Status: Will write for comments(:


Bourgeois Shangri-La

"What's your name?"

Why do you need to know?


"Your real name."

She hesitated. Wasn't Paddy enough? But no, nothing was ever enough.

"Eleanore Paddalin," she mumbled. The therapist looked up from her notepad and pursed her lips. Paddy dropped her gaze to the plush white carpet.

"Would you prefer if I called you Paddy?" Paddy nodded. "Alright, well Paddy, my name is Tara Moise but you can call me Dr. Moise."

I don't care.

"Do you know why your here today?" the therapist asked. Paddy could hear the underlining eagerness in her voice. What was she eager about? Was she eager to make it seem like Paddy was a total nutcase? It seemed like everyone wanted to use that excuse nowadays. "Paddy?" said Dr. Moise's soft voice. Paddy suddenly disliked how her name sounded coming from the therapist. Nonetheless, she finally looked up meeting Dr. Moise's impassive brown eyes.

Dr. Moise stared at Paddy, taking her in. She'd obviously come from money, with her designer shoes, and sundress. Her skin was healthy and was a natural peach color from the California sun. Her dark locks were pulled up into a clip, and that's when Dr. Moise saw it. The forest green orbs, specked with light blue. The ever famous eyes to the Paddalin fortune. So this was the heir to the Paddalin name. Eleanore Paddalin.

"Yes," Paddy answered, finally realizing she'd failed to say anything. She quickly averted her eyes to her sandals. Dr. Moise blinked once–twice, then cleared her throat.

"I- yes, what was that?"

Her father was paying Dr. Moise thousands of dollars for her to forget what she'd been talking about? Paddy bit back a smile.

"I know why I'm here," said Paddy. A soft red bloomed under Dr. Moise's cheeks and she scribbled into her notepad, then cleared her throat. "Paddy, would you like to share anything?" Paddy shook her head, and ran her index finger softly against the bottom of her hair.

A few moments of awkward silence passed before Dr. Moise sighed. "Why don't you tell me a few things about yourself?" Paddy crossed her ankles and raised one shoulder.

What could she say anyways? That she hated her life? That as much as she despised going to a therapist, she'd rather stay here than go home because today was Thursday? That she barely knew her parents? That she didn't know if she had any relatives? That would be a load off, but why should Dr. Moise know anything?

"Paddy, I know this is hard for you, but I really am here to help. I believe that if we can know each other on a personal level, then it will be easier for us both to talk to each other," said Dr. Moise.

Paddy watched her therapist number 5 talking, but shut out her voice. She knew every word she was saying, but just didn't want to hear it. Instead she translated songs from French to English and so on.

It had been 44 minutes and 52 seconds. 44 minutes and 52 seconds of nonstop Dr. Moise. She talked.

And talked.

And talked.

About her fiancé, and the house they were buying. Not to mention every single school she'd gone to. Paddy stared at the clock, thinking that this therapy session had been more about Dr. Moise than herself.

"-and I just feel that everyone needs someone to talk to, which is how I decided to be a therapist," Dr. Moise finished. Paddy squinted at the clock, then turned and looked down at her Rolex.

Just another second...

"Goodbye," Paddy murmured, standing up from her seat. Dr. Moise looked up at the clock startled. By the time she turned to wave, Paddy had already signed out, and was waiting for the elevators.


While most families ate dinner together every night, the Paddalin family ate dinner together on Thursdays. Never a day before, nor a day later. Murium Paddalin, Paddy's mother, felt family time was a must, even though the family barely spoke.

Nonetheless, Henry Paddalin would fly in from wherever he was doing business, Murium would drive back from wherever vacation house she was staying at, and Paddy would venture into the dining room.

Dinner was always filled with mindless chatter, and incessant lies. Of course Paddy barely spoke, only to ask to pass the bread rolls.

"So how have you been, darling?" Murium spoke, after dabbing the corners of her mouth with her napkin. Paddy chewed a bite of lamb and shrugged a single shoulder. Murium smiled, and nodded, as if Paddy had eagerly told about her day. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Paddy focused on buttering her bread roll. "I'll see if I can arrange us to go out to lunch tomorrow."


Paddy nodded and stuffed the bread into her mouth. Henry glanced at his daughter and sipped his scotch. "How was the, ah, therapist appointment?"

Paddy swallowed and sipped her wine. "Fine," she mumbled. Henry nodded, and dug into his food once again.

Conversation over.

A near silent beep sounded in Paddy's ear, and she casually looked down at her watch. She blinked and went back to eating. As if reading her mind, Henry swore and dabbed his mouth, before pulling out his Blackberry.

Wait for it...

"Oh Henry, not another meeting! We're having dinner," whined Murium. Paddy nodded to herself. Right on time. "Put the phone away please."

"Ah, shoot. My apologies, but I've got to run. I'll call you tomorrow, Eleanore," Henry spoke quickly.


Paddy nodded, and silently stuck out five fingers on her lap. Henry circled the large oak table and kissed his wife chastely. Paddy pulled in one finger. Henry straightened his starched suit and pecked his daughters forehead. He exited the dining room and Paddy could hear him briefly speaking to Rose, the family housekeeper. Paddy pulled in another finger, and looked up at her mother.

Murium's face was set in a pout, and she stroked the giant diamond on her wedding ring. Paddy pulled in another finger. Then a chime rang out in the large room, and Murium squeaked before holding up a finger to her daughter.

She reached into her purse, pulled out her identical Blackberry, and pressed it to her ear. Paddy pulled in another finger. Murium spoke softly then hung up and looked over at Paddy. Her blue eyes looked so falsely apologetic Paddy looked down to hide her smirk. Paddy pulled in the last finger just as Murium opened her mouth.

"Oh dear, Eleanore I'm so sorry! I have to go take care of somethings at the house in Fiji," she stood up, and air kissed each of Paddy's cheeks. "I promise I'll have you come down so we can have some mother-daughter time."


Paddy nodded and waited until she heard the french doors close to stand up. She shook her head to herself and shuffled upstairs. They were so predictable, it was a wonder they were even related to her. Did they really think after 15 years of this, she would just believe they automatically had to leave? Pathetic.

She had Rose start her a bath, and settled into the steaming bubbles. She wondered if she stayed underwater long enough, would her parents come back to bury her body. They probably would.

♠ ♠ ♠
Every chapter will be named after a song, considering the story has to do with music. This chapter is: Bourgeois Shangri-La by Miss Li. It's a really cool song.

Comments are what make me happy.