I Just Wanna...


The food on his plate was hot and bright with color, yet he wasn't all that hungry. His stomach was still turning over and back into itself. He couldn't get that damned Gerard kid out of his head and he preferred it that way but good lord was it irritating him. He wished nothing more than to go up to him, wind that gorgeous black hair in his fingers and kiss him hard on the mouth, a kiss that could make your mother blush.

“Frank! You haven’t touched your food!” his mother complained. Speak of the devil. He blinked a few times and then looked up at his parents. His father was munching away at his green bean casserole while his mother was looking worried. “Is everything alright dear?”

“What?” Frank asked. Alright? No, ofcoarse it wasn’t! “Oh, uh, yeah. Everything fine.” He said quietly, looking down at his food. It looked good enough. Inwardly sighing he picked up his fork and dug in.

"Well then, how was your first day at school? I'm sure it was great." She smiled widely at him.

Frank wanted to run from the table screaming more than anything but forced a smile for his loving mother. “School was good mom.” He replied. It was more than good. It wasn’t even great, like she had suggested. School was magnificent because he had met Gerard.

He wanted for Friday to come again, so that he could sit amongst them, talk amongst them and fit in. Be one with a group of people that would accept him for him. But after his dinner and after taking his shower Friday obviously hadn’t come. Friday didn’t come when he researched D&D on the family’s computer, or when he opened his eyes the next morning. He basically had a whole week ahead of him before Friday would come again and it bothered him immensely.

Instead of dwelling on it he went to his room, sat down at his laptop and began to search anything and everything about Dungeons and Dragons. Trying his hardest to absorb all the information that he could. After his homework was finished and after he was done with his chores, that’s what he would do. It was becoming a slight obsession, all in a matter of a few days. He wondered if Gerard felt like this, if any of them felt like this really. How had they stumbled upon it before him? What had caught their interest? Frank hadn’t known much at first other than the somewhat fantasy world, but he had always wanted to find out more.

Hobbits and gypsies and kings and damsels! Dwarves, goblins, quests and adventures! What wasn’t to like about it all? The only thing that Frank was hesitant about was picking his name. Did he do it himself, like, just happen upon it? Or was a name given to him by Gerard or the other members whose names he’s yet to learn. He didn’t want to pick something and get made fun of for choosing something completely absurd but he also didn’t want to show up empty handed and be embarrassed that way either.

Making the decision that he would think up a name, just in case they did not in fact choose a name for him. He merely wanted to be prepared for that. He was lucky enough to find an actual name generator, so that he wouldn’t sound so stupid creating one himself. It was easy enough, putting in the first and last letter in his first name, and the first letter of his last name. He chose male and for race he stuck with human. He didn’t want to assume that they would let him be anything else. For class he chose rogue, again not assuming. He wasn’t even sure what to put for profession so he chose random and when it asked if he was a nobleman or a commoner he chose commoner. The last question was about his fame. He chose one, being the lowest number. Fruian Hawklight is the name he received. The site said something about him being a waiter or something. Whatever, He didn’t really care what he was as long as he got to play. Even if he didn’t play, he still got to see Gerard!
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Well I took the liberty of posting this myself. I know it's short, but hey.

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