
This story is about a girl who escaped from her home country, when she was little. She grew up doing things on her own and the way she wanted to. She became a pest to many foster familys, and was moved to a home with a mom and dad, and a brother and sister, who felt they could handle her better. She enjoyed the family, until her foster mother had died and her foster father began to make her life a living hell. She resided in that home until she was 17.

When she left she had nowhere to go, and no one to turn to....

Aidilinea is a 17 year old girl, with long wavy black hair and deep brown eyes. She has a beautiful light olive tone (Born south of India) that seemed to fade a bit after living in America for 9 years. She grew up loving rock and punk music and even started to learn how to play the guitar at a young age. (She speaks different languages in this story, that I made up, and is from a made up country as well)

Yes this is anoher Green Day story. Billie, Mike and Tre are all 17/18. Billie's sporting his lovely brown dreds, Mike has shaggy light brown hair, and Tre has short blond dreds.

"I'm on a sentimental journey
Into sight and sound
Of no return and no looking back or down
A consciences objector to the
War that's in my mind
Leaving in the lurch and I'm
Taking back what's mine

I'm on a mission
In the destination unknown
An expedition
In the desolation road
Where I'm a...

Castaway - going at it alone
Castaway - now I'm on my own
Castaway - going at it alone
Castaway - now I'm on my own
Lost and found, trouble bound