I'm Gonna Break Down These Walls

Black Lace

After work Jenny decided to do some shopping. It had been a while since she’d done something for herself, and even now this wasn’t for herself really.
She needed some kind of pajamas to sleep in if Zack was going to spend the night with her. It had just so happened last night that there wasn’t any need for her to have something to sleep in because they slept together. Jenny knew that every night wasn’t going to be like that and she needed something to sleep in just to be a little more modest than how she slept when she was alone.
When work let out at two in the afternoon she got into her car and went home to shower and change. She found the key she’d left Zack. He’d left her a note telling her that the key was above the door sitting on top of the frame.
She smiled at his note and took it with her to her room. She put it on her dresser and then grabbed some clothes to change into before she went back out.
Cleaned up to the point where no one would have known she was a mechanic for a living she left her apartment. She glanced down the hall to see if anyone was outside of the guys’ apartment but there was no one. She sighed and continued out of the apartment building.
Jenny found herself at her favorite store. It wasn’t really a place to buy things to sleep in per se, more like the place to buy things to get a guy to sleep with her. Lingerie. Her favorite. Jenny figured if she was going to have nights with Zack that were anything like last night she might as well get some new undies that would certainly get him interested. After all she wasn’t just wearing them to make herself feel pretty now.
Everything that she tried on Jenny found herself trying to imagine what Zack would think of it. Then she decided that was never the way she shopped before and it wasn’t going to change. She bought what she liked and that was that.
Jenny hadn’t been shopping in a while and she left that store after having dropped a good amount of money on undergarments. She was pleased with herself so it didn’t much matter.
Next it was off to a place where she could find pajamas. She didn’t know where to start because she hadn’t shopped for them since she was fifteen. It wasn’t like it was impossible, more like weird. She bought a few things and went to another store hoping to find more.
For two more hours Jenny wandered and bought things she liked or thought she would use. She got dinner and brought it home with her.
While carrying all the bags and her dinner down the hall, Jack came out of his apartment. Always Jack, she thought to herself. He came walking quickly towards her with that ever-curious expression on his face.
“Hi Jack.” Jenny smiled.
“Hey, what you got there? OH!! Is that from that underwear store downtown? They always have such interesting window displays.”
“Yes, I was shopping today.”
“So you ditched Zack in your bed to go shopping?” Jack asked.
“Zack, I assume he was in your bed since he didn’t come home last night and then he wandered in this morning missing his shirt.”
“Oh, yea. I had to go to work this morning. Then I came home and showered and went back out.”
“Mmm, want help?”
Jenny handed Jack the food and then non-underwear bags. She didn’t trust him with those because God knows what he would do with them. Jenny pulled her keys from her pocket and opened up the door. Jack bounded into the apartment and set everything on the counter.
“I don’t suppose there is food for me in there is there?” Jack asked looking at the white Styrofoam container.
“Do you ever get fed? Is it like a starvation camp over there?”
“No, I’m just hungry.”
Jenny sighed. “I guess there is some in there that you could eat if you’re that hungry.”
“Yay!” Jack squealed opening up the container. “Chinese!”
Jenny pulled out two plates and set one in front of Jack. She gave him some food and then put the rest on her plate. Jack ate the food like it would disappear in seconds. Jenny watched him amazed that he didn’t choke.
Jack was done eating sooner than Jenny and then stared at her. She tried to ignore him but he kept getting closer and looking down.
“What?” She finally asked.
Jack took one pointed glance at her dinner.
“You’re horrible, you know that?” Jenny said pushing more food onto Jack’s plate. “I’m glad I don’t live with you. I would starve.”
“Thank you.” Jack smiled eating this helping a lot slower.
“No problem.”
“So… Zack told us about you.”
“He hadn’t before?” Jenny asked confused.
“Nope, we all just thought that he was in love with a little human germaphobe.” Jack said putting another mouthful into his face.
Jenny blushed at the word love. She and Zack had said that to each other last night.
“Mmm, according to him I’m human.”
“Well yea, we are human. We’re just special.” Jack smiled.
This was weird. Jack was being sort of serious. Jenny liked it.
“I don’t think of myself as human, but Zack did a pretty good job of convincing me I was.”
“He’s good at that.”
“Where were you off to before the food caught your attention?” Jenny asked changing the subject.
“Oh! I was supposed to be going to the store. They’re going to be pissed I’m taking so long.”
“What do you need?”
“Some stuff. It’s my turn to go bring things home and all that. How long had it been?”
“An hour.”
“Fuck, thanks for the dinner. I’ll see you around.” Jack said darting out of the apartment.
Jenny got up and locked her door. She was still a little scared of the power thief but she knew Zack was just down the hall if she needed him. Jenny went down to her room and started to put her new underwear and pajamas away while trying to think of something to do.

The next day as Jenny was coming in from work she spotted Zack in the garage. Well she saw his lower half anyways. She walked down to his garage after shutting her own and stood in the opening of his.
He was lying back on a bench lifting weights. She smiled at him thinking to herself why he was lifting weights if his strength was supernatural. Zack noticed her after a few more repetitions and put the weights down.
Jenny pushed off the wall as he stood up and came closer.
“Hey there.” Zack said pulling Jenny into a hug.
“How was work?”
“Amazing as always.” Jenny stood on her toes to kiss Zack on the lips.
When she started to pull back, Zack bent down to keep the kiss longer. When their lips broke from each other she smiled up at him.
“Why are you working out? Isn’t your strength just there?” Jenny asked letting her gloved hand trace down Zack’s chest and stomach.
She watched the way his body rippled against her touch like it tickled him and she smiled. It was so unlike her to just touch him like that, but after they’d had that one night together she felt like she was entitled to it.
“Jen, just because I’m ridiculously strong doesn’t mean I just get this body. It was rather strange to see a chubby teenager crash through walls all the time when we’d all just discovered what we could do. I had to do something to look like I had a reason to be strong. I get my real workouts breaking down buildings though.”
“Ahh, now that I would like to see.”
“Too bad, I just got back from that.”
“Next time.”
“Next time.” Zack agreed.
Jenny reached up into Zack’s hair and pulled a small piece of rubble out of it. She looked at it and then placed it in his hand with a smile. He laughed and the tossed it to the floor before pulling Jenny in for another kiss. He didn’t care that she was covered in dirt and oil because he was sweaty.
It was quiet easy for the both of them to get caught up. Zack’s hands slid up underneath Jenny’s shirt onto her stomach and took a hold of her sides just under her ribs so he could curl his fingers around her and pull her closer. She was up on the tips of her toes pulling her arms tight around his neck. Jenny knew Zack was bending out of practice rather than from her pulling on him. In all reality it must have felt like nothing to him for her to be pulling the way that she was.
“Okay, too much for public.” Jenny said backing off when her calves started to burn.
Zack chuckled to himself and loosened his arms.
“I’m glad you’ve got a good set of breaks because that was getting hard to stop there.”
“Give me half and hour and then come over.” Jenny said.
Jenny kissed Zack once more and then walked up to her apartment. Zack went back to his weights and did a few more exercises before putting everything away. He went to his apartment where the guys were sitting around the coffee table with the three girls talking.
“Hey, where have you been?” Rian asked.
“Working out. I’m going to take a shower, then I’m going out.” Zack said as he passed through the kitchen.
“We need to plan strategy here. That is a huge thing.” Alex said staring at Zack’s back as he went down the hall.
Zack just ignored Alex and went to his room to find clean clothes. When there was the promise of what was happening between him and Jenny in the garage continuing in her apartment, suddenly everything else was on the back burner.
Jenny was the only thing that he wanted to think about anyways. They had been ‘planning strategy’ for two days now. It wasn’t like they were going to come up with anything new or worth it. When they got to where they were going to fight this Stephan guy their planning wouldn’t matter. They would all just do what they felt would benefit their cause best and forget all the rest. Strategy was pointless.
Zack took a shower and cleaned up as best he could. He got out with the towel draped around his waist and shaved. He’d had a bit of stubble that was bothering him and he wanted to get rid of it before he went to see Jenny. Then he pulled his clothes on and took a moment to dry his hair the best he could.
Jenny had taken a shower and scrubbed all traces of dirt and motor oil off her skin. She was dressed in some of her new undergarments that she thought Zack would like. She had pulled a long t-shirt on just to cover everything up for the time being as she dried her hair and put on some make up. She felt like getting all dolled up for Zack. It had been so long since she’d had anyone to do this for so she figured why not.
When Zack knocked on the door Jenny yelled for him to come in. She’d left the door unlocked just so he could walk in. She was still in the bathroom finishing up. When she felt ready she tugged the t-shirt off and left it on the floor.
She stepped out wearing her black lace balconette bra and matching panties. She had a sheer jacket type top that was open in the front and it had a leaf design on it. Her hair was curled loosely and she had a hat on that was pulled low over her eyes. She had stocking and a garter belt on and to top it all off she was wearing four inch black heels.
Standing there in the hallway staring made Zack frightened of her but powerfully turned on at the same time. He’d never seen Jenny like that. It was like she was beckoning him to come closer and at the same time warning him to stay back.
She did a full turn so he could see everything. Never had Zack expected the tiniest detail to drive him over the edge, but the black seams up the backs of her stockings did. He moved foreword and caught her around the waist while simultaneously pushing his lips to hers.
Her hands shot to curl tightly into his hair because the kiss was heated before it had even started. Zack was pushing her against the wall to the point where it hurt, but she didn’t mind. He was trying to remember to be careful with her but it was hard to.
“You ruin any of this and I’ll be mad.” Jenny warned him when he moved his lips to her neck.
When he nodded rather than saying anything, Jenny took that as a sign that he understood her. She tried to push him back away from the wall, but it wasn’t happening. Instead, Jenny pulled her legs up and locked them around Zack’s waist. He tugged his shirt off and went back to kissing Jenny.
The closest place they could lie down was the couch and that was where Zack took Jenny. He laid her down on her back while she was still wrapped around him. He didn’t notice her weight because she felt like nothing to him. Jenny’s gloved hands explored Zack’s chest and he shivered.
Jack was walking down the hall. He’d drawn the proverbial short stick and had to go find Zack. He figured that the best place to start looking was at Jenny’s. They were inseparable anyways so why not look there first? It would probably cut his time spent away from Sally in half or better.
The guys had been sitting around the coffee table just bouncing ideas on how to fight and what to do based on experience and what Amelia had told them. Alex had noticed that Zack had slipped out of the apartment while they were all there talking. No one had heard him get out of the shower or leave through the front door but they knew he had.
Since it was Jack’s duty to find him they didn’t expect him to be back for a while. Jack was a little slow at remembering to do things or even remembering what he was supposed to be doing in the first place. They didn’t expect him to go straight for Jenny’s.
Of course Jack knew Zack pretty well and could guess where he was. He tried the door but it was locked. That was the thing that tipped him off. Jenny never locked her door not even if Zack was around so there had to be something going on.
Using his power to move the lock inside the door, Jack let himself into the apartment. He shut the door not caring to be quiet.
Zack and Jenny were still on the couch and he was starting to tug at her garter belt. He knew enough to know that had to come off before anything else. It would just get in the way if it didn’t. Jenny started to kiss Zack’s neck while he tried to find the clasp behind her arched back.
She kicked her heels off knowing that if her stocking were coming off they would have to come off as well. Besides, they’d served their purpose well and she didn’t need them anymore. Zack found the clasp and the belt was loose. Jenny helped him with one stocking as he tugged the other off, remembering that they were easy to rip and he didn’t want to make her mad.
This was where Jack walked in. He stood there with a smug little smile on his face for a moment because he’d had proved to himself just how well he knew Zack. For a moment he thought about leaving Zack, but what was more fun than being a cock block?
Jack went into the kitchen and opened up a few drawers until he found the silverware. He picked it up in two handfuls and walked back to where Zack and Jenny were on the couch. Slowly Jack made each piece levitate and let them hover over the two trying to tear each other’s clothes off.
Jenny’s gloved hands went for Zack’s zipper as soon as one of his hands went for her bra snap. She arched her back higher this time to make it easier for Zack to find the clasp. This pushed her body more forcefully into his and he moaned because she hit all the right places with her body.
Jack decided he’d had enough and stopped using his power to levitate the silverware. It all came crashing down to the floor. Zack and Jenny both jumped and pulled back from each other to look around the room. Jenny found Jack first. She felt very exposed and shy suddenly and tried to hide beneath Zack.
Zack figured out what Jenny was doing and let himself down closer to her so she could hide better.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Zack asked.
“We need you now. They guys sent me to get you.”
“How did you get in here?” Jenny asked.
With no warning at all Jack moved the door to the left of him and locked it with his mind to demonstrate. Then he unlocked it and opened the door back up. Jenny rolled her eyes and then turned away from Jack and looked up at Zack.
“Can you just say you couldn’t find me? I’m kind of busy.”
“Jack, get out of my apartment.” Jenny said looking back at Jack.
“Why?” He asked innocently.
“Get out or Zack will make you get out.” Jenny said.
“Fine, just come over when you’re finished. I’m not saying I didn’t find you either, because I did find you.”
Jack left and locked the door as he walked down the hall. Zack looked down at Jenny and waited for her to say or do something. She didn’t.
“Do you still wanna do this?” Zack asked.
“Yea, I’m all ready and you are to. There’s no point not to. If we didn’t, there would be a cold shower in the future for the both of us.”
Zack smiled and pushed his lips to Jenny’s. She was easily back to how she was before Jack came in and started on Zack’s shorts again. Zack got Jenny’s bra off and his hands explored her chest eagerly.
Zack decided to pick Jenny up off the couch and carry her into her bedroom shutting the door behind him. It wouldn’t do much to keep anyone out that wanted in, but it created a false sense of privacy for them. With friends like they had, there really was no such thing as privacy.
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I think this is another "Oh Heeeeeeeeyyy!" moment. :D