Everything I've Been Dreaming Of



It felt almost surreal to see the palm trees bordering the crowded streets of Los Angeles. The salty ocean wind, that calmed me down most days, now just gave me a burning itch in the very back of my throat that couldn’t seem to go away. I squinted through the thick frames of my Ray Bans as I sped down the road, ignoring the pedestrians that stood on the sidewalks.

The depthless ocean went on for miles ahead of me, but the only thing I could seem to focus on was the rising speedometer, which was easily increasing twenty miles over the set speed limit.

As I turned a corner, the edge of my luggage case rammed into my arm, sending a sharp pain through the entire left side of my body. I ignored it, because no level of pain could replace the single thing on my mind.


I can’t stand this feeling; the feeling of hating everything and everyone for no reason at all. Frustration rang throughout my body as I rode the elevator down to the lobby. My parents were pissing me off, my brothers were pissing me off, and my girlfriend was pissing me off. Hell, Texas was pissing me off.

The stupid elevator music played silently but in my head it was like an entire orchestra was there, the cymbals crashing against my brain. I couldn’t be here right now. I had to get outside. I felt my pocket for my cell phone but remembered I left it in my room. It was all for the better since I wouldn’t have to hear her voice or read her texts. I passed my family in the lobby. They called after me but I just walked past them out to the Texas streets. Freedom.


My hand shook so violently that my signature wasn't even recognizable. What am I doing? I smashed the pen against my antique oak desk, shaking the entire surface, even knocking over the picture frame in the corner. I considered leaving it down, but caved in to picking it back up. Just a glance of that picture opened a hole in my chest like no other. We were so perfect back then, no problems, no distractions, absolutely perfect.

The change happened so quickly that I didn't even realize it, but she sure did. I acted on my instincts as I ripped up the paper in front of me, each tear feeling like a punch to my chest, but I had to be strong. This is what I had to do. This is what I needed, just a little strength.
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Hello lovely 6 subscribers already. Here is this story's prologue! Just some little snippets for you that Bold As Love_ and I, super.cool.adieu;; hope you enjoy :)

We are so excited to start this story... we hope you are as excited as we are. 2010 will be a great year for stories. I can guarantee it :)