Status: Heartbroken

How I came To Love Avenged Sevenfold

How Could This Happen...

Tabs are truly a gift from the rock gods. They gave me the advantage of learn more than six song by A7X. That is more than I would've ever dreamed of learning. I was slowly but surely becoming a die-hard fan of A7X. I would be one as soon as I got a car.
My birthday was coming up and all I wanted was my first A7X band tee. I wrote it four times on my wish list. I could almost see it in my head showing up to one of their concerts shouting The Rev's name with my band tee,flaunting it around for everyone to see. I had already made a master plan to work up enough money by sweeping floors at a local market,hitch a ride to the nearest venue and enjoy a night of hard rocking.
By the time my birthday was on arrival I had already stolen a look at my present. Everything was a total score and a smile with every item. I still managed to look surprised when I recieved my presents. My boyfriend surprised me though,with a wallet sized picture of The Rev. I personally thought that was the best present out of them all considering The Rev was my favorite member.
I got the shirt and soon that week I picked up my broom to start sweeping away. My plan was to go to a show in early 2010. So far the plan had been coming along perfectly fine,I had already worked up $45 dollars in the two weeks I had been working. I worked up until early December,when I had enough money to order the tickets at the end of the month.
On the night of December 28,2009 I was laying in my bed counting my money on over and over again. I was visualizing the concert. My heros,my inspiration up on stage playing the songs that brought tears to my eyes from the beauty of it all. Me,pounding my fist in the on going riot in the crowd. Screaming my head off to the words of Unholy Confessions,headbanging until my neck was becoming loose.
I would finally be able to see them,feel them,hear them. The reason for it all. The reason I picked up those drumsticks. The reason I picked up my guitar everyday to practice until my fingers bled. The thought itself made me shout with joy.
That night I went to bed with the biggest smile on my face. I slept dreaming of the concert. The smell of sweaty die-hard fans all around me. I opened my eyes and yawned. I picked up my phone to check for messages. There I found the end of my hero. "'s The Rev. He's dead."