Status: Active as an athlete.

You're electric I can't get over it

1. Arizona welcome

I walked out of the airport and into the warm Arizona air. I missed this place. Sure Florida is still warm. But Florida warm and Arizona warm are two very different things. I was coming to visit the woman I had called mom for the past 19 years. I only recently found out she wasn't biologically my mother. That's why I was here. To find out about my biological mom. Dad said mom knew everything about it. The only thing he could tell me about her was that she was a fantastic woman that just wasn't ready for a child when she got pregnant at 19. The same age I am now. I couldn't imagine having a child now.

"Lyssie!" I heard someone yell my name, bringing me out of my daydream. I turned to see who it was and saw a tall boy with disheveled hair. That was the Garrett I knew I loved. He had been my best friend since the 2nd grade. I hadn't seen him since my move to Florida. After my parents' divorce. That was 2 years ago.

"Garrett!" I yelled back, dropping my bags to hug him, being picked up in the process. "I've missed you so much! How is everyone?"

"Everyone's great and I'm pretty sure I'm the one that misses you oh so much." He said smiling. God how I missed that smile.

I gave him another hug before we picked up all my bags and headed to his car. After packing everything into the trunk we got in the car and headed down the familiar roads to my house. He parked the car in the driveway of my childhood home and we got out. He went to the trunk and started taking my bags out as I took in the familiar sight that was my house. All of this was done in silence, both of us just happy to have each other's company. There would be time for talking later.

"Ready?" He said once he got all my bags out of the trunk.

"I guess so." I answered grabbing half my bags.

We walked up the sidewalk and the door opened, my mom waiting to greet me.

"Hey honey." She said pulling me into a hug. "Just leave your bag's here for now, lunch is ready."

"Okay." I answered dropping my bags and following her into the dining room, Garrett close behind.

As I walked through the entryway to the dining room people popped out of everywhere.

"Surprise!" They all yelled in unison.

I was in shock. I didn't know this many people were so excited to see me back. Sure it wasn't that many and the majority was family, my mom's parents and brother's family. There were 6 people that were old friends from high school. My best girl friend, Brooke, my gay friend and Brooke's twin brother, Drake. The other 4 were John, Kennedy, Pat, and Jared, who, with Garrett, made up The Maine. I gave everyone hugs and answered all their questions. How was Florida? Did I make new friends? Are there hot guys? The works.

About 3 hours and 5 pizza's later everyone started to leave telling me to come see them before I left or making lunch plans. Next thing I knew it was just me, Garrett and my mom. Time for the reason I was here. I hadn't told my mom the reason I was coming. Garrett knew though, he was the first person I called when I found out and I knew I would need him for support.

"Mom?" I started shakily.

"Yes sweetie." She answered picking up plates that had been left out.

Garrett put his hand on my shoulder for support. I had decided on the plane to just come out with what I wanted to ask instead of beating around the bush.

"Why didn't you ever tell me I was adopted?" I said quickly and clearly.

"Well, sweetie, I guess I just never felt the need." She answered.

"Well, can I meet my biological mom?" I asked. "Like do you know who she is?"

"Of course I know who she is. She's been writing me for the past 19 years. Well, she didn't write this last year. But I kept all the letters. Would you like to read them?"

"Uhm. Sure." I said unsure as to whether I actually wanted to or not.

She went to the hall closet and got a small box out of the top and brought it back to me. I opened the box and took out a letter looking at the return address label and date on the stamp. October 1989. Two months after I was born. Lacy Partchin. Partchin. That was my mom's maiden name.

"Mom." I said slowly.

"Yes." She answered, watching me.

"Partchin?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie. Your mother was my baby sister." She said with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! First chapter!
Comment please! Tell me what you like or don't like!


Lyssie's outfit