My Heart's on Fire Like the Colours in Her Hair


All too soon we arrived at Gloria Jeans and we had to unhook fingers so that I could grab my wallet. Alison made to grab hers but I shook my head adamantly at her and said, “No, it’s my apology that means I pay.”
“No complaints from me.” She said, shoving her wallet back into her jeans.
I ordered a cappuccino while she ordered a latté. We stood in a comfortable silence while we waited for our orders to be completed. When our names were called I went up to the register and tipped two packets of sugar into my drink, stirring it around.
I stopped what I was doing and gazed in wonder at Alison, however, when I noticed what she was doing.
There was already two sugar packets empty next to her cup, and she was about to add four more. She then took some squeeze bottle and added whatever was in that to her drink, then powdered chocolate and then every colour of sprinkles available.
She mixed it all together and looked up at me.
“What?” She asked innocently.
“I feel sorry for your arteries.” I laughed. She just stuck her tongue out at me and took a deep gulp of her over-sugary drink, then made her way over to a booth near the back of the café.

“I love these seats, their so pudgy.” She said absently, jumping around in the booth for a few second.
I smiled at her once more. This girl was so full of energy and so happy, I could defiantly use someone like her in my life.
I sat down next to her in the booth and sipped on my coffee, not able to think of another subject to talk about. It didn’t seem to matter though, because the silence was comfortable, and I kept feeling warm tingles shoot up from the spot where our knees touched under the table.
“Hey, Alison?” I asked cautiously, extremely afraid of the answer I could possibly get.
“Yeah?” She asked absently, licking the sprinkles off the spoon she was holding.
“Do you, um, have a boyfriend?” I was trying to sound flippant but I think my voice squeaked on the end of boyfriend. Stupid voice.
I saw a smile slightly twitch the corner of her mouth, before answering with a no. I repeated the question, this time using girlfriend instead. Her answer was no once more and I smiled slightly. Inside my head I was jumping around like a raving lunatic and mentally ravaging Alison’s body.
“Why do you want to know?” She asked, finally looking up from her drink and into my eyes.
“No reason.” I whispered. God, her eyes were drawing me in. Well that’s it, I’m totally screwed. I can feel it inside. I have seriously fallen, and fallen hard for Alison, screw friendship, I wanted much more. If only she felt the same way.

We must have sat in that booth for over an hour before Alison’s ring-tone sounded. She blushed heavily at the sound and I laughed, recognizing the tune as one of Paramore’s songs.
“Well, that’s not embarrassing at all.” She grumbles sarcastically and flipped the phone open. Turns out it was Lizzie telling her that she should head back so that Lizzie could drive her home, before Alison’s mum threw a fit.
“Ever since my mum found out that Lizzie almost hit a tree the first time she set foot in the driver’s side of a car, she thinks I’m going to come home, maimed and mutilated from a horrific car crash. But Lizzie’s actually a kick ass driver. She speeds.” Alison giggled, getting out from the booth once I had gotten up.
“Well I hope she’s not that bad, I personally would be heartbroken if you turned up maimed and mutilated.” I replied, walking out the door with her.
I once again made to hook out fingers together but this time she moved her hand away. I swear I almost died right then, until she took my whole hand in hers, then I almost died again from joy.
We spent the whole journey back to TLC in silence. As we approached Lizzie’s car, a beat up black thing that was currently blasting My Chemical Romance from its speakers, Alison and I turned to each other.
“Well, thanks for the coffee. It was really cool hanging out with you.” She smiled sweetly at me. I don’t know what gave me the confidence to do it, but I stepped closer to Alison and replied with “Pleasure was all mine.”

I then reach up a shaky hand and touched it to her cheek, gently placing my lips on top of hers. I felt her push into the kiss and her hands touch my waist before we pulled away. I was sure I had a maniac like grin on my face as I watched her smile and head around to the other side of the car before getting into the passengers side seat. As Lizzie’s car tyres screeched and kicked up some gravel, Alison waved at me. I continued to wave back at her until the car was out of site, swallowed up by the traffic. I sighed with real happiness that I hadn’t experienced in a long time as I touched the place on my waist that was burning from her touch.