My Heart's on Fire Like the Colours in Her Hair

Snow tragedy....

It was coming up to Alison and my six month anniversary. I couldn’t believe that we had been together for so long, that she would want me for so long… want me at all.

But, alas, this amazing phenomenon had presented itself, and I was going to make the most of it. As soon as Ali returns from her four day snow trip with Katherine and Lizzie, I’m going to take her out for the most amazing night I could formulate in my mind.

She had left three days ago, bundled in the new AC/DC snow jacket I had bought her along with matching skis. I have never seen her so excited when I gave her those items. It was like a million Christmas’s had come at once for her. She actually spent the morning trying to ski around my living room.

She said she would call me at seven every night, because she missed me. It gave me a warm feeling to hear her voice.

I was starting to get worried though. It was approaching seven-thirty and the phone was still sitting there, mocking me with its silent, plastic stare. I think I’m going nuts.

I lodged my head in the ceiling from the scare I got when the phone gave a shrill cry. I lunged for it and practically shouted into the receiver.

“Uh, no. Hayles, turn on the news, channel seven, there’s something you need to see.” Zac’s worried voice reverberated through my ears.

The tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine and I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. Silently walking over to the remote control lying on the couch, I warily picked it up.
I think I would rather be defusing a bomb right now.

Flicking on the TV, I dropped to the floor on my knees as my eyes scanned the horrific scene in front of me.

Mount Hotham Ski Resort Avalanche was written in bold red text with a black background across the bottom of the screen. Emergency workers were running around frantically and the place was littered with an array of flashing lights.

I felt myself go numb at the news reporter’s next words.

“A tragic even has plagued the happy holiday-makers today at Mount Hotham Ski Resort. A sudden avalanche came rioting down one of the mountain sides, leaving injured skiers, snowboarders and destroyed cabins in its wake.
The death toll is currently standing at two with many more people unaccounted for. Sniffer dogs are currently scanning the more safe terrain for people trapped under the snow, but a large area remains unsafe, hindering rescue workers attempts to save these people. The latest death was Eugene Parramoor, a ski instructor who was reportedly teaching a small group of youths from the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, who are unaccounted for at this time. Parramoor was found with a second set of skis sporting the band AC/DC’s logo. More information as it comes to light.”

Eugene Parramoor.
That was Alison and her group of friends ski instructor. She had called me the first night in fits of laughter about how much of a coincidence his last name was….
And the skis…. I had them specially made.
Oh God.
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AN: Hey guys. I am so sorry for taking so long to update any of my stories. It's just been stressful what with yr 12 and all. But, anywho. Here is the next installment. I'm hoping to update sooner than usual but no promises.
Comments = sex!! virtual rollerblades for all who comment!! Oh and sorry it's not that long! I only just wrote it in HHD, so if the grammer or spelling is screwed, I apologise.