Status: Geuss who's back? back again RLR08's back. Tell a friend


Save Regrets For The Broken

As I pulled away from Juliana's driveway a black curtain started falling over the sky, leaving only a small orange glow over the horizon. I drove towards the horizon, heading home with Juliana on my mind. I was back to my prison all to soon, and I glanced at the clock before turning off the car. 11:30. 11:30? Surly I didn't let the time slip my mind? I am an hour and thirty minutes past my curfew. She glanced at the kitchen. The light was on and her mother was looking out the window, wide eyed. Shit..Shit. I am so dead. I put my hand on the door handle warily. Now or never. As I walked the small path between the car-port and my house I couldn't help but to think of Psalm 23:4."Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me..." , and even though I was scared a small smile played on my lips, at the irony of the whole situation. As I got closer to the door, I heard laughter, and three voices--all men. I walked through the door a bit confused and then I saw my brothers, Aaron and Ezra, sitting with my father at the table. Thank you, Jesus! My brothers always could convince my father to loosen the leash. I smiled and waved at them. "Annabelle!" they said in unison. I saw my father turn, and to my "Where have you been, it's nearly midnight ya know.", he said to me. Excuses..excuses, have to think of one..."She was waiting for us at the airport. Sorry, sis, Forgot to text you and tell you mum picked us up." I sighed. Thank you Aaron, there was a reason I liked my brothers after all. You better be sorry." I winked at Aaron. "You mean she's been waiting at the airport, all this time? Darn it, Air!" chimed Ezra. We laughed together, as I sat down. "You mean you knew your brothers were coming all this time?" I nodded. "They emailed her last week, they forbid us to tell you, said it was a birthday surprise." rang mother from the sink. She was doing dishes at midnight? "C'mon, mum, sit down, I'll do those." I offered her my chair. We chit chatted while I did the dishes, and soon everyone filed out but me and Ezra, the eldest of my brothers. I still had a stack of dishes to go. I yawned. "Here sis let me help you with those." "Soo..Josh texted me today." I 'oh'ed. Josh was my brother's ex-boyfriend, but I still thought they still belonged together. "He said that my little sister had found love." I looked at him shocked and dropped the dish I was holding. He caught it with his free hand, and placed it back in the soapy water. "Relax now," he patted my back, "Now would I tell on you?" I shook my head knowing that after years of covering his tracks he would cover mine. We finished up the dishes quickly enough. "Thanks, Ez." I smiled at him. He hugged me. "No problem, now we better get to bed, morning mass, comes all to early." he laughed. I walked up the stars to my bedroom, and smiled to myself as I plopped onto the bed. My phone bleeped just as I closed my eyes. I opened them again and glanced at it. "I had fun today. ;D night-Juliana" I smiled to myself and clutched the phone to my chest, falling fast asleep.
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I'm back!!! So yes it has been so long, but what was I supposed to do with no internet connection? Sadly as much as I want to be a wizard, and even if I do own a wand, I never got my letter from Hogwarts, so I couldn't magically create an internet connection. I missed this story too much. So questions of the day, anyone? One: Do you like the update? Two:What's your favorite femmslash fanfiction pairing? My answers::::::1.)I loved the update. I wonder if the author will post another one this week...dun,dun,dunnnnnn. 2.) My favorite pairing is Jade West and Tori Vega. JORI! I know, I know, it's unhealthy for a twenty year old to watch a nickelodeon show, and have crushes on their most likely under-aged characters. But, alas, tis my guilty pleasure. Anywho I must be going, so I will SEE YOU LATER. But not like a year later, or was it like two? Sorry guys. kk, love. <3 Randi