Status: Coming January 1st, 2010

Time is Running Out

Happy New Year

“Happy New Year!” We all shouted at the top of our lungs as we watched the ball in the Big Apple go down the pole in the middle of Time’s Square; ringing in the New Year from Marc’s apartment.

“Happy New Year baby.” Jared mumbled into my neck before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek as we watched the fireworks go off from the balcony. It was beautiful.

“Happy New Year to you too.” I grinned; turning around in his arms to give him a kiss.

“Ew get a room you two!” Eric shouted from the living room where he sat on the couch with Lisa, his new girlfriend. I stuck my tongue out at Eric before sauntering over to the French double doors that separated the balcony from the living room and shut them quickly. I could hear a roar of laughter escape his lips which caused me to smile. Even though I didn’t like Eric the way he liked me I loved how we remained friends.

I walked back over to wear Jared was standing at the railing looking over the city. I wrapped my arms around his waist while resting my head on his broad, muscular shoulders. The city below us was just breath taking. The lights twinkled bright against the ink black sky.

“Its beautiful.” I whispered as we stood still as if we were trying to take a photo of the city with our minds. A picture we’d never want to forget.

“But compared to you it isn’t the fairest of them all.” Jared said turning around so I was smashed to his chest in a bone crunching hug.

“Ha ha. We’re not in a fairytale like Snow White. Well I hope there isn’t an evil lady running around trying to stab my heart.” I laughed. With my head placed against his chest I could feel the rumble of his laughter course through his body.

“Yeah but it’s out...” he started before the balcony doors busted open shattering our little moment. My mouth opened agape as he stood in the doorway. Everything went silent except my heart beating in my chest. They all probably heard it.

“Sorry.” Jordan muttered as he quickly turned around and slammed the French doors leaving myself and Jared outside in awkward silence.

Half of me wanted to just turn to Jared and act like nothing happened. The other half wanted me to run after Jordan. I haven’t seen him since I left my job in Pittsburgh those many months ago. Honestly I haven’t even thought of him since I came back to Canada. I tried very hard to block that boy out of my head. But when I saw him everything rushed back into my head.

“Let’s go back to the hotel. It’s getting late. And cold.” Jared stated while grabbing my hand. He gently squeezed it in a reassuring manner that made my mouth grow into a smile. Jared wasn’t always the brightest guy in the world but he could always tell when I was upset and I was grateful.

“Leaving so soon? Party is just getting started lil’ bro!” Marc shouted as he attempted to do his pretty boy walk over to us. That’s what I always called it whenever I saw him. He just carried that air of I know I’m hot and it showed through his walk. He didn’t like that I called it his pretty boy walk still but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

Marc looked utterly ridiculous. A big party hat, which unfortunately had the elastic band as a strap, Ew!, was atop his head and he carried an entire bottle of champagne with him in his hand.

“Yeah man. It’s getting late we better be heading back to the hotel.” Jared stated giving everyone a quick wave goodbye before we started walking towards the door.

“Obviously that’s why they are leaving. We know they aren’t leaving so early to go to sleep.” Eric yelled from the other side of the room. My entire face turned many shades of scarlet. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jordan tense up in the big arm chair in the corner of the room.

“Finally Jared! We thought you’d stay…” Marc started before we heard a loud slam of a door that caused everyone in the room to jump.

“What the hell has gotten into him tonight?” Eric questioned; turning around to look at the door Jordan just walked out of. Everyone just shrugged the shoulders having no clue at what was bugging Jordan. But I knew. And it was bugging me too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just as i promised the sequel to SMSSLT is out today, January 1st.
It is short i know but it's setting up for the story. If i kept going it would be too long.
So i hope you enjoy it, hope you subscribe, and hope you comment!
Loads of Love,
oh and a happy new year!