I'm Gonna Break Down These Walls


A soft knock echoed through Jenny’s apartment. She was pretty sure she knew who it was so she got up to go answer it. There was only one person that came to visit her as often as the one she was thinking of did.
Sometimes his friends came with him, but that was because she was making food. They all loved her cooking for some reason. It could be that they were boys and didn’t know how to make very much or it could be that she used to have a personal chef that taught her a lot about cooking.
Not much mattered besides who was on the other side of the door. Jenny unbolted it and then unlocked the smaller lock before opening the door to see Zack. She never bothered to look through the peephole.
“Doing anything?” Zack asked Jenny.
“No, come in.”
Zack walked past Jenny and she shut the door not bothering to lock it because Zack was here now. Who would she have to worry about when he was with her after all? He could over power just about anyone.
“Watching TV all alone?” Zack asked sitting on the couch.
“Well if one person is considered alone, then yes.” She sat on the other side of the couch.
“Now you don’t have to be.” Zack smiled at Jenny and moved slightly closer to her.
She blushed and handed him the remote.
“Watch anything you want.” She said.
“Ahh, perfect.” Zack smiled to himself.
What was better than a girl who would let a guy watch whatever he wanted to and not mind at all?
For about an hour it was quiet between the two of them. Jenny didn’t know if Zack was really into what he was watching on the TV or if he just didn’t know what to say. She kept quiet thinking that he was watching something he wanted to.
Work was also in Jenny’s mind. She had three more hours until she had to go, which meant leaving Zack. She didn’t want to do that. There was nothing better than having him with her. Of course Jack or Rian were close seconds because they gave her someone to talk to, or in Jack’s case make food for.
Jenny moved over a few inches towards Zack. He glanced at her through the corner of his eye and smiled. Zack made it like he was adjusting the pillows and moved closer to Jenny.
This was how things went. Slowly they would move towards each other on the couch trying to hide what they were doing by making it out like it was something else. Of course they both knew what the other was really doing but they kept up with it anyways.
After another hour of slowly moving towards each other with strategic moves and cover-ups their legs were touching. Jenny shifted and then his arm was against hers. Zack decided not to go with subtlety and put his arm around Jenny’s shoulders before pulling her into his side.
Jenny giggled and put her head on Zack’s shoulder.
“Do you have work today?” He asked.
“In two hours.”
“Mmm.” Zack groaned as he pulled Jenny closer.
His other arm snaked under Jenny’s legs and picked them up. He turned her body so that she was facing his side and put her legs over his lap. Jenny slung her arm over his stomach and relaxed into Zack finding that the position that he had put her into was more comfortable than she could have found on her own.
Now content that Jenny was in contact with him, Zack put his other arm around her and snuggled her into his chest more. Jenny rubbed the side of his stomach thinking about moving her hand to his abs. They were right there; she could do it.
Zack was no longer watching what was on the TV at this point. His head was resting on top of hers and his eyes were closed. Having her with him made him calm enough to want to sleep.
Jenny slid her hand back and started to rub his stomach. Zack smiled at the feeling of the leather on his skin. Jenny thought about taking off her gloves but then she decided against it. She didn’t want to find anything else about him without him telling her.
An hour and a half passed like this. Jenny snuggled deeper into Zack’s chest and groaned when she knew that she had to get up and get ready for work. Zack knew what that meant and he pulled his arms tighter around her but not tight enough to hurt her.
“I guess I should let you get up.” Zack said lifting his cheek from her hair.
“No.” Jenny said not looking up.
“I don’t want you to be late or get in trouble.”
Jenny sighed and sat up. She moved her legs to be in front of her rather than across Zack’s lap. Slowly she got up from the couch and went down to her room to change. Zack picked the remote back up and flipped channels until Jenny came back out.
Jenny went into the bathroom and pulled her dark curly hair into a ponytail. When she came back into the living room Zack stood up. He turned the TV off and placed the remote on the coffee table. Jenny picked up her keys.
“I’ll see you later I guess.” She said quietly.
“Yea.” Zack agreed.
She turned and headed for the door knowing that he would follow. This was what they normally did. Jenny stepped out of the apartment and Zack followed. She locked the door and then turned to him.
He already had his arms stretched out for a hug. Jenny willingly stepped into the waiting arms of Zack and hugged him as his arms came around her. He squeezed her hard enough for her to not be able to breathe and then loosened up when he realized he was hugging to hard.
“Bye.” She smiled turning away.
“Have a good day at work Jen.”
They walked in opposite directions down the hall.
Jenny climbed into her car and thought about the time she’d just had with Zack. It left her cheeks stained red and a smile on her lips.
By the time she made it to work she was able to act like nothing had happened earlier. She didn’t want anyone asking what made her so happy because they all thought she was into chicks. Jenny just didn’t want to make up a story that would fuel their fantasies.
She clocked in, slipped her gloves off, and pulled her overalls on before walking into the garage. A few of the guys looked up to say hello and others just said hi while still working.
Jenny slipped into work easily like always and helped finish up cars that had been in the garage for a long time.
On her break Jenny went to get a sandwich and ran into Rian and Jack. Rian looked at her gloves and made a face that she knew she wasn’t supposed to catch. Jack didn’t care or notice at all that Jenny had her gloves on. He was just chattering away about his day. He offered to buy Jenny’s lunch and then insisted that she sat with him and Rian to eat.
There was just no denying Jack. He never gave time for someone to deny him so before anyone knew it, they were doing what he had ‘suggested.’ Rian talked with Jenny but it was hard for him to get more than a few words in with Jack just talking away.
Rian thought Jenny was a cool girl and that she was interesting. He wanted to ask her why she wore the gloves all the time but he didn’t feel that it was appropriate.
Jenny went back to work a little while later. She didn’t know where Rian and Jack went. They walked out of the sandwich place and then they were gone. She assumed they used their gifts to leave as quickly as they did. She laughed thinking to herself that they had no idea she knew about them.
Work continued on for a few more hours. Three cars were fixed up and picked up by the time Jenny left for the day. She went home and got in the shower to rinse off her dirt caked body.
She went to bed after another hour feeling entirely exhausted. It was a good day’s work and she had seen Zack. There was nothing that could have made her day better.

Soon it was everyday that Zack came over. They didn’t sit as far away from each other as they did when they started to hang out together. Since they didn’t sit so far apart it didn’t take as long for them to be curled up together on the couch.
Zack was over for the second time in one day; he’d dropped in unexpectedly. Jenny left him on the couch for a moment and got up to get some water. He didn’t want anything.
Jenny filled up a glass of water and drank it down before going to sit in the corner of the couch. She was farther away from Zack than she had been in the past couple of days.
For a while they sat like that and didn’t talk. They didn’t talk a lot, they liked to just sit with each other and be in the moment rather than fill the silence with mindless chatter.
After a few minutes Zack reached over towards Jenny and picked her up using his strength to his advantage. He positioned her on his lap and waited for her to find a comfortable way to sit.
Jenny thought he wasn’t in the mood to play the getting closer game since they’d done that earlier in the day. She was a bit surprised at his actions, but she was happy to be sitting on his lap.
As soon as Zack saw Jenny was comfortable he put his hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes. Jenny was a little caught off guard but she liked it. She put her hands on Zack’s shoulders and waited to see what he was going to do.
Zack slipped his other hand behind Jenny’s neck and pulled her in. She knew what he was doing now and her heart sped up uncontrollably. Zack pushed his lips to Jenny’s and kissed her like he’d been wanting to. He had to keep tabs on his strength in the back of his mind so he didn’t kiss her too hard.
When they pulled back all they could do was smile at each other. Zack kissed Jenny’s nose and then pulled her into his chest. She curled up against him and kissed his neck a few times before settling in to watch the show that was on the TV.

“When are you going to make me cookies?” Jack wined from the other side of Jenny’s kitchen counter.
“I’ve been busy.”
“But you’re not busy now!”
“Did anyone ever tell you that you’re like a little kid?”
“Every day of my life. When can I have cookies?”
Rian rolled his eyes and sipped on the soda that he had.
“He’s not going to leave you alone until you make him food.” Zack said.
“You never should have brought us those cookies.” Rian mumbled.
“If she had never brought those cookies we would have never met her and Zack wouldn’t have anyone to blush about!” Jack shot at Rian.
“Zack was blushing about her before she brought those cookies.”
Zack looked down at the counter feeling his face heat up. Jenny smiled at his reaction.
“So, back to the food.” Jack said looking back at Jenny. “When was it that you said we could have cookies?”
Jenny sighed and looked at her gloves.
“I guess we can make them now if you will shut up about it.”
“YAY!” Jack squealed throwing his hands in the air. “Took long enough. I was begging you.”
Jenny started pulling out the needed ingredients and the mixing bowl. Jack jumped up from his seat and started looking at what Jenny was putting on the counter. He started to stick his finger into the flour and then pull it out and laugh.
“What are you doing?” Jenny asked him.
“It’s funny.” Jack said plunging his finger in again.
“Stop it.” She said catching his wrist and pulling his hand out of the bag. “Wash your hands.”
Jack went over to the sink and stuck his finger under the running water.
Jenny looked at Zack and he shrugged and gave her a sympathetic look. She was taken for a moment just staring at him. He didn’t have a shirt on so he was rather distracting. She regained her senses and looked at her hands.
Rian was interested when Jenny started to take her gloves off. She folded them and placed them in front of Zack.
“Hold on to these for me. I don’t want them to get dirty.”
“Sure.” Zack reached out and pulled the gloves towards him.
Jenny went to the counter where Jack was playing with something else. She took it away from him and then started to make the cookie mix while letting Jack do what she though was safe for him to do.
When the cookies were mixed Jenny pulled out a pan and let Jack put them on it. They looked like lumps of various shapes and sizes, but he liked them. Jenny put them in the oven and then told Jack to wash his hands again.
The cookies were finished and they didn’t look much better when she took them out. They all got eaten nonetheless and tasted just as good.
Rian left early and said he was going to check on Alex. Jack wanted to follow him because Sally and Jazz were there too, but he was having fun with Jenny. He was torn. Another hour later and Zack was left alone with Jenny.
He pulled her onto his lap and started to kiss her anywhere he could. Jenny giggled and playfully pushed Zack away. He always brought his lips back to her skin somewhere.
Jenny slid off Zack’s lap and grabbed his hands. She didn’t have her gloves on and the images from what had happened to him since the first time she touched him flashed through her mind. She didn’t have any time to really see what was going on because Zack’s lips were on hers again. She pulled him back towards the couch.
It proved to be slightly difficult to kiss Zack and deal with the images that she was catching from anything her hands came into contact with. She pushed on Zack’s chest but he didn’t notice.
“Zack.” She managed through a break in their lips.
“Yea?” He asked pulling back to look at her.
“One second.” She put her finger on his lips.
There were flashes of them kissing and then nothing. Jenny walked to the kitchen and picked up her gloves. She slipped them on and felt better. She sat on the couch and let Zack pull her back into his arms.
They were caught up in a kiss easily enough. Zack’s hand slid into Jenny’s shirt but only far enough to hold onto her side as he kissed her. She let her gloved hands drift where they felt like it. The leather dulled the feeling of his body slightly but felt amazing to Zack.
Jenny caught Zack’s bottom lips in her teeth and pulled. He smiled and pulled his lip back and then continued kissing Jenny. He tried to prevent her from catching his lip in her teeth but she was better than he was.
Soon enough it became a game between them. Zack pinned Jenny to the couch and slipped his other hand into her shirt. Their bare stomachs were touching and it sent shivers up both their spines.
Zack’s fingers trailed up and down her sides. Jenny curled her fingers into Zack’s hair and pulled slightly. He kissed her harder when she pulled on his hair.
Time passed as they locked lips and touched each other. Eventually they calmed down and Jenny curled into Zack’s side. He kissed the top of her head and her cheek while she laid there with her eyes closed.
At ten Zack sat up from the couch. Jenny stayed lying down. She looked at his back and read the tattoo there. He turned around to look at her and she had a smile for him.
“I have to get home.” He said.
“I know. You always leave at ten. It’s like they enforce a curfew on you.”
Zack giggled and laid back down next to Jenny.
“You know that I don’t want to leave you every night though right?”
“So don’t.” She said rolling to lie on top of him.
Zack’s hands went to Jenny’s hips automatically.
“It wouldn’t be right for me to stay yet.” He said kissing her.
“Who says it’s right and who says it’s wrong?” She asked kissing his neck.
“Not tonight.” He said though he felt the desire to stay flare up when she bit his neck.
“Okay, I guess you’re right.” Jenny gave up and slid to his side so she could rest her head on his shoulder. “You have some serious will power.”
Zack laughed. “Why’s that?”
“I haven’t met one guy who could resist that.” She said kissing him on the neck again.
“It’s very hard. I also bet that those other guys didn’t know what it meant to have to have will power like I do.”
“You mean that don’t have curses?”
“Powers.” Zack corrected.
“True.” She said agreeing.
Zack got up from the couch knowing that if he stayed any longer Jenny would seduce him. She followed him to the door and opened it for him. Zack kissed her on the lips and then ducked out of her apartment.
Jenny stood in the doorway watching him walk down the hall. She noticed how the muscles in his back moved and bit her lip. She had just been so close.
Zack turned around at his door and waved to her.
“Good night.” Jenny said loud enough for Zack to hear.
“Night Jenny.” He smiled before unlocking his door.
Jenny ducked back into her apartment and locked the door. She went down to her room and shut the door before stripping down and climbing into her cold bed.
She fell asleep imagining ways to get Zack into her bed and what would happen once he was there.
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I don't have a title so I called it eight because it's the eighth chapter. Inventive, I know!