Status: working on it

Finding Thea

New Beginnings

"Jake... Jake honey wake up!" my mom sounded worried. I wanted to reply in some way, but i just couldn't move. "Rodger, he doesn't look so good..." she informed my father. "Carrie, sweetie, I'm sure he's fine. Probably just a bad dream. But wake him up, he'll want to see the new place." wow, he actually had some life in his voice.
My muscles un-tightened, I gasped for oxygen. The moist air relieved my worn out lungs. "Jake, you feeling okay?" my mothers expression gave away her worry. "Uh... yea, I'm fine, I guess it's just a little hot." I stuttered. I blinked hard a couple times to regain my vision. My mom just sighed and nodded her head. Her small, freckled head, which was surrounded by her wild auburn hair. As she carried a box with her fragile little arms back to the new house, her sky blue eyes kept staring back at me, they were clouded by confusion. She was a person of many colors, while my dad was a guy that preferred about one or two.
They are almost complete opposites. He's a tall, somewhat thick, dark haired man. With dark brown eyes that can be as inviting as a chocolate bar, or as hard as a dirt road. His basically perfect teeth compliment his manly beard, which oddly enough is my moms favorite feature. She on the other hand, has that long bouncy, colorful hair. Which match the freckles that can be spotted from cheek to cheek. And when she laughs hard enough her two dimples become visible. She's a tiny little thing, with a big heart. And giant blue eyes, which always seem to be expressionless. But her facial expressions make up for it.
And somehow, those two are madly in love. Just too shy to show it, even after twenty years of marriage.
I struggled to sit up right, and stumbled out of the car. I grabbed one of the heavy boxes from the back of the truck. I sighed as I turned to face my new home. It was actually pretty nice. It had the classic brick pathway, but surprisingly had tons of plant life in the front yard. It was a one story house, with three bedrooms, two bathrooms. My mom told me how she was trying to convince my dad to let me use the third room as my own art studio. But I'm not so sure if he's going to go for that.
The driveway looked pretty cool with an awkward brick pattern, which was covered by the moving truck that somehow beat my dad in the car race. The house was painted the same creamy white color inside and out. All the doors were made of a thick chestnut wood. The first word that comes to mind when you first step through that wooden door is "open".
Everything was just so light-colored, and it actually matched. It felt nice. Especially with the big glass windows, and the giant glass door that lead to our jungle of a backyard. So many plants, and yet someone managed to build a pool back there.
I honestly never would of thought that my parents would pick a place like this. Maybe Purina would be better then I thought.
"Hey Jake?" my dad interrupted my thought yet again. "Um, yea dad?" "Let's go take a look at your room for a sec." "Alright dad, coming." I walked over to him, and he stopped in front of two doors. He let out a sigh, "So your mom tells me that you want your own studio, err something like that..." I nodded my head in agreement. He looked at his shoes and mumbled "Alright... but you're paying for everything and anything that goes in it.." I flashed a smile "I'll start looking for a job tomorrow sir." He grinned a crooked smile, and walked over to the living room. He silently unpacked that boxes that sat patiently for him.
Being a teenage boy, I just had to do some sort of victory dance before i opened the doors. The two rooms were connected by a bathroom. The smallest of the two spaces was going to be my bedroom, so I would have room for my new studio.