The Past is Best Forgotten

Bri Larson is P!ATD, FOB, and MCR's good friend. One day, she has a car accident and she forgets the past year-and-a-half of her life. With the confusion of forgetting several people and things, her friend have to help her through it...
  1. The 'Blessing'
    Perfect recipe for Chapter 1: 1 part Ryan Ross, 1 part naughty Brendon, a teaspoon of Gerard, Frank, and Mikey, Fall Out Boy, and just a dash of tradgedy!
  2. Who is she?
    Pete gets upset and Bri's confused.
  3. Italian Food, and annoying Brendon
    They go to an Italian restaurant and annoy Brendon. Male country singers also pop in during the end.
  4. Skittles... do bad things to people (but it's OK)
    Frank gets dramatic about the 'skittle stash' and Ryan eavesdrops...
  5. Everything Goes Wrong
    Ryan gets drunk and it affects both him and Bri
  6. I'm Okay..... Trust Me.....
    Bri goes to work and finds out she can't deal. Ryan attempts to call Bri back.
  7. Welcome Home, Ryan (Not)
    Bri is a little more than pissed when Ryan returns.
  8. Mall Game
    The boys plan a little outing to try to lighten Bri's mood.
  9. Talking Coat Hanger That Sound Like Pete Wentz?
    Brendon and Keelie find out about and Pete hangs out with the brand new 'Bross'?
  10. Bri is very easily ticked....
    moral: don't kill exclamation points or use gee-tars as protection...
  11. How do we describe these songs? Pretty, well, odd.
    Bri, Pete, and Ryro have some fun in the recording studio... no, not a threesome you pervs!
  12. You wrote this song?