can immediately tell that he loves what he does & ... more. Whatever it is, I really admire it. It’s amazing to see so much in a guy only five years older than I.