
Muggle Music

It was New years eve and witches and wizards were quickly gathering to celebrate. Hagrid was sitting in a warm bulky chair that was instantly dwarfed by his tremendous size , he was explaining a war he had later that day stumbled upon in the forbidden forest against the Centaurs and the trolls and how he had managed to bring the two together to resolve their differences over a serving of pumpkin pie. The elderly wizards Hagrid where talking to didn’t look impressed and quickly came up with an excuse to move away from him. Even filch had managed to make it too this new year’s event, Although his miserable wrinkled face never once cracked a smile and he went through the whole evenining with a sly and almost evil look in his blood shot eyes. Sitting and the left side of filch was a tall thin man with thick and messy chocolate brown hair that swept across his face framing his tight jaw line. His face resembled a young man, full of youth and perfectly sculpted features but his eyes were the biggest give away for his age as they were somehow troubled and unrelaxed.This man’s name was Remus Lupin The whole room was buzzing with the hum of chatter , singing and glasses clanking together and smelt of a thick musky smoke mixed with stale butterbeer and old half eaten food.

Lupin had been Harrys defense against the dark arts teacher a few years ago in Hogwarts , unfortunately this was only temporary and Lupin had to seek a new profession as news of his werewolf situation traveled fast and not many people where as understanding as harry had been . The handsome yet in some ways damaged professor sat chatting to a man only slightly older than himself. This man was stern and strong yet he was not a giant nor did he show any trace of muscle. Like lupin he was quite thin but this was hard to tell as he wore grand purple robes that where immaculately clean. His hair was midnight black and spun in tight curls just above his shoulders. All night he would laugh and beam a full hearted grin. This was a man Harry was very fond of indeed; although they were not blood related Sirius Black was the closest thing to a father Harry had ever had.

Day had turned to dusk and Harry Ron and Hermione had just strolled out of the Three broomsticks all slightly tipsy from the large serving of Butterbeer, Red Currant Rum, Gillywater, cherry syrup and soda with ice ,umbrella and mulled mead.
The night air was bitter against they’re thin pale skin and the wind was tearing apart the brittle trees. The moon shone ghostly white amongst the darkened musky clouds that surrounded it. The very first star to shine that night was already out and glowing bright above them.
“I love stars… don’t you just love the way they twinkle Hermione?” Said Ron before taking a long sigh of joy
Hermione laughed and put her arm around Ron’s shoulders
“I think you might have had a bit too much to drink Ronald, not that you tend to make any sense normally”
“Me? I think I can handle my drink Hermione. I was just making a point on how pretty the stars are that’s all” Said Ron still staring at the starry sky with a dopey smile on his face.

Ron then lowered his gaze at Hermione’s frozen face. Her eyes looked suspicious and a slight grin curling on her lips suggested there was something playing inside her mind but she obviously had no intension of sharing this with Ron.
“What?...is there something on my face” Said Ron anxiously
“No stupid.”
“Oh right...”Ron looked slightly confused but didn’t press the matter any further
“I better get going anyway, im bloody freezing standing here.”Said Ron crossing his arms above his chest.
“You’r not thinking about driving are you?”
“Well how else do you suppose I’ll get back to Hogwarts?”
“I don’t like the idea of you driving at all let alone driving when you’ve clearly had the most to drink out of all of us!”
“Has anyone ever told you that you worry too much Hermione? Honestly I’ll be fine, I can look after myself you know”
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that Ronald, I believe your mother still roles your under where up and cuts your precious ginger hair for you”
Ron looked away from Hermione clenching his lips together in embarrassments.
“Let's get this straight first off my mum does not roll my under where , she cuts my hair for financial reasons and how many times do I have to tell you Hermione my hair is strawberry blond!”
“Whatever you say Ron ”Hermione chuckled
“Anyway I’ll meet you back at the common room later , suppose I better finish my potions essay on extracting a goats eye ball lenses to create a remedy for headaches.
“Don’t you mean start your essay” Hermione added
“I have started it. It’s just Typical though, my first day of the new year and I’m locked up surrounded by the 2 things I hate most about school. Essays and severous bloody Snape!”
“Awww cheer up Ronald at least you have me”
“Huh?”Said Ron slightly too hastily
“uhh you know to help you or better still Wright the essay for you”
“Oh right yeah…course, Well I’ll see you later then” Ron gave Hermione a warm yet painfully brief hug and a small smile then got into his shabby blue car, started up the engine and drove away leaving Hermione to hit herself on the forehead and whisper “stupid, stupid, stupid”

Hermione could hereAdam and the ants blasting from the radio in the three broomsticks. Harry strolled over to her and sighed
“Nothing like a bit of muggle music to get the party started”
Out of the blue Hermione hit Harry on the shoulder
“Ow! What was that for?” Harry complained
“You’re a boy aren’t you?”
“Your right I defiantly deserve to be punched” smiled harry sarcastically
Hermione rolled her eyes and notices there where far more stars out in the sky now.
“Ron was right the stars are very beautiful” Said Hermione with a hint of sadness choking her voice.
For a while Harry said nothing but the decided he had to say something
“So…Are you going to tell Ron how you feel or are we all going to have to endure yet another year of you two acting as if you have no idea what we are talking about?”
Hermione’s face was horror struck
“me and Ron? Gosh harry, how ludicrously absurd. I’m surprised a normally quite intelligent boy like your self could come up with such a ridiculous and childish accusation like that? With all due respect I for one do not in any way, shape or form have or have shown any feelings for Ronald that are not based around our Friendship for one another .I mean just imagine it, I would find it remarkable if we didn’t end up killing one another. Just the mere thought is downright repulsive and has actually made me feel rather sick and if you don’t mind I would appreciate it if you would keep your dim witted and senseless thoughts to yourself in the near future thank you very much!”
“Looks like I touched a nerve”
Hermione now distraught looked up at harry with narrow eyes full of fury and defeat
“I’m going to bed!” Declared Hermione as she started walking away through the snow
“But Hogwarts is miles away and you’ll freeze to death on foot. Look I’m sorry I didn’t mean it. Just come back please”
Hermione didn’t answer him but instead began walking away
“Well you can’t just walk off alone, you don’t even have a car”
“but it’s dark out and…” Harry gave up, he knew whatever he said Hermione would take no notice of him. From previous personal experience harry knew very well that once Hermione held a grudge it would be a ridiculous amount of time before she was willing to forgive you again.Hermionie was the most stubborn person Harry had ever come to meet. Now feeling slightly guilty about what he had said Harry began to run after her. They walked back to Hogwarts castle in a tense and awkward silence.
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Hello thank you for reading, Please comment me even if you hated it :D