Status: Active, but may be slow. Need comments to make update faster x

Those Eyes


His blue eyes looked over the room, connecting with mine. The boring green colour, with brown flew around the puple. My breath left my chest when his lips turning into a smile, why was this amazing guy looking at me?? Why was he smiling at me??

"Move!" I heard a girls voice screeched, the shuffles of feet making a loud noise in this busy lunch hall. The feet soon stopped behind me, I didn't move one muscle, but those blue eyes moved away from mine, connecting to the girl behind me,

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way!" her voice shrilled over the lunch hall gossip, everyone hushed and watched with amazed eyes,

I turned my body around, sliding my feet to soon be looking at the devil child that everyone feared. Michella Blake. I took a step backwards, yet the space I made for her was apparantly not enough,

"When I tell you to move, little worthless Lili Martins, I mean move" she shook her head like an adult does when they tell their child not to climb on the sofa, or not to run around the garden to then bring in muddy foot prints everywhere.
Her small and 'perfect' body shoved past me, making me fall against the wall. Everyone started to chuckled and laugh out at how it had come around, me being pushing into the wall, her walking away free. I searched the hall for those blue eyes again, they met mine only for a second before their owner raised his arm, sweeping Michella under his arm to then walk out the back door entrance, the one they always escaped from in lunch.
I wished so badly at night, those eyes would look at me for more then a few minutes. To watch me walk around school, to meet whenever I turned around...but I knew Michella had those eyes only for her, so I couldn't let the images or dreams come from my lips.
So here I am. Lili be honest, there's nothing much to explain or tell you about myself...I've got long brown-blonde hair, it usually covers my left eye because of what happened a few years ago...but no one has showed any care in my life so I won't bore you with details. The whole of me in general, I'm the smallest in my house, but I've been told by a few people that I shouldn't be able to walk around like I do...I'm majorly skinny, not perfect skinny or model skinny...just skinny.
My dad died when I was seven, so I don't really remember him that much, all I know is he had brown eyes, and black hair. My mum looks after me and my sister, though my sister is younger then me, she can get away with almost anything. Almost being the one thing she's not allowed to do, is run off with guys and have her way with them, even though she's had way more boyfriends then me.
I took myself slowly to an empty table, everyone ignored where I went because I was the major freak that everyone couldn't understand. I soon grabbed the metal chair and dragged it silently out, taking a seat to then shuffle back in quietly, making sure I don't make a single sound.
I brang out my small diary book, opening to the last page I had been on, which was nearly at the end I'll have to get another one soon...
I looked at the blank page, wishing my mind to find something I could put in it today...but I guess the will power inside wasn't working, because I soon heard the bell ring for the end of lunch.

"Wow, you stared at that book for a whole hour, idiot" a boys voice called, I just ignored him.

I picked the book up slowly, placing it in my bag and waiting till the hall was empty of students, and had the cleaning ladies in. One came over to my table, worry shaping her deep brown eyes,

"Excuse me dear, but shouldn't you be off to lesson??" her voice croaked slightly, my lips made a side smile,

"Yes I am, sorry to bother you and your cleaning" was all I would say. I moved out from the seat and made my way to lesson. I was already going to be late but I knew no one would be hanging around the halls, waiting to pounce on me like every other lunch time.

History didn't make me interested. I sat in the front, pen to paper and wrote the answers down to what questions the teacher asked others. Every lesson when it came to the end, the teacher took my book and their eyes go wide,

" knew the answers to all of them. Why didn't you raise your hand??" was what they always ask,
my shoulders just shrug and I stay in the class till everyone has gone and it looks safe outside.
Teachers don't hear me speak anymore. I don't let myself speak because I know out of all my classes, I'm the one who knows all the answers. I wish I could be different, or have someone who was like me, someone who would sit by me without feeling scared or afraid, someone who wouldn't mind just sitting with me at lunch, even if not a word left either of our lips. I guess dreams can never come true.
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First chapter
Please tell me what you think, I've got at least 2 more chapters =)
But want to hear what people think of it so far =)