Countdown to Self-Destruct


From: Ryan Ross (
Sent: Fri 7/05/09 12:31 AM
To: Ryan Ross (

it was the fourth of july today. i don't really care. all the fireworks look more like explosions to me and the dog is afraid of them.

today i broke up with Holly. i don't know why exactly. i think it just got to be too much, you know?

i think i'm going to leave town soon. i don't know where i'll go. maybe italy. or france. or spain. or mexico. somewhere where there are lots of people who won't recognize me and don't speak my language.

i don't need friends. who needs friends? i don't need friends.

all i need is white wine white lies and white lines. well, white wine and white lines. i don't need lies, really. those just come naturally. i only added them here because it rhymed and rhymes intrigue me.

i think i'll go to bed now. the sooner i go to sleep the sooner this day is over the sooner i can wake up and begin again.

cut the strings. fast forward. start over.

goodnight world.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I haven't been around for a long long time. I don't really have an explanation--I've just been busy with other things, and Mibba isn't much of a priority anymore. I've given it a lot of thought recently, and I've decided that I will finish this story and Afraid of the Dark, and then I will probably call it quits for my Mibba writing career. I'm about to graduate from high school, and then I'm starting college in the fall--my priorities are rearranging. Sorry.

But I WILL finish all the stories I have currently active. I have already finished writing this story, so all I have to do is post the last couple of chapters. That shouldn't be an issue.

I am so grateful for all of you. I'm sorry I can't give you as much as you have given me.

P.S. I'm sorry this chapter is so short when it's my first one in forever. I wrote it a very long time ago. This was just a coincidence.