Status: Still in-progress. :)

OMJ I Killed Joe Jonas?

Chapter 7

When I came to, I realized I was no longer in the kitchen, where I had passed out with the knife still in my hands. Oh no. Oh NO. Had I slept-walked again? Did I kill him? Was he still here? What was going on?

I let out a sigh of relief as I came to recognize our room and glanced at him, still alive and glaring at me through thoughtful, chocolate-brown eyes. I realize now that those eyes were the reason I fell in love in the first place. But I also realize that in that dream I had, his eyes were the last things to go blank and lose the life within. I shivered.

He placed his feet at the foot of the bed. The top of his right foot was covered with a large bandage and my eyes grew wide, knowing what had caused such damage.

But it doesn't hurt to ask.

"What happened?" My voice was barely audible.

"I don't know," he replied. "Maybe I should ask you the same thing."

Did he know? Did I talk in my sleep as well?

My eyes couldn't meet his. "Are you mad at me?" I whispered. Oh, God, please tell me he doesn't know...

"I'm not sure" was his simple answer. Which meant he WAS mad. But it didn't seem like he knew anything about the horrible dreams I've been having.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Really," I croaked out. "I just--I don't know.. I--I just woke up, and the knife and it--" No. I wouldn't cry. "You're not--you're not thinking of divorce, are you?"

He shook his head and I let out a sigh of relief. "That's stupid," he commented curtly.

After a moment of silence, he turned back to me, worried. "Are you?" he asked.

"NO!" I cried. "I wouldn't dream of it!"

He shrugged. "It's just, you've been acting really weird lately. And I don't know why the sudden change. You were so calm and happy, and... I don't know... it seems like you're hitting a state of depression or your midlife crisis or something. I just want to know if it's me."

"A midlife crisis in my twenties? Heck no!" I thought joking was appropriate in such a situation like this. "But, no, it's not you. At all. It's just... I'm a little stressed. That's all, really," I lied. I couldn't tell him. Never ever ever.

He actually smiled. "Okay."

And that was that. I was surprised he let go of the matter so quickly. But I shouldn't have been, because that was how he was. I shrugged and turned off the lights.

By the time I drifted off, it was already morning.
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Kuromisa here! Okay, here's chapter 7. How do you likes?