My Heart's on Fire Like the Colours in Her Hair

BLUNT magazine.

*Hayley's P.O.V*

I kicked the dirt as I wandered through a park that was somewhat near the venue I was going to be performing at in a few hours. I always liked to get away before concerts so I could relax before the crazy, fast life of being in a band enveloped me once again.
I hummed a random tune as I walked, enjoying the hot sun.
Turning the corner I couldn’t help but smile. There was some random sitting behind it, face covered by a BLUNT magazine.
“Dude! I totally love that mag! It’s so cool.”
“Yeah I know, I’m subscribed, birthday money rocks.” The random said whilst lowering the magazine.
I watched her eyes bulge as she saw me. I started to feel self-conscious as she continued to sit there gaping at me. Stage-fright and having no friends throughout my early life really screwed with my self-esteem.
“Holy crap! You’re Hayley from Paramore!” She exclaimed once the power of speech seemed to return to her.
“Uh, yeah.” I laughed nervously.
“Sorry, lil’ bit star struck right now.” She giggled, which I got to tell you, sounded really cute.
I realised she was still rambling on as I zoned out thinking of her laugh.
“…and I love Paramore so much, and god! I love you, you’re like so totally hot, and oh my god I so did not just say that out loud…”
I laughed as she trailed off.
“Hey, you’re not so bad yourself.” I replied, sitting down on the ground next to her.

We talked for what seemed like ages. I couldn’t tell you what we spoke about even under torture because to tell you the truth, my mouth was on auto-pilot. As we settled into a comfortable conversation, all I could do was admire her. Not only was she really cute, but she had an awesome dress sense as well. Very stylish.
I notices black marker on her right arm and leant over to take a closer look. I tried to stop my hand shaking as I took her arm and examined the writing.
“Ferikabobrayard?” I asked, extremely puzzled.
She giggled again. God, her laugh was like a drug, I think I was fast becoming addicted.
“It’s all of the names of My Chemical Romance mushed into one. My awesome friend Lizzie came up with it.”
“Awesome!” I laughed. I noticed her shiver slightly as I ran my fingers over the writing. I looked up at her face again and gazed into her eyes.
And of course, my luck sucks and this isn’t like in fanfic’s and movie’s where you notice the colour of the other persons eyes and kiss them softly on the lips, no. Of course, as soon as the thought of kissing her crossed my mind, my phone had to ring. I think I may just disown Green Day as one of my favourite bands because it was American Idiot interrupting my perfect moment.
I answered the phone and practically growled at Josh for telling me to get my ass back to the venue.
I sighed heavily and turned back to this girl who had me burning with curiosity, wanting to learn every single detail of her life.
“I’ve got to go, sorry.”
“It’s okay. I should get going to.” As she grinned my heart melted.
“Um, well, I really enjoyed talking to you, so, um, can I like, um, have your number, or, something.” I stuttered. I mentally kicked myself. Way to impress someone Hayley, acting like a dumb shit that can’t string sentences together. But she just smiled at my and grabbed a pen from her bag, writing her number on the inside of my wrist.
As I sat there, still relishing in the feeling of her fingers on my skin, she got up, waved and left. When she had turned the corner I looked down at my wrist.
My eyes widened in shock as I saw her name scrawled above her number. Not once while I was talking to her did I realise that I didn’t know her name. She must think I’m such a jerk for not asking.
I sighed to myself, hoping that I would get a chance to talk to her again, and soon.
As I stood and made my way back to the venue, only one thought graced my mind. Alison…