Status: Active, but may be slow. Need comments to make update faster x

Those Eyes

" isn't till Monday..."

I let my feet push me through the freezing cold wind, I needed to be away from the house and the only place that helped was the small park Dad used to take me to.
I didn't notice the tear falling down my cheek until I was safely in the gates of the park, the swings coming into view and making my insides smile...many a time I would sit on those and be pushed by Dad...even when I knew how to make myself swing all on my own.
I took the chain lightly in my hand, the cold touch of it bringing back smiling faces, laughter and giggles all through my mind...I wish I could have that life back, yet I knew I never would.
Closing my eyes, I sat down on the seat and started to kick my legs. Making myself go higher and higher then I'd ever gone before, yet it felt slightly scary as I couldn't see what was happening.
I heard a movement and my eyes flashed open, who would be out at this late?? Apart from me obviously...
I locked eyes with someones shadow, they were standing under the tree on the far side of the park. My sudden shiver made my head race...what if that person was here to hurt me?? What if he was going to take me and I'd never see my Mum or Miliy again??...What was I going to do??
The swing stopped and I just sat there, my eyes locked onto the figure who hadn't moved one step yet made me shiver inside. I wanted to leave, to be away from the figure yet I couldn't pull myself to get up and run house was only a 5 minute walk, would be shorter if I ran yet my body wasn't letting me even move my hand from the freezing chain that held me and the swing above the ground.
The figure moved an arm, scratching their head and sighing. My heart was racing so fast I thought I was going to go into was making my chest ache yet I still sat there and watched as the figure scratched their head, before starting to walk forward. That's when I opened my mouth to scream,

"Wait!" a guys voice called, the figure getting closer.

I closed my mouth, letting my eyes grow wide as the figure came rushing over to me. What was I going to do when he got here! Help Daddy!!
I moved my feet backwards, but the swing soon stopped me when the figure came into view. I knew who it was from the colour of those eyes...

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." he spoke slowly and calmly, his eyes showing fear instead of that sparkle I noticed everyday at school,

my lips wouldn't move, yet my whole body was shaking so much I felt like I was going to fall. I think he noticed as his eyes grew wider and stepped forward to try and make me sit on the swing. My body just froze until he stepped away again,

"I'm really sorry...I just saw you were here, I was walking back home" he pointed over to a direction that must have been where he lived, "And I realised it was looked really content swinging, I felt like watching...but not in one of those pervy ways!" he suddenly paniced, he started jumping on the spot, his hands waving infront of me to make sure I knew it...

I looked into his amazing eyes and just...without realising...laughed. It was a laugh I hadn't let slip for a long while, but when he stopped hoping around and smiled that smile, I didn't want to stop,

"Whats so funny??" he said, still smiling as his head tilted to the side,

I shook my head to say nothing, but I couldn't stop the just turned into a sort of chuckling to myself. He stepped forward a few seconds later, the chuckling stopped and my eyes shot up at his,

"You have really pretty eyes..." he whispered, maybe it wasn't for me to hear,

"I don't..." I whispered back, looking to the side of me so I could see his reaction. He probably wasn't talking to me at all.

his hand rested on my shoulder, soon moving under my chin to have my face slowly move to look into his eyes. I couldn't help my cheeks burning red, but it was dark...maybe he couldn't see. His lips made the perfect smile, maybe he could see...

"Your really cute..." he whispered, his eyes never once leaving mine...he meant it?? He couldn't...wouldn't. I'm not cute, I'm a nothing, a nobody...

I sighed out, his hand moving away from my chin with his eyes searching. I didn't want to see his face when I knew I'd never be this close to a guy hurt so much inside, to be able to be on your own with a guy, even in the middle of a park when it was nearly 11pm...when you knew that you'd never get this again...

"Whats the matter?? Did I say something wrong??...I know I shouldn't have watched you swinging...I know I should have just walked past and ignored you...but I don't know why, watching you made me feel free..." his voice was smooth and clear, but it trembled like he was about to cry,

I couldn't say anything, I just stared at the floor and wished I could vanish from this perfect moment. I heard movement from him, I thought he was walking away and leaving me...but I soon saw his knees in my view, looking up slowly I saw he had crouched down to be just about my level,

"Tell me whats wrong??" he whispered, he moved my face up completely to look into his eyes,

my head shook no, I couldn't start to explain it all...but his eyes made me feel wobbley inside, I just needed to get away but I knew inside I didn't want to...what can I do??
His eyes closed and moved to stare at the floor, I don't know why he looked so defeated when someone he didn't know anything about, wouldn't explain what was wrong.
I looked to the sky, just watching the stars twinkle because I knew somewhere, Dad was up there, looking down on this moment and telling me what to do...I just couldn't hear his words, I couldn't hear anything but the guys breathing that had gotten slowly peaceful from all the rushing and panic before...

"I don't even know your name..." he whispered next to me, I looked down to see him already looking at me again,

"I'm sure you've heard it around school, everyone hates me so why wouldn't you have??" I sighed, then looking to the floor Of course, the hot dude from school is talking to you, and you have to be the depressing idiotic girl!

"Well...I'm Ryan Langer" he spoke, his hand streching out only a little to meet mine,

I watched his face, seeing if he meant it as a joke. But he knelt there and just stared into my eyes...making my whole body feel warm. Take his hand and tell him your name! a voice spoke in my head...I didn't know what I should do, but listening to the voice I moved my hand halfway to his, scared he'd run off and laugh that I fell for the trick,

"I'm not going to hurt you..." he whispered, those eyes never leaving mine,

I sighed inside, the defeat to the voice in my head...I moved my hand closer to his, but waiting for him to realise and soon he took my hand lightly. His skin was so warm it made everything tingle with that feeling of home,

"Erm...I'm Lili Martins..." I finally croacked out. His eyes sparkling slightly and his smile spreading across his face,

"It's nice to meet you Lili" he smiled. I found my lips turning into a half smile, I hadn't smiled properly since Dad was the last person to see me smile, that wasn't going to suddenly change,

"Erm...I know it may sound very rude of me, Lili...but I should be heading back home. My parents will wonder where I've scambered off too and come out to find me...I was only coming back from..." her name never left his lips, I broke the gaze and looked to the floor,

"That's ok. I should go too...I left before my mum could speak...I need to sort some things out with her..." I mumbled, hoping he would just go.

his hand left mine, the chilling wind breaking through the comfort and making me wish he would stay longer. I looked up to see him stand from his spot, his eyes locking onto mine when he was finally standing straight,

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow??" he asked, why tomorrow?? It was Saturday,

" isn't till Monday..." Not like that would matter, your just going to forget about me I mumbled inside,

"Meet me here?? Tomorrow at this very spot...?? I want to get to know you more...but I don't mean it in a stalker way, I just feel like you need someone to talk too, and I mean you don't have to come here...I can stay here and if you don't want to meet up, I'll leave and won't talk to you again..." his voice sounded so real, like he truely meant it,

"Erm...I'll see what I can do??" I mumbled in asking, maybe that would be an ok answer,

"Brilliant! Well, I'm busy all morning and afternoon...can you meet up in the evening??" he asked, his eyes didn't move and my heart kept bounding against my chest,

"9pm??" I mumbled a request, seeing if he was truely thinking of meeting me,

"That'll be great. If you don't want to though, don't worry ok?? I'm sure it's not excately what you want...talking to me for who I am around school, but I'm not excately's just an act" he spoke out freely, then his hand swooped down to wait for mine,

my hand moved on it's own, holding his and feeling the warmth inside again. He pulled me to my feet off the swing, then smiled as his looked into my eyes, his hand still holding mine...

"I'll see you tomorrow" he spoke, his voice making the smile across his face even more worth while to watch,

I could only nod. My normal half smile came across my face, hoping that would do. His smile didn't waver, and soon he let go of my hand and rushed over to the direction he had pointed to, which felt so long ago...
My knees trembled when the final sight of him disapeared...I wanted to follow him, but I knew I couldn't. Willing my feet to move, they turned to the direction of my road and took a step at a time, the feeling of being warm was still tingling through my veins, even though the creator had gone and left me standing...
I'm sure you could already mind was filled with all sorts of questions, the first being...
"Why had he been so happy to see me again??"
♠ ♠ ♠
So she gets to talk to the nice guy =)
Ryan Langer isn't the guy he is in school, but you'll have to see what he's really like =)
Keep reading, and tell me what you think =)