The Past is Best Forgotten

How do we describe these songs? Pretty, well, odd.

The next day, Ryan and Bri both went to the recording studio together. They met up with Pete in the lobby of the building and went to record.

"The music I want you to sing is on the stand," Pete said.

Bri nodded and went into the separate part of the room. She looked at the music for a second, then she looked at Pete. "This is a joke isn't it."

Pete raise his eyebrow's. "Does there seem to be a problem, Bri?"

"'Come save me from walking off a windowsill or I'll sleep in the rain. Don't you remember when I was a bird and you were a map?'" Bri watched as Ryan smiled then started laughing. "'Ryan this isn't funny. These lyrics are mental hospital worthy. Listen: Rope hung his other branch and at the end was a dog called Bambi who was chewing up his parliaments when he tried to save the calendar business!' Ryan, this was written by a crack addict!"

Ryan stiffled his laughing and said, "You might like it after you know how the song goes and everything. Do it for me, Bri?" He smiled a little, and Bri melted.

"Otay, Ryro," Bri said with a goofy smile.

Pete laughed. "Okay, I'll start the music." Then he started the music.

Ryan watched as Bri sight-read his lyrics, then turned to Pete. "It doesn't really sound like a crack addict wrote it, does it?"

Pete laughed and shook his head. "I think she knows it's you now, or at least sounds like you. Like you said, she just didn't hear it with the other music."

Turning back to Bri, Ryan saw that she had started smiling and was tapping her foot to the music, just like she does when she likes a song. When she was finished with the song, she immediately said to Pete, "That was so cool! Who wrote it, can he write some songs for me? Ryan did you listen to those lyrics with that music? They were AWESOME!"

The two boys looked at each other and laughed a little at Bri's excitement.

"Well, Bri," Pete said, "The person who wrote it has a part in the music business, too. I don't know if he's too busy to write some music for you."

Bri frowned. "That sucks. Tell him to quit whatever else he's doing and just write music for me!"

Pete shook his head. "I can't do that. Him and his group made too much money for me to give them up... plus we have a contract."

"I never heard music like this from one of the decay dance artist!" Bri said.

"I guess I just don't exist, do I?" Ryan said.

Bri gave her boyfriend a death glare. "Your music doesn't sound like their's George... Ryan... Ross."

Pete widened his eyes at that. "I lasted WAY longer than you did on the full name thing, Ryan."

Ryan just shrugged. "Well, I guess you'd rather listen to them tomorrow than my new CD." He stood up, pretending to walk out.

"NO ryro! I wanna listen to your CD," she said, giving him the puppy dog eyes. "I wanna hear the sweet melodic tones of Las Vegas Irony."

"You'll be disappointed," Pete said to her as Ryan sat back down.

Bri looked at Ryan, eyes wide. "There's no Las Vegas Irony?" Ryan nodded a little. Bri took off her headphones and walked into the room that Pete and Ryan were in. She walked up to Ryan and sat on his lap. "Then what is on your CD?"

"Clocks, carnivals, trojan horses, cigarettes, feathers, and the sea!" Ryan said.

"So you just put random items together and think that it's going to make up for LAS... VEGAS... IRONY?" Bri asked him.

Ryan acted like he was thinking for a minute, then nodded.

Bri pause for a little while. "You better be glad your pretty, Ross."

"I'm JUST pretty?" Ryan said, pouting a little.

Bri pretended to think for a moment, then nodded.

"HEY, that's my thing!" Ryan complained, fully pouting now.

"I don't like it, you should have stuck with something that starts with L and ends with As Vegas Irony!" Bri said getting up. "Can I sing more, Pete?"

Pete nodded and handed her another music sheet. "Can you sing this?"

"Of course I can, Pete," she said, then went into the other room to record it.

Pete started the music and she started singing on cue. "'Allow me to exaggerate a memory or two. Where summers lasted longer than we do. Where nothing really mattered except for me to be with you...'"

"You gave her one of Brendon's songs?" Ryan asked Pete.

"It sounds like her. She's like a punk rock Elly-May. When you write a country-ish song, then I'll let her sing it."

"All right. Are those all the songs your going to make her sing? She can't have to much of a preview of Pretty. Odd."

Pete nodded. "I think that's the last one, then she can choose whatever."

"What all did she sing last time? Anything from A Fever You Can't Sweat Out?"

"One. 'There's a Good Reason These Tables are Numbered, Honey.' She looked really devious singing it."

"Wow... she was really mad at me."

Pete nodded in agreement. "We couldn't let her watch TRL because they played 'Nine In the Afternoon' and she would look at the comments about it and we would randomly hear. 'Nothing is awesome about Ryan Ross! Why do you people think that? You people haven't even MET him and know what a... person he is.' It wasn't as entertaining then as it is now."

Ryan laughed a little bit. "I'm glad we're over that," he said. "I don't know what I would do if she stayed mad at me."

The song ended and Bri looked at them. "I'm glad you continually conversed while I was singing that one."

"Did you like it, Bri?" Pete asked her.

"Yeah," Bri said, "But I liked the first one better."
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Thanks to Tw!tt3r styx who commented wanting more of this story. If you want more, tell me. That's the only way you are going to get more...