My Heart's on Fire Like the Colours in Her Hair

Such A Loser

I was still immersed in my own thoughts as I entered the backstage area of TLC Bayswater.
“Hey Hayels, what’s up?” Zac asked, not looking up from twirling a drumstick around in his fingers.
“Nothing.” I murmured, jumping around on the spot, attempting to get my thoughts off Alison and get psyched up for the show. I smiled absently as Jeremy came up to us. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get Alison out of my head. There was just something about her that drew my attention all the time. It was like for the first time in my life, someone was looking at me, not through me. And not just hanging around because I was semi-famous and they could get something from me. Alison saw me for who I was and that made me want to grab a hold of her and never let go. Some people might think that it’s stupid that I am thinking like this after meeting her once but hey, it’s the first time I’ve ever had the opportunity of having a real friend. I mean sure, there’s the guys but, sometimes I would like to hang out with my own gender for once.
Jeremy’s deep voice penetrated my thoughts and I managed to snap back to reality.
“Hey, did you hear?” He asked, sounding slightly perturbed.
“What?” I asked, curious of the scowl gracing his features.
“Avalon Drive cancelled. Some local unknown called Catching Chase is filling in.”
“Oh, great.” I huffed, now more pissed off than before. “That’s all I need, bloody piece of crap bands scaring away our fans before we so much as set foot on the stage.”
I didn’t mean to sound so harsh; I mean I hadn’t even heard this band before. But I was just so pissed that I had acted like such a tool in front of Alison. I ask you, could this get any worse?
“God, you’re such a bitch!”
Apparently it could.
I spun around quickly and my eyes widened in horror as I saw Alison standing there, ID tag with Catching Chase scrawled across it around her neck, silently mocking me. I stood there spluttering, trying to say something, anything, to take back the damage that I had just done, but all I could think was Oh, Shit.
Karma was being a real bitch to me today.
“Nice to know what you really think.” She spat, glaring daggers at me. Tears blurred my vision as I watched her back disappear around a corner. I ran my hands through my hair roughly before slumping on the nearest couch, my head in my hands. Silent tears slowly trickled down my cheeks as I mentally beat myself up. I’m such a loser, such an asshole. No wonder I never had any friends.

I stood, leaning against the back wall of TLC, totally overwhelmed. After being such a bitch to Alison I thought the least I could do was drag my sorry ass from the couch, fix my eyeliner streaked face and watch her band perform.
I can’t believe I had insulted Catching Chase. Their music was amazing and Alison’s voice was so incredibly beautiful, it was truly the heart of the band. Without it I don’t think they would ever have a chance of making it. Her voice just blew me away. I couldn’t tear my eyes from her body as she sung such meaningful lyrics with so much passion.