The Cliff.

The Cliff.

he blue-green ocean stretches before me as far as I can see, the breeze blows salty air in my face. The sand below me feels gritty and uncomfortable. I look up at the cliff. The cliff I often picture myself jumping off, ending this cruel life in one last action. It's much to tall to ever survive the fall, which is exactly what I want. Rumor is, before you die, your life flashes before your eyes. What would flash before mine? Unloving parents? Screaming matches? Meaningless boyfriend after meaningless boyfriend? The one best friend who kept me alive this long? There really isn't much I would want to see before I die. Perhaps Milo. One last smile, one last hug to comfort all the horrible events of my life. Milo is the only reason I've survived the last two years. His smile, his caring nature, is my life preserve.

I stand up and brush the sand of my shorts and walk to the top of the cliff. I watch birds fly by as I sit on the edge, my feet dangling. The setting sun shoots reds and purples across the sky like fireworks. My vision blurs as tears streak my pale face. I watch a little boy playing in the sand, his parents close by. I watch them kneel down and play with him. His blond curls bounce in the setting sun as he builds a small sand castle. As they prepare to leave the dad picks the small boy up and hugs him. The tears fall faster as I picture my own life. One fight after the other, feeling worthless, crying myself to sleep. Everything I see seals my fate. This cliff will be the end.

My phone buzzes in my pocket while I watch the sun set. Milo sent me a message, asking if I need him. I can't lie to Milo. I message him and tell him, I will no longer need him, and I've always loved him. I shut my phone off and sit it on the ground next to me. I rise from my spot in the dirt. The ocean below me seems harsh and violent. i know this needs to end quickly, before Milo arrives. I step to the edge, feeling the wind,cool and damp, whip past my face blowing my hair wildly around me. I whisper one last goodbye to the only boy my heart ever belonged to before I take my last step.

Free-falling. The air around me is still as I slice through it. For one moment, I feel weightless, care-free. The end is here and I have no worries. My life doesn't flash before my eyes, all I see before the water is the purple sky, one last glimpse of the sun and then, nothing.