Status: Active, but may be slow. Need comments to make update faster x

Those Eyes

"Just to keep you warm ok?"

All through the day my mind came up with plans, yet figuring they'd all go wrong I imagined the huge bin inside my head, and threw them'd think it would have over flowed with the ammount of ideas I had, it never did though...
Mum and Miliy left the house a little before 7pm. Miliy had been jumping around the whole house while I had to tidy the was really difficult when your little sister runs around, knocking stuff over without caring it could be break-able or not. A couple of times I had to walk out the room to calm down, but I'd see Mum sighing and have to retreat back into the hell of Miliy in a room.
When the door shut after them, the whole place was quiet...too quiet, which made shivers all up my back with the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck standing on end. My mind suddenly shot with Ryan's face again, and I ran upstairs to wear something warm but nice to be out in. I was going to meet him, even if Mum came back to find I wasn't here, I was going to see him no matter what she said.
My black skinny jeans, thick long sleeved top got pulled on quickly, my winter socks and thick converse were next, making my feet tingle at the warmth that soon came. My hoodie was really thick, I didn't want to freeze but I didn't want to look stupid either, so I left the coat at home.
The front door closed quietly, I locked it and looked at my phone...8:45pm...had taken a little while to get dressed huh??
The walk was a little colder then yesterday, my feet felt warm though but my cheeks felt like they were burning from the cold breeze. My hair blowing all over the place, mainly in my eyes which made it much harder to see where I was going...lucky I knew excately where to go and what corners to turn.
The park soon came into view, and when I stopped to stare at the most peaceful place I knew, I saw a figure sitting at the swings. My face turned into the normal half smile, but I didn't realise the other half had slowly started making it a proper lips soon making it dead straight...Don't get over the top!
I grabbed what hair I could hold onto and walked slowly over to the gate, I watched as the figure watched me open and then close the gate slowly. In my head I could see me running to him like we'd known each other forever but when I slowly walked over, his eyes looked broken...they didn't twinkle in the light and his cheeks reflected light from tear trails,

"Hey..." I whispered, to shocked for any other words,

"Hey..." he mumbled back, his eyes didn't lock onto mine and it worried me...maybe he was going to tell me he didn't want to see me after all,

"Are you ok??" I mumbled, his body shook from the cold, his hands looked blue from being in the open breeze for so long,

"" he stuttered out, I took the swing next to him and just looked at him, worried,

"Whats wrong??" my voice sounding a little weird, I felt bad for him somehow,

"Erm...well...I have a little brother...Liam, but erm...he..." his voice croaked to a stop, with tears falling down his cheeks, the trails lighting their way yet again,

I didn't know what came over me, but I stood off the swing and knelt infront of him. His eyes looked at mine before falling to the floor...I didn't want him to hurt. I rested on my knees and wrapped my arms loosely around him, his body shaking only slightly now with his breathing soon turning back to it's normal rhythm.
I knelt there and held him, his head resting on my shoulder like he'd held it up for so long it had become to heavy for him to hold. Don't ruin this moment, just stay there and say not a word. His body soon moved away from mine and I looked into his eyes, my hands falling in my lap as I stared up at him, hoping I had helped a little,

"Thanks..." he whispered, I gave him my half smile,

"Erm...I know it sounds really weird, you can say no as much as you like..." I mumbled, looking to the floor yet wanted to carry on with my idea, "But you look really cold...and I know that no one is home at mine...and I know last time my house was shown recked. But did you want to hang out there?? Like look really cold, I can make you hot chocolate if you like..." my voice mumbled and I blushed at the sudden-ness of my thoughts,

he sat there and I was worried if I had ruined it, if I shouldn't have hugged him, shouldn't have asked if he wanted to come over...but I couldn't leave him here, freezing and crying without an option to be somewhere warm.

"Ok...but only if it's ok with you..." he mumbled back, making my head shoot up to look at his,

"That's fine with me. I mean, it's just to have hot chocolate, watch Tv maybe..." I mumbled again, the fact I just thought about if my mum came home and saw him...I wasn't going to bother worrying.

He smiled and stood slowly, his hand out for mine which I shakely took before smiling halfly. He let go and I felt that tingle of warmth fall away but I just kept half smiling, to then have us both walking in the direction to my house.
It felt weird, walking back slowly with someone next to me...I'd always made sure no one followed, to be sure our house couldn't be recked and ruined like before.
Ryan stayed looking at the floor, until we walked upto my front door where I quickly saw his cheeks blush slightly. I soon opened the door and let him walk through first, soon to follow and lock it behind us, my mum wouldn't worry that much...would she??

"It's huge..." he whispered, making me chuckle slightly,

"Not that big. Come into the kitchen and I'll make you a hot mum says I'm good at it, make it extra thick or creamy...something like that" I mumbled at the end, embaressing myself even more,

we both made our way to the kitchen. Miliy's toys everywhere which made me blush and kick them out of the way gently, why did little sisters have to be so messy??!
I let him sit at the table while I went to work on his hot chocolate. Not a word was said but yet it felt nice to just be around someone. Soon he spoke and my body froze at the words,

"You said before about your house getting recked??"

my hands started to shake as I remembered that day. Placing the cup and kettle down so not drop them, I lent against the counter to try and calm myself down. I didn't want to remember it, I didn't want to remember that day...yet I couldn't get it out of my head.
The sound of footsteps were distant in the buzzing I had giong through my head, until a hand touched my shoulder, making the buzzy noise vanish and my cheek grow red.
I turned around and was met by his amazing eyes again. They were really something, I can't imagine someone else having them...they sparkled in the light, and glimmered in the dark. They were truely beautiful.

"Are you ok??" this shimmer of worry spread through them, I wanted to make it go away...

"I'm...fine. I just don't really want to remember what happened..." I whispered out, feeling stupid for wanting to cry all of a sudden,

he nodded his head and soon was just standing infront of me. His eyes watching me as if he wanted to protect me from all the bad things that had happened. I looked up and gazed into his eyes, it was amazing the pull I got from it...until he coughed and smiled slightly, I could feel my cheeks growing red,

"Erm...the kettle is still on...should I turn it off??" he mumbled slowly, my cheeks flushing even more. I was making him hot chocolate, that was what I was doing...

"Oh!" I jumped, his body jumping too,

I jumped a little to much, and soon found myself knocking the kettle over...his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me away from the hot water that was spilt everywhere across the counter and floor. I was doing everything wrong...and yet I didn't know why.
When he was sure I wasn't going to fall over, he let go of me and went to work clearing the water. It had cooled down a bit I thought as I watched him grabbing the tea-towel and moping it all up slowly...I would have helped but I was glued to the spot, watching as he cleared the floor.
His body moved slowly with every turned and swish he made the towel make. Everytime he stood up again to ring it out, his legs wouldn't waver once...this guy was amazing. His eyes soon locked onto mine when he had finished, his smile spreading across his lips slowly...probably at finding I was already looking at him,

"Think that's all done. I think I'll get a rain-check on the hot chocolate" he chuckled, throwing the wet tea-towel in the washer,

"Sorry I mucked everything up..." I mumbled,

"No need to be. Erm...what do you want to do now??" he asked quietly, making me look to the kitchen clock,

it was almost 10pm...Mum would be back with Miliy in no time yet I didn't want him to leave. I looked back at him, his face dropping as it looked at mine,

"You need me to go??" his voice sounded a little he too didn't want to go,

"My mum and little sister will be back soon..." I mumbled, but then suddenly got hit with an idea.

Grabbing his wrist gently I pulled him out of the mess in the kitchen and up the stairs. When I turned the corner heading for my room, I watched his face panic in not knowing where we were going, or why...I opened my door slowly, and then locked it afterwards. My mum knew that if I locked my door, I didn't want to be hopefully she'd think I was sleeping. I let him look around while watching his every move. I somehow trusted this guy without knowing much about him at all...

"Why are we in your room??" he whispered,

"Because if my mum sees you, a) I'll get yelled at alot, b) she'll never let me hear the end of how I trust someone again...because the last time it lead to us having to move, c) Miliy can't see you, or she'll never shut up about you and lastly...I kinda feel safe when your around..." I mumbled the last bit, sliding down the door while hiding my face from his gaze,

"Oh..." was all he said, making me wish I had shut my mouth and never spoke a word.

He was soon sitting next to me and rested a hand on my shoulder, I didn't know why he was there, I had thought I scared him for good...imagined him demanding me to let him out of my room, yet he was sitting right next to me!

"Sorry...I should shut up can go if you want, I won't keep you here..." I mumbled, feel embaressed and ashamed,

"I don't need to go anywhere, to be honest I feel you said, safe around you. I was crying before, because I had found out my little brother ran away...I know I should be out trying to find him, yet I just don't feel like I could...I've looked after him for so many years and now he's gone, I feel like I can't break away from the happy place I had with him..." he whispered, fully sitting down next to me and leaning against me slightly,

"How old is he??" I whispered out, not knowing what else to say,

"Oh he's when he gets hungry, he'll wonder back. It's not the first time he's run away, but this time it was a shock...he didn't mention about running away, yet he has and I can't bare the thought of him not waiting at home..." he whispered, sounding like he was suddenly tired,

"Erm...I'm not sure what to say. I know I've run away once or twice, living with a mum who can't do everything right anymore, a sister who is never leaving you alone...and wishing your dad would come back to help...I'm not excately sure where he'd go..." I whispered, looking up to see his face laying on my shoulder,

his eyes were closed and his breathing had slowed. His lips would move yet only mumbled words would escape. Had he just fallen asleep on my shoulder??!...
I sat there still as I watched his peaceful face slowly move while he started to dream of something. I didn't know what I could do...I was scared if I moved he'd wake up and jump around everywhere, yet I knew I or he couldn't sleep on the floor against my door all night. I slowly moved yet not letting his head move that much...then somehow rested his head against the door, before moving his whole body across my shoulder. He wasn't a heavy guy at all to be honest...but he was heavier then me to say in the slightest...
Mumbled words escaped him, his dream state still helping gratefully. Stumbling over to my bed, I soon sat him and me down...then laying him down across is slowly before moving his legs to be on the bed and not hanging off. Then came the big question...

"Where am I going to sleep??" I asked myself in the dark...

his body shifted slightly, like he was awake...which was soon discovered as true when his eyes slowly opened,

"You could have just woken me up...instead of carrying me all the way over here..." he mumbled, the small smile creeping across his face,

"I don't really like waking people up..." I mumbled back, giving him the half smile,

"Well, it looks like you don't have anywhere else to sleep..." he whispered, how did he know I was thinking that??,

"I can sleep on the floor, it's not a problem..." I mumbled, turning around slightly to find a good spot to lay,

"Oh no you don't" he spoke out a little more then a whisper. His hand gently took mine and I was soon pulled down and sitting on my bed,

"What are you doing??!" I asked paniced, my eyes wide with fright,

"I didn't mean to scare you..." he looked away, his hand leaving my wrist and moving it to his chest...yet pushing it away like it was on fire,

"I just paniced...I'm sorry" I whispered, searching the floor for a spot to lay down on again,

"Share the bed with me, I know it's yours anyway...but I can't push you out of your own bed. Nothing more intended I swear" he clenched his hand into a fist and layed it gently over where his heart would be,

I watched in amusement. Then laying down next to him I shivered slightly, he must have saw as he soon sat up and grabbed my blanket that was kept at the bottom of my bed, before laying it over the both of us.
My eyes never let his when we just layed there...this wasn't happening surely...I was laying in bed with the guy I only met could this be happening?? How could this be happening to me??!
My body gave another shiver and I felt his arms gently wrap around me, pulling me against him. My eyes looked paniced to his and he sighed slowly,

"Just to keep you warm ok??" he whispered, I just nodded in reply.

I rested my head against his chest gently, the smell coming off his jumper filled my head and sent me even deeper into the sleeping feeling. The last I remember was hearing the front door opening, Mum moaning at Miliy for not hurrying up, before the silence and his smell sent me into a dream filled sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's late D=
Been thinking alot about everything...and haven't been able to write properly...
I know it does seem fast, the fact he's sleeping round her house...and they've only just met...BUT! She didn't want to send him home at that late, and when you find someone or soemthing that makes you feel want to hold onto it as much as you can...
Please comment ^^