Drum God

Can You Hear Us?

The world believes that this is some sick joke,
Or at least we’re hoping that it is just some joke.

Unfortunately it’s not a joke, and it is reality,
And reality sucks.

It’s not fair, and it’s not going to be.
You were too young to be taken from us,
And you had so much for to do before you left.

But I guess there’s a set time for everyone and your number was called.

Many have never met you, but they still share the same bond with you.
You were everyone’s best friend.
Everyone’s goof ball.
Everyone’s life of the party.

Whether you were throwing beers in your face,
Or chasing ducks at the park,
Or playing your triple bass,
You always had us smiling.

Those lucky enough to meet you said that you were an amazing person,
That you were kind and considerate.
I believe every word of it.

Your band, your best friends, your brothers, your wife,
They’re all missing you to death.
It’s never going to be the same without you.

However, I know that one day,
They will pick up the pieces and carry on with their dreams,
Reminding themselves that they are doing it for you.
Because it’s what you would’ve wanted.

You never were a man for politics,
But you weren’t afraid to speak your mind like one.

You were the hero to many of us.
The idol we adored.

You were the one person we just had to meet.
The crazy spazz we had to give a hug to.

Your feet may never touch the earth again,
But your wings will enable you to fly and watch over us.
Just like a stallion duck, you aren’t afraid of anything.
You probably could out run them with your wings too.

Where ever you may be right now,
You better be raising some hell.

We won’t forget you down here, if you don’t forget us up there.
We’ll miss you, and we’ll cry,
But we’ll move on one day,
But we still won’t forget.

Until we meet you up there, we will be forever heartbroken.

So until then, this is good bye.

Goodbye to our idol.
Goodbye to our best friend.
Goodbye to our goof ball.
Goodbye to our Reverend Tholomew Plague.

Goodbye to the man that will forever be remembered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feel free to use this somewhere else if you'd like.
I think it's beautifully written.
But if you do use it, i would like the credit. thanks.

Give em' hell Rev!